Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1257: Farewell

The staff of power was a little confused, and found that the other magic soldiers seemed to know it, but it was still in the dark.

"Chu Yuan, what the **** is it? Stop selling it?" There was no way, the staff of power had to pull Chu Yuan Jie and asked.

Although the staff of power often quarrels with Chuyuanjie, there are usually things that are solved by the staff of power.

The Staff of Power and the Chu Yuan Jie are a pair of enemies.

Seeing the puzzled look of the power staff, Chu Yuanjie couldn't help but smiled, but Chu Yuanjie didn't have the appetite to hang the power staff. He smiled and said, "It seems that the boss still needs a little time. Let me help you idiot explain it."

The Staff of Power immediately took a serious look, and didn't care what Chu Yuanjie called him.

After all, the Staff of Power did not find the doorway inside, and it really needed Chu Yuanjie to explain it.

"I think you should know that the monster like the starry sky Eudemons is extremely rare because it needs to feed on the starry sky, and it is inevitable to see one for hundreds of millions of miles."

"Yeah." The staff of power nodded seriously, it still knew this common sense.

"Furthermore, the Starry Sky Eudemons are solitary creatures. It is impossible for them to be in groups. Even if the mother Starry Sky Eudemons gives birth to their cubs, they will leave quickly, leaving the Starry Sky Eudemons cubs to live alone. You should know this too. Right?" Chu Yuanjie asked again.

"This is indeed, but why..." The Staff of Power raised doubts. When they returned to Earth, they obviously encountered a group.

Although a little unbelievable, it is a fact.

"Why are you so stupid? I'm talking about this!" Chu Yuanjie looked at the power staff with an expression of hatred for iron and steel, as if he was disappointed with the performance of the power staff.

Seeing the red face of the power staff, Zhang Ziling also smiled and shook his head, and then said, "Actually, the starry illusion beasts were all guided by Xie Wushuang, and even the turbulent flow of the void was the hands and feet of Xie Wushuang."

"Those beasts were brought by the evil emperor?" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the staff of power directly exclaimed.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, "I didn't think much at the beginning, but when I calm down and think about it, the universe is so vast, and we happen to encounter more than a dozen starry beasts to swallow the galaxy. This probability, if it is not artificial, is zero at all."

"Besides, think about it carefully... can the ordinary turbulence of the void really break the void barrier of my space ring, sweep you all out, and just happen to make you all fall on the earth?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the Staff of Power also understood the strangeness. All of this is really a coincidence.

When it was swept out by the turbulent void, it lost consciousness, and didn't remember how it landed on the earth.

But now that I think about it carefully, there are indeed many points worth considering.

The power of the turbulent flow of the void is indeed too great.

"The guy Xie Wushuang used the law of space to find more than a dozen starry phantoms, and then calculated the time. When we are going to the galaxy, he can use the space wormhole to transport the more than a dozen starry phantoms to the periphery of the galaxy. , Let us'coincidentally' meet."

"The starry Eudemons encountered us when they were about to devour the Milky Way after being stimulated. At that time, I saw the situation in an emergency, and I fought the group of starry Eudemons before I had time to think."

"Presumably Xie Wushuang also set up traps in the surrounding space while we were fighting with the starry beast. At that time, our attention was all on the starry beast. There is a high probability that Xie Wushuang will not be able to discover the movements of Xie Wushuang around. It's easy to be hit by Xie Wushuang's tricks."

"So, the evil emperor just solved the starry phantom beast, and when we were all seriously injured, we were all involved in the turbulence of the void, using the void storm to completely disperse our strength, in order to make the boss you Return to Earth at the lowest point of strength?" The Power Staff exclaimed, realizing the evil emperor's actions.

"It seems that your head is not stupid enough." Chu Yuanjie smiled.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, also admitting the speculation of the power staff.

"But why did the Evil Emperor do that?" The Power Staff became puzzled again, "Even if our strength is reduced to the lowest point, the Evil Emperor can't do anything about us, right?"

"Indeed, even if our strength declines, but the realm is still there, the evil emperor has nothing to do with us. But... you forget the most important point, our strength declines, and many methods cannot be used, which means that We also have nothing to do with the evil emperor." Xuntianyi suddenly spoke with a serious tone.

"If the earth suddenly has ten more powerful emperors plus the boss, I am afraid that we will discover all the evil emperor's situation on the earth when we return."

"Xuntian is right. Xie Wushuang doesn't want to do anything to us. What he wants... is to reduce our strength to the lowest point, and then let us follow his rhythm." Zhang Ziling went on to Xuntianyi. The words said, "Everything I do now, the choice is either because of Ziyou, or to find you, or to restore strength... As long as Xie Wushuang controls my choice within a certain range, then he can follow my choice. Come to make the layout and lure us to this last step."

"Destroy God's Court and control Heaven?" The Staff of Power exclaimed, realizing everything.

Everything they are doing now has almost cleared the God Realm, and after handling the Vast Sky Great Emperor, it is impossible for them to ignore the heavens outside the inner world.

"But... why did the evil emperor let us do this? It shouldn't do him any good, right?" The power staff suddenly fell into doubt and looked at the other **** soldiers.

"We don't know..." Chu Yuanjie shook his head. The layout of the evil emperor must involve the ultimate secret of this world. If they do not go to the last step, they may never get the truth. "Xie Wushuang on earth now I'm afraid we are all done, otherwise it is impossible for him to let us go back to Profound Sky Continent.

"However, even if we don't know what the evil emperor's plans are, I am afraid that we are not far from the truth." Zhang Ziling drew the last bit of energy from Vast Sky Great Emperor's body, and looked at Vast Sky Great Emperor's gradually blurred body, eyes Squinted slightly.

The current Emperor Haotian was like a mosaic, his body turned into a vague square.

"this is?"

Seeing the changes in Vast Sky Great Emperor, the gods and soldiers exclaimed directly.

The energy is drained, shouldn't it become a corpse?

how come……

"Devil Emperor, you... will be punished after all!" Great Emperor Vast Sky raised his eyes to look at Zhang Ziling, his face completely blurred, but his tone was extremely cold.

Zhang Ziling could feel the endless coldness and killing intent from the eyes of Emperor Vast Sky.

Before the Great Emperor Vast Sky completely disappeared because of the fear of being drawn away from the power.

It was as if...something had awakened in Vast Sky Great Emperor's body.

"Really?" Zhang Ziling didn't care much when he heard the words of Emperor Vast Sky. He just absorbed the last blob of Heavenly Dao origin extracted from Emperor Vast Sky into his body. "No matter who you are, even if I am punished. , You can't see it anymore."

Zhang Ziling's index finger pointed to Emperor Haotian's forehead.


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