Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1225: My name is destiny

Zhang Ziling hugged the Monkey King with a blood hole in his chest floating in the air, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was worried about Monkey King's state.

"The boss is back! Just now I saw that the monkey was really worried! The strength is too far behind that of the Buddha." Chu Yuanjie couldn't help but laugh when he saw Zhang Ziling hugged Monkey King.

The other magic soldiers also smiled, and the surrounding atmosphere became relaxed.

"The Devil..."

Yang Jian looked at Zhang Ziling's back in a daze, suddenly feeling mixed in his heart.

Although Yang Jian had long known that the Devil Emperor was not dead, when Zhang Ziling really appeared, he still made a terrible noise in Yang Jian's heart.

"Master Nine Emperors! Master Nine Emperors are back!"

"Hahaha! I know Lord Nine Emperors is not dead, Lord Nine Emperors just did other things!"

"Master Nine Emperors mighty!"

Seeing Zhang Ziling's figure, the monks all around became crazy, their eyes full of ecstasy, cheering loudly.

Even ordinary people who didn't know who the Nine Emperors were, started to cheer under the leadership of the monks.

"Devil Emperor, you didn't even die." Seeing Zhang Ziling appeared, the Buddha barely calmed his tremor, looked at Zhang Ziling and said lightly, looking very calm on the surface.

But what exactly is the Buddha's heart is unknown.

"Just now I was just waking up the monkey to confirm something." Zhang Ziling placed Monkey King on the ground, then looked at the Buddha with a smile and squinted.

Sun Wukong lying on the ground, his chest began to heal slowly under the influence of an unknown force.

"Then did you find anything?" The Buddha looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, quietly mobilizing the power in his body.

He had used four relics just now, and now there are six remaining. The Buddha estimated that he would not be able to hide them.

After fighting against the Devil Emperor, the Buddha also clearly knew that if he did not use the power that exceeded his limit, there was absolutely no chance of winning.

"I did find some incredible things." Zhang Ziling looked at the Buddha with a light smile, "so that it made me feel very upset."

"Oh?" Looking at Zhang Ziling's expression, the Buddha pretended to be calm, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Zhang Ziling shook his head, "Should sacrifice all the six relics in your body, and then show all the power that guy has given you."

"Oh best, don't use the name of Tathagata again, use your own name, or I will be awkward."

"Otherwise... I don't guarantee how long you can last."

At this point, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed with a red light, and his tone suddenly became cold.

The Buddha's body shuddered suddenly, and a trace of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared behind the Buddha, with the dark magical energy lingering in his palm, and the power of the Great Emperor lingering all around.

The Buddha froze in place, and he did not react at all.

Zhang Ziling indifferently slashed at the back of the Buddha's head, and the power of the Great Emperor roughly rushed towards the Buddha.

The Buddha fell to the ground like a cannonball. The entire Nanzhou city shook violently, and the edge of the invisible pit began to collapse.

The Buddha got up from the ground in horror, his robes broken.

Just to block Zhang Ziling's simple hand blade, two relics exploded in the Buddha's body!

You know, the Buddha can easily defeat a powerful saint with a relic, and a relic can provide him with endless power!

But now, the Buddha just spent two relics just to block the Devil Emperor’s simple attack...

The Buddha simply couldn't imagine how powerful Zhang Ziling was.

"Who on earth are you, you...?" The Buddha swallowed slightly, looking at Zhang Ziling standing in the void and asked with a trembling voice.

"Who am I? Didn't that guy tell you?" Zhang Ziling fell in front of the Buddha with a playful smile.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's playful expression, the Buddha stepped back subconsciously, not daring to get too close to Zhang Ziling.

"You, you..." The color of fear in the Buddha's eyes became more and more intense, and even the relics in his body could not be mobilized.

"You better tell me your real name now..." Zhang Ziling was surrounded by a pitch-black flame, and gradually there were pitch-black chains condensed around him.

"Otherwise, the next move... is to smash your last four relics."

As soon as Zhang Ziling said this, the Buddha's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously shouted, "No!"

Yang Jian looked at the horrified look of the Buddha with some disbelief, his heart beating faster and faster.

Before the appearance of the Devil Emperor, the Buddha was still calm and calm, holding everything in his hands.

But now...

Why did the Devil Emperor only use one palm to make the Buddha look like this?

Yang Jian couldn't figure it out, but the monks outside Nanzhou City who were watching the battle broke out with shocking cheers.

In their memory, no matter what kind of enemy the Nine Emperors faced, it was such a crushing situation, and they had long been used to it.

Only such nine emperors can lead them to overthrow the divine palace!

"I, my name is... Destiny." The Buddha can no longer be distracted to take care of other monks. He is very nervous now, thinking about countermeasures frantically.

In desperation, Destiny had to report his true name to delay time.

Zhang Ziling's power was clearly beyond his understanding.

"Destiny?" Zhang Ziling raised his mouth slightly when he heard Destiny's words, "The name is very similar to that guy's style."

Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, the black robe went without wind, and a huge momentum filled Zhang Ziling's body.

"Destiny, use your power to press the bottom of the box..." Zhang Ziling took a step forward, and the terrifying coercion immediately pressed Destiny, "That guy deceived me for quite some time."

"It makes me... very unhappy."


Feeling the powerful force of Zhang Ziling, Destiny's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept moving back, completely afraid to confront Zhang Ziling.

After the true Tathagata followed Hongjun and Nuwa into the depths of the universe, he replaced the Buddha's position under the direction of Heaven's Dao, and became the lord of the small world in the Western Heavens, as a chess piece of Heaven's Dao in the God Realm.

In order to hide his identity, Tianming has never dared to use the power given to him by the Dao of Heaven, so he can only practice the Buddhism practice by himself.

Although Zhang Ziling has now forced his identity out, the destiny can also use the power of heaven unscrupulously...

However, when Tianming faced Zhang Ziling, he had no intention to fight at all!

Zhang Ziling's strength is too terrifying.

Destiny did not dare to be an enemy.

"Don't you dare to use it?" Zhang Ziling looked at the retreat of Destiny and waved his hand gently. After Destiny, there were endless chains condensing, blocking the retreat of Destiny.

"Since Tian Dao wants to be a third-party chess player to intervene in the chess game played by Xie Wushuang... but you have to, show the corresponding strength."

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