Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1210: Devil's Legacy

Below the fairy peak, there was thunder flickering, and the devilish energy turned into a black dragon, roaring wantonly.

The origin of the magic way is already floating in front of Zhang Ziling at this moment, and endless magic energy is surging out, flooding Xingyu like a flood.

Xingyu's eyes were red, and he knelt on the ground and roared. The devil energy poured into his body, making him feel like his whole body was torn apart, and unbearable pain filled every part of his body.

"Ok, so scary..."

A few **** soldiers didn't even dare to look again. Although those turbulent devilish energy had been weakened by Zhang Ziling a lot, to Xingyu, it was still extremely terrifying.

There is the pain of thousands of ants eating their hearts!

"Nine...Master! I can't bear it anymore!" Xingyu roared, feeling that he would burst into death at any time.

The current Xingyu is holding his breath completely on his own. If that tight nerve is disconnected at this moment, Xingyu will definitely burst and die!

However, Zhang Ziling just looked at Xingyu indifferently, turning a deaf ear to Xingyu's roar, but once again increased the output of devil energy.

"Is the boss a bit too much?" Chu Yuanjie swallowed slightly, looking at Zhang Ziling's indifferent look, and she couldn't stand it.

In Chu Yuanjie's view, with Xingyu's body strength during the foundation period, he could never withstand such a powerful impact.

"It's a bit... that kid can't hold on anymore." Even the heaven seeker felt that Zhang Ziling was a bit too much. Xingyu now is like a bomb that will explode at any time, and Xingyu's mental power is a countdown. Xingyu slackened a little bit, and his whole body would definitely explode!

"However, this kid is a bit interesting...changing to another monk of the same level or even a higher level, he has long been unable to hold on, this kid is still holding on to the present." The Nine Heavens Demon Orb stared at Xingyu and said softly. His eyes were full of admiration.

Although Xingyu yelled that he couldn't hold on, he still insisted on accepting the inheritance.

With the passage of time, the demon energy that poured into Xingyu's body has not decreased but increased, and there is no sign of weakening.

The pain has also gradually increased.

Even the **** soldiers don't know how long this inheritance will end.

Xingyu's skin was dry and cracked, without any moisture, like dead skin.

"I, I really can't hold on anymore..." Xingyu completely fell to the ground, he just felt the endless knowledge exploding in his mind, washing his whole body.

Xingyu has a feeling that as long as he accepts that knowledge, he can gain extremely powerful power...

But, I really can't hold it anymore.

"Boss, think about a way, that kid is really dying!" Seeing Xingyu's breath getting weaker and weaker, Xuntianyi shouted out, with worry in his eyes.

Just now, Xingyu has always been in a limit state, and the string that is too tight sometimes breaks.

Obviously, Xingyu is now disconnected.

Zhang Ziling calmly watched Xingyu's breath disappear, without the slightest panic, injecting a spiritual force into Xingyu's body to protect Xingyu's brain.

However, as Xingyu fell into a coma, the demon energy pouring into Xingyu's body gradually weakened and then dissipated.

The surroundings recovered calm, Chu Yuanjie flew to Xingyu to check Xingyu, and found that he still had a little breath left, Chu Yuanjie could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss, are you planning to kill him completely?" Chu Yuanjie looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "I was afraid of the inheritance you just saw."

"It's still too reluctant... I just accepted one-tenth, and most of my strength was wasted." Zhang Ziling shook his head and sighed, seeming to be complaining about Xingyu for not persisting.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, all the **** soldiers were even more stunned, never expecting Zhang Ziling to say this!

You know, Xingyu is only equivalent to an innate entry-level martial artist, but what he accepts is the inheritance of the first demon emperor in Xuanxiao Continent!

Even if Xingyu accepts one percent, it is very incredible, and this one-tenth is already considered a heaven-defying existence!

Xingyu now is like a mobile treasure house, I am afraid that he can write a book of Xianshu Emperor Shu with his pen.

However, even if Xingyu had achieved this level, Zhang Ziling was still not satisfied.

"Boss? Are you serious?" The Power Staff looked at Zhang Ziling blankly and asked, "Inheritance disciples don't play like this..."

Becoming a disciple of inheritance doesn't mean that you have to accept all inheritance from the beginning, because the level of information that the brain can withstand is also different.

If most people want to accept the inheritance of the Devil Emperor, at least they have to step into the saint. In the innate period, I am afraid that they can't absorb even 1%.

Xingyu now absorbs one-tenth of the inheritance, and it can be said to be a unique existence. If this is not satisfactory, I am afraid that even if you search the Xuanxiao Continent, you will not find a second person who can accept Zhang Ziling's inheritance!

"Do you think that a person who can touch the edge of the Ten Supreme Laws by relying on the modern technology of the earth and not relying on self-cultivation is an ordinary person?" Zhang Ziling just said lightly, and all the gods stayed in place. .

"Just kidding..." Chu Yuanjie thought he had misheard, and touched the monster of the Supreme Dao Law with foreign objects. Does it really exist in reality?

Chu Yuanjie turned his head slightly stiff to look at the unconscious Xingyu, not understanding why such an ordinary person could possess such a talent.

"Xingyu's own talent is indeed excellent, but I'm sure his previous talent is definitely not so enchanting. Perhaps it is because of Zi You's departure that some changes have taken place in Xingyu's body."

"This change is very peculiar, and I haven't found the cause of Xingyu's change."

"But one thing is for sure, this change is good for Xingyu, and his talent has undoubtedly been greatly strengthened. This is why I accepted him as a disciple of inheritance. The emperor skills and techniques passed on to him, Enough for him to make rapid progress."

Zhang Ziling walked to Xingyu, hugged Xingyu, looked at Xingyu's broken body and whispered softly: "Zi You did accept a good apprentice, and I have a responsibility to train him."

"But with his current state, it will take quite a while to use my inheritance, so let him rest first..."

Zhang Ziling received Xingyu into his own small world, and then set his eyes on the computer fragments on the ground.


Seeing that Zhang Ziling suddenly fell silent, the gods and soldiers couldn't help but a glimmer of doubt flashed in their eyes. They didn't understand what Zhang Ziling wanted to do.

Zhang Ziling didn't make a sound, but collected all the fragments from one place and put them in his space ring.

"Xingyu... Zi You is a blessing to have such an apprentice. I will help you teach in the future."

Zhang Ziling muttered to himself, with a brilliant arc at the corner of his mouth.

"The apprentice is done, then next, it's time for the shrine..."

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