Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1215: Its owner is Monkey King!

Monkey King's face was bleeding, his robes became dilapidated, and his steps were very slow.

The monks around were staring at the figure of Monkey King, clenching their fists subconsciously.

They neither want Master Nine Emperors to lose, nor do they want to see Monkey King defeat...

Monkey King raised his hand, and the Ruyi golden hoop not far from Zhang Ziling flew directly into Monkey King's hand, and was held firmly by Monkey King.

Feeling the thickness brought by the golden hoop, Monkey King also feels at ease.

"Donor, you should be careful next." Monkey King looked at Zhang Ziling's appearance and said lightly.

A mysterious aura suddenly filled the surroundings.

Monkey King, only now has the power that truly belongs to the saint.

Under the coercion of Monkey King, even Yang Jian could not stand in the air and fell outside the circle of war.

Seeing Yang Jian falling in front of them, the surrounding monks suddenly became extremely stiff, and they retreated subconsciously.

Shrine, but they are enemies.

Now that Yang Jian fell around them, the cultivators felt a great pressure and did not dare to be presumptuous around them.

"You just stay here, don't leave." Yang Jian said lightly to the cultivators, "With the Devil Emperor here, I can't do anything to you."

Hearing Yang Jian's words, the cultivators also trembled, and finally stayed in place honestly.

Although they were still afraid of Erlang Shen, Yang Jian wouldn't let them go, so they naturally didn't dare to go.

Yang Jian didn't care about what the cultivators were thinking about now, he had already put all his attention on the Devil Emperor and Monkey King.

Now that the Sun Wu air conditioner has moved the power of the saints, and the breath has risen to the limit, the next battle... can become the reference of all the saints.

But now, although Yang Jian didn't see the real strength of the Devil Emperor, he had already begun to faintly understand...what exactly did the Devil Emperor rely on to kill God.

"Has it started to be polite? This set is like an ancient Buddha burning a lamp." Zhang Ziling looked at Monkey King's calm appearance, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Although Zhang Ziling had just seen a jealous figure from the golden light, but from now on, Zhang Ziling could not find the trace of jealous from Monkey King again.

After Sun Wu air-conditioned the power of the saint, he seemed to have completely entered a "selfless" state, as cold as a machine.

Seeing what Monkey King looks like now, Zhang Ziling also somewhat understood why Monkey King was reluctant to mobilize the power of the saint in the first place.

Perhaps while suppressing his own power, Monkey King could still feel a little bit of his own temperature.

At least still angry.

Zhang Ziling didn't go deep, just smiled and said, "It seems that the subconsciousness of the Great Sage doesn't like the way it is now."

"The Great Sage is dead, hope the donor Mo Nian, now my name is..."

The ground on which Monkey King was standing suddenly shattered, and then Monkey King appeared behind Zhang Ziling, piercing the space with the golden hoop in his hand.

"Fight against the Buddha."

Monkey King's voice fell, and the golden cudgel swung towards Zhang Ziling.


Zhang Ziling disappeared in place, the golden cudgel smashed to the ground, and the ground was smashed again, and rubble was scattered everywhere.

With a single blow, Monkey King didn't have the slightest surprise. He just smashed back with the golden cudgel in his hand, which happened to be where Zhang Ziling was standing.

Zhang Ziling didn't hide this time. The dark magic energy all over his body turned into a giant hand, holding Monkey King's golden cudgel, the violent magic energy suddenly spread and raged around.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's devilish energy blocking his own blow, Sun Wukong's eyes also changed slightly, and he wanted to withdraw the stick.

"Huh?" Monkey King tried harder, but the golden cudgel didn't move.

"Remember what I said to you before?" Zhang Ziling looked at Monkey King's surprised expression and couldn't help but smile.


A trace of doubt flashed in Monkey King's eyes, and he obviously didn't know what Zhang Ziling was referring to.

"That is……"

The devilish energy slowly dissipated, and Zhang Ziling reached out to hold Monkey King's wishful golden cudgel.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's movements, Monkey King's eyes changed slightly.

"Your wishful golden hoop, it's hard to control now!"

As soon as Zhang Ziling finished speaking, the cultivators watched blankly as Zhang Ziling forcibly snatched the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from Monkey King.

"No, impossible!"

Yang Jian watched Monkey King let go and exclaimed directly, completely unable to believe what he saw.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel is Dinghai Shenzhen, one of the chaotic artifacts. Once it recognizes its master, other people can no longer hold it.

However, Yang Jian watched Zhang Ziling **** the golden cudgel from Monkey King!

This subverted Yang Jian's cognition.

"Ruyi golden cudgel?" Monkey King looked at his empty hands in disbelief, his body began to tremble slightly.

How could he let go?

No matter how powerful the Devil Emperor was, Monkey King never thought that the Ruyi Golden Cudgel would be taken away from him by others.

Ruyi Golden Cudgel is alive, it can choose its owner.

Ever since Monkey King took out the Ruyi Golden Hoop in the East China Sea, the Ruyi Golden Hoop has been with him.

It can be said that the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is Monkey King's most trusted friend.

As long as the golden cudgel is in hand, Monkey King can feel infinite peace of mind.

But... why?

Monkey King couldn't believe that the Golden Cudgel would leave him!

For the current Monkey King, it is as if a closest friend betrayed him at the most critical moment, and Monkey King even felt desperate because of this.

"Why?" Monkey King asked with a trembling voice as he watched Zhang Ziling pick up the wishful golden hoop.

Monkey King could tell that Zhang Ziling didn't forcefully use his strength to take away the Golden Catch, but... the Golden Catch chose Zhang Ziling.

"Why can you pick up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel?" Monkey King couldn't believe it, and even a little scared. For Monkey King, he was more afraid of the Golden Cudgel away from him than death!

Even if Monkey King would rather die than see the golden cudgel leaving him.

Since becoming a Buddha... Monkey King has been alone.

"Tell me... why?" Monkey King knelt down slumped, his hands on the ground, his eyes became confused.

Without the golden cudgel, Monkey King instantly lost his fighting spirit.

Monkey King's eye sockets began to flush and become moist.

"Why can I pick up the golden hoop?" Zhang Ziling stroked the surface of the golden hoop, his eyes darkened, "I think you know better than anyone..."

"The owner of the golden hoop... is called Great Sage Qitian."

Monkey King's body shook suddenly!


Zhang Ziling inserted the golden cudgel in front of Monkey King, and the earth was so calm. By the way, the surrounding monks trembled and their eyes were complicated.

Seeing this scene, the cultivators felt very worried for some reason.

Zhang Ziling looked at Monkey King who was kneeling down, his expression became calm, and said quietly, "Try it now, can you pick it up? This wishful golden cudgel."

"Fight against the Buddha."

Monkey King's eyes widened, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

He is now... fighting against the Buddha.

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