Naihe got up with difficulty from the ground, but before he stood firm, he fell down again because of lack of physical strength.

Emperor Ziwei didn't even take a look at Naihe, and focused all his attention on Zhang Ziling.

"Devil Emperor, do you just watch the people who follow you get tortured like this?" The Great Emperor Ziwei mobilized the power of the stars to bombard the black chains that trapped him, while taunting Zhang Ziling, wanting Zhang Ziling to come over.

After the Great Emperor Ziwei knew that he was being used as an inflator by Zhang Ziling, he had decided to fight Zhang Ziling to the end.

Dignified saints, absolutely can't suffer this humiliation!

For Emperor Ziwei, who mastered the top 30 Avenue of Stars in the Three Thousand Avenue Rule, he could not even use half of his power against a beginner saint.

What's more, Naihe has only pure power and has no mastery of any great principles at all.

However, in front of Emperor Ziwei, it was like a villager who could only use brute force holding an axe and dancing in front of the master of Guoxue, completely without any rules.

When the Great Emperor Ziwei thought of Naihe's performance in front of him, his heart couldn't stop anger.

In the eyes of Emperor Ziwei, Zhang Ziling sent him to fight him, simply not putting him in his eyes and despising him.

Emperor Ziwei vowed that as long as he breaks through this chain cage, he will tear Zhang Ziling to pieces!

Naihe's performance Zhang Ziling was all in his eyes, and it can be said that Naihe's performance was quite satisfactory, and his strength did not exceed his own realm at all.

It seems that Naihe's limit is already a low-level saint.

"Did you see? Naihe has no hidden power at all. If he is beaten like this, I am afraid Naihe will die!" Izanami really couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to help Naihe.

"You can't change anything even if you go down." Zhang Ziling suddenly grabbed Izanami's hand and stopped Izanami.

"But how..."

"I know." Zhang Ziling said softly, then glanced at the broken body below Naihe, and then sighed slightly.

"Perhaps I was wrong." Zhang Ziling shook his head, "However, he doesn't know how to use the power hidden in his body, at least it cannot be stimulated under high pressure."

Zhang Ziling said in his mouth, but the sentence of sorry Naihe kept reverberating in his mind.

Zhang Ziling admitted that he cast his anger towards the evil emperor on Naihe. Although there is a plan to stimulate the power lurking in Naihe's body, Zhang Ziling does not have the idea of ​​venting selfish desire...

"Fine, you got my approval."

Zhang Ziling sighed lightly, then stepped slightly, and the whole body was in front of Naihe, and the surrounding chains turned into black energy and dissipated.

The starlight in the sky is not blocked by chains, directly illuminating the earth, and the whole world is glowing with endless starlight.

Although it looks very beautiful, it is full of danger everywhere.

Even Izanami felt very uncomfortable under this starry sky.

When the Great Emperor Ziwei saw Zhang Ziling flying down, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly raised, and said, "Finally, you won't hide behind that waste."

"Master Devil, I..." Naihe couldn't even lift his head now, and he could only speak with all his strength, with endless guilt in his tone.

Naihe's limbs were already twisted, his bones shattered and his face was bloodstained.

"As a saint, but I haven't even mastered the laws of the Great Dao, this kind of weird waste, let's die." The Great Emperor Ziwei glanced at the Naihe behind Zhang Ziling, and then mocked.

The Emperor Ziwei, who had just experienced a big victory, was now completely confident.

No matter how powerful the Devil Emperor is, it is just a legend in the rumors. No one knows what method Zhang Ziling used to pit the Lord to death.

Judging from the sky full of chains and the prohibition of blocking the world, Emperor Ziwei also admitted that Zhang Ziling's methods were weird.

However, this does not mean that Emperor Ziwei is not Zhang Ziling's opponent.

Strange power does not mean strong.

In the eyes of Emperor Ziwei, it is not difficult to solve Zhang Ziling as long as he is careful not to let the chains hit.

Zhang Ziling did not take the ridicule of Emperor Ziwei seriously, but said indifferently: "No matter what, you are optimistic."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, he raised his head with difficulty to look at Zhang Ziling's back, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Devil, Lord Devil?"

"You are..." Great Emperor Ziwei just laughed, and then his pupils shrank suddenly.

Zhang Ziling suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Emperor Ziwei the next moment, clenching his fists, his expression indifferent.

"this is?"

Feeling the fierce aura, Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha opened his eyes and stared at Zhang Ziling.


Zhang Ziling punched the face of Emperor Ziwei, and the purple armor of Emperor Ziwei's body was instantly shattered, and his whole body ejected like a cannonball and crashed into the mountains thousands of miles away.

The mountain collapsed.

"This, this power..."

The ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, a bean-sized cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

The golden barrier around him was broken, and blood stains appeared on his cheeks.

The Great Emperor Ziwei flew past him just now, and the strong wind directly smashed his body protection supernatural power, and even broke his defense!

With such a powerful force, the ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern glanced at his hands subconsciously.


It was trembling!

"Really, really exaggerated..." In the sky, Nami Yiyan swallowed slightly, staring blankly at Zhang Ziling's back, her brain blank.

What happened to the punch just now?

Yixanamei couldn't help looking thousands of miles away, the collapsed high mountain, completely buried the Great Ziwei.

The starry sky even showed signs of fading.

After Emperor Ziwei flew out, Zhang Ziling didn't stay in place either, and once again turned into a black light and swept towards Emperor Ziwei.

Burning the ancient Buddha only felt a strong wind hit, and he took a few steps aside, almost not falling to the ground.

Zhang Ziling's speed seemed to have broken the limit.


There was a continuous roar in the distance, and the power of the endless stars rushed to the distance, but it was swallowed clean by the demon energy that permeated the distance.

"This..." The ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern saw that Emperor Ziwei had no resistance in front of Zhang Ziling, and there was a flash of fear in his eyes.

After that, the ancient Buddha of Burning Deng set his gaze in front of Naihe, who was not far away, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Don't blame me for being cruel."

Now, perhaps only by holding hostages can escape.

Burning lantern ancient Buddha swears that as long as he escapes from this small world, he will definitely escape into the vast universe and will never return!

The shrine had absolutely no resistance in front of the man.

The gods will die.

"What are you going to do with the lamp!"

Seeing the burning lamp ancient Buddha rushed towards the evil emperor, Yixannamei's face changed drastically, and she exclaimed directly.

She didn't expect that the ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern would start playing with Yin!

"Come here!"

The expression on the ancient Buddha of Burning Lantern became savage, and he grasped Naihe who fell on the ground with one claw.

But at this critical moment, a dark shadow flew in the distance!

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