Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1246: Battle of the Great

The sky, the stars, the sun, the moon and the galaxy are all covered with a layer of black fog.

Zhang Ziling's power is not as gorgeous as the Eternal Return to the Ruins Array, which can cause such an extraordinary change in the world.

Devilish energy simply covers the sky, turning the whole world into a dark tone.

Especially in Kyoto, the strong magic energy swept all the gods, enveloping all the gods in the magic energy.

Feeling the aura of Zhang Ziling, King Yuqingzhen's face changed slightly, and then he barely recovered his calm.

"Well, I take back what I just said... Devil Emperor, your strength is indeed shocking." The Jade Halal King waved his hand gently, and the Eternal Return to the Ruins Array began to operate, and the devilish energy that permeated Kyoto was red. The light dispelled, and the gods felt the pressure relaxed.

"If I don't get the increase of the Eternal Return to the Market Formation, I am afraid I will never be able to understand your realm." The expression of King Jade Qingzhen became serious, and the lines of the fairy formation in the sky began to rotate, and the red light glowed.

"I have to admit, Devil are very strong." King Yuqing said seriously.

The saints looked at the sky with full concentration, with excitement in their eyes.

Only the Devil Emperor reached that realm before, and the sages could not understand the realm of the Devil Emperor. However, now that the Jade King has forcibly stacked up with countless magic circles and their power, he also has that power...

Watching the collision between the two powerhouses, they will surely have some insights and even find a breakthrough opportunity!

They have been stuck in the realm of saints for too long too long...

If they can find a breakthrough opportunity after watching this battle, even if the tens of thousands of gods below are all dead, they will all be willing!

Saints are cold-blooded by nature.

Feeling the power surging from the eternal return to the market, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and he took a deep breath, his eyes flashing red.

The Eternal Return to the Market has been fully operational, and the Jade King has finally become serious.

The momentum released by Zhang Ziling just now was the power of the Great Emperor.

Obviously, King Yuqing has realized that Zhang Ziling's realm does not belong to a saint.

If you don't take it seriously, I am afraid that there will be no way to solve the devil emperor before the power of the magic circle is exhausted!

After thinking about it, King Yuqing no longer hesitated, and began to urge the forces of the eternal return to the market to annihilate Zhang Ziling in one fell swoop.

"Devil Emperor, you are optimistic!" King Yuqing yelled, endless aura erupted from the eternal return to the market, and poured over Zhang Ziling.

The space above the city of Kyoto, after the eternal return to the market, was under the influence of the momentum of the large formation, cracks were dense, and the space continued to collapse.

"So powerful!"

After the Jade King took the shot, the saints couldn't bear the power of the big formation at all, and they had already used their full strength to resist the pressure.

As a last resort, all the saints had to work together to condense this barrier and retreat into the shrine to be able to withstand the pressure of the Jade King.

"Is this... the mighty power of a higher level?" There are saints who still feel a little weird, but that is too powerful.

Soon, the strength of the eternal return to the ruins was poured on Zhang Ziling, the sky was shining, the space collapsed, and the earth collapsed.

It seems that the end of the world has come.

The entire earth seemed to have been unable to withstand the bombardment of the Jade Muslim King.

The monks in Kyoto City, if it were not for Zhang Ziling's devilish energy, would have not waited for the eternal return to the market to attack them, they would have exploded and died under the pressure of the Jade Halal King.

Although Zhang Ziling said that he didn't want to control the monks, he finally took action.

I don't know why, Zhang Ziling has a special feeling for the monks in the earth's cultivation world, which makes Zhang Ziling unwilling to see the monks being affected and killed under his battle.

After all, Zhang Ziling had the ability to completely destroy this eternal return to the market formation before it was activated.

"Hahaha! Good! What a long-lost battle, my blood is getting hot!" Zhang Ziling laughed, his black hair danced wildly, surrounded by demons, like an evil god.

"The Devil!" Seeing Zhang Ziling laughed, the real king Yuqing shouted at Zhang Ziling.


The Jade Muslim King smashed the space and shot towards Zhang Ziling. The power that erupted from the Eternal Return to the Ruins Array continued to flood into the Jade Muslim King's body, increasing the strength of the Jade Muslim King!

"Good coming!" Zhang Ziling also laughed when he saw King Yuqing shot over, and blasted the King Yuqing with a punch.

In the battle between the emperors, all the moves are not important anymore, the competition is pure power and the control of the law of the great.


Jade King and Zhang Ziling fought fiercely, and the turbulent spiritual power storm spread to the world. Even on the other side of the earth, New York could see the spiritual power surging in the sky, and the shadow of two monsters fighting. .

No one can clearly see the figure of King Yuqing and Zhang Ziling fighting, and the sky is already full of afterimages.

Even a saint can only capture the scene a few seconds ago.

The sky collapse was repaired, and after repair, it collapsed, and the whole earth seemed to be fragmented.

In the shrine, a group of saints looked at the sky excitedly, their faces full of enthusiasm.

Although they could not see the movements, they could feel the supreme Taoism in the battle.

The battle between the devil emperor and the jade king is a disaster for the weak, but for the saint who is closest to the emperor, this is a cultivation feast!

Just one minute after the two started fighting, all the saints had already gained a great deal, and there was a faint feeling.

Although the sages resisted the pressure of the Devil Emperor and the Eternal Return to the Market Array, it was very hard, but the sages were happy and happy.

"Everyone, are you happy?"

Suddenly, the voice of Emperor Vast Sky rang in the ears of the saints, attracting the attention of the saints.

"Emperor Haotian."

All the saints turned to look at Emperor Haotian, and bowed slightly.

The identity of Emperor Vast Sky also has considerable weight among the saints. Except for the Lord Odin, Buddha Zeus, other saints must salute Vast Sky when they see Emperor Vast Sky.

With a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, Great Emperor Vast Sky took a look at the saints around him, and then smiled: "You guys don't care about me anymore. The battle outside has never been seen before. It is extremely rare. You should concentrate on understanding."

"Emperor Vast Sky is right. I am really eager for this opportunity, so I won't entertain Emperor Vast Sky." The saints did not be polite to Emperor Vast Sky. After speaking to Emperor Vast Sky, they refocused their attention. Put back to the battle between the Devil Emperor and the Jade King.

There is their treasure, and every moment cannot be wasted.

The Great Emperor Haotian looked at the unsuspecting backs of the saints, the smiles on the corners of his mouth became more and more weird, and his eyes became scarlet.

Behind Emperor Haotian, Destiny walked out slowly, with a small smile on his lips.

The saints did not pay attention at all, and the expressions of Emperor Vast Sky and Destiny became more and more weird.

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