Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1260: Ten supreme laws

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the smile on Tian Dao's face instantly solidified, and the whole person was dull in place.

Only now did Tian Dao finally realize that he had just used Vast Sky to deal with Zhang Ziling, and now his identity is Zhang Ziling’s defeat...

After the defeat, I laughed so happily in front of the Devil Emperor, and it is likely that I will be extremely happy and sad later.

"You, what are you going to do?" Tiandao looked at Zhang Ziling, swallowing slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

As a god, you can actually feel scared.

"As the earth and heaven, I maintain the balance of the earth and everything is closely related to me... If you do anything to me, it will have a bad effect on the earth!"

"Just now you have specially mobilized the origin of the Three Thousand Great Avenues for the earth. Now if you do something to me and cause some bad effects on the earth, then everything you have done just now has been completely abandoned?" Remind, for fear that Zhang Ziling would ignore these things and shoot him desperately.

He must have reminded the Devil Emperor of this that Heavenly Dao is bound to the earth.

After all, from the time when Zhang Ziling returned to the earth, Heavenly Dao's forces were destroyed by Zhang Ziling's words. There are too many forces. Heavenly Dao can't guarantee that Zhang Ziling will not do such impulsive things now.

Judging from the power of Zhang Ziling's mobilization of the Three Thousand Dao just now, Heavenly Dao is already clear... If Zhang Ziling wants to, he is definitely not his opponent!

Seeing Tian Dao cowering, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and then looked at Tian Dao and asked: "Do you think... you use those just mentioned as a bargaining chip, is it useful to me?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, Tiandao choked suddenly, not knowing how to respond.

Could it be...

Does the Devil Emperor know that Heavenly Dao can be replaced?

Such thoughts suddenly appeared in Tian Dao's heart, and his body began to tremble slightly.

This is the ultimate secret involving the world!

If the Devil Emperor knew everything, I'm afraid...

Tiandao swallowed slightly, looked at Zhang Ziling carefully, and did not dare to speak.

Zhang Ziling stared at Heavenly Dao calmly, his eyes gradually became deep, and the atmosphere between the two gradually became dull.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoyou also completely reshaped his body and soul, and under the blessing of Heaven, his strength began to soar endlessly, and soon surpassed the limit of a mortal and reached the state of a fairy god.

Moreover, Zhang Xiaoyou's soaring strength showed no signs of stopping.

Feeling Zhang Xiaoyou's change, Zhang Ziling also tick the corner of his mouth and snap his fingers lightly.


A crisp sound appeared, and the origins of the various avenues suspended in the sky were all turned into light and scattered, and the sky became clear.

"Fine, I have no plan to deal with you anyway."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Heavenly Dao hadn't reacted for a while, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

What does this... mean?

"You only need to promise me two conditions, and you can continue to do your heavenly way on the earth without worrying about other people disturbing you."

"What conditions?" As soon as Zhang Ziling said, Tian Dao's eyes lit up instantly and he asked quickly.

After Emperor Vast Sky died and he became the defeated party, if he only promised the two conditions of the Devil Emperor to be able to sit back to where he was when the Evil Emperor and the Devil Emperor did not appear hundreds of thousands of years ago, what about Heaven? Will agree!

After all, if the Devil Emperor decides to forcibly replace the Earth's Heavenly Dao... that day, the Dao is truly nothing.

"First, on the earth, apart from the time origin and causality origin taken away by Xie Wushuang, the other ten supreme law origin origins that have not been taken away are handed over."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's first condition, Tian Dao hesitated for an instant, but Tian Dao did not hesitate for long, but slowly spread his hands, and three crystals of surging terrifying power surged in Tian Dao's palm.

Anyway, half of the origins of the Heavenly Dao were captured by Zhang Ziling. In addition, the origins of the Space Dao and the Demon Dao were both in Zhang Ziling's hands, and the other supreme Dao origins...I did not miss those few.

As long as the position of the Dao of Heaven is kept, and there are no such characters as the Devil Emperor and the Evil Emperor to make trouble, the Dao of Heaven can take a long time to regenerate the lost origin of the Dao.

Although the origin of the Ten Supreme Laws is also extremely precious to Tiandao, at this critical moment of life and death... Tiandao also knows that he has no choice.

"The origin of the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Causality were taken away by the Evil Emperor, and the origin of the Avenue of Space and the Origin of the Demon Dao are on you. I can only give you three origins of the Avenue of Life, the Way of Death, and the Way of Reality in the World."

"The origin of the Dao of Heaven is my root, and I cannot give it to you. The origin of the Dao of Light is the core of giving light and heat to all things in the world. It is the basis for the survival of living things in the world, and it cannot be given to you. And the path of dying is the path that the Dao of Heaven cannot give birth to. I can't give it to you either." Tiandao gritted his teeth as he looked at the three avenues in his hand with great regret, and he didn't want to give these three treasures to Zhang Ziling.

These ten supreme laws of origin, every time Tiandao loses one, it means that Tiandao has lost a control ability over the world and cannot control it.

Before the Dao Dao originated again... it could not reverse the time and space of the world, could not change the fortune of all beings, could not measure the likes and dislikes of beings, and could not control the reincarnation of the world.

For Tiandao, this is almost half of the country lost!

"Very good, life and death are virtual and real... are very practical rules. I can only comprehend the fur in the Xuanxiao Continent. You gave me a lot of benefit." Zhang Ziling looked at the origin of the three great avenues in the hands of Heavenly Dao. With a grin, he took it over unceremoniously.

Originally, Zhang Ziling did not intend to get all the ten supreme laws. After all, the origin of the supreme avenue is not a common law. Even if Zhang Ziling wants to absorb it, it will take a lot of effort.

Zhang Ziling also understands this truth.

The ten supreme laws are enough to master the origin of the five.

After Zhang Ziling took away the origin of the Dao, Tian Dao barely calmed down, and then curiously asked Zhang Ziling: "Before you mention the second condition, I want to ask, how did you know that the evil emperor took the Dao of Time? The origin and the cause and effect road origin?"

"It's very simple. Time Dao is Xie Wushuang's ultimate bargaining chip. He can't let me get it." Zhang Ziling smiled at Tian Dao, "If there is time Dao origin, he will definitely take it."

"I think that the origin of the spatial avenue you gave to Emperor Vast Sky was also given to you by Xie Wushuang before he left, right?"

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Heavenly Dao also smiled wryly, feeling embarrassed.

Being a **** but being as miserable as him, no one else thinks about it.

"What about Karma?" Tiandao asked again, wanting Zhang Ziling to solve his confusion.

Seeing Tiandao's doubts, Zhang Ziling slightly twitched the corner of his mouth. He directly grabbed Tiandao's shoulder and pulled him closer. He leaned into Tiandao's ear and whispered, "The reason for the cause and effect, I should know? "

Zhang Ziling's faint voice caused Tian Dao's body to shake suddenly, and his pupils trembled slightly.

He, he knows?

Tian Dao found that his emotions began to fluctuate violently.

"Well, the question and answer session has come to an end for the time being. Next is my second condition."

"What, what conditions?" After hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Tiandao slowly recovered his senses and asked Zhang Ziling.

After listening to the first condition, Tiandao also began to feel extremely worried.

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