Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1272: Xingshi asks crime

Demon Palace Mountain Gate, on the ancient road, it is noon at the moment, and the blazing sun is shining, compared with the lively Qingdu City outside, it looks extremely quiet.

"Senior, go here."

Gu Zhuxuan walked ahead, leading the way for Zhang Ziling.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling gently nodded and walked very slowly. His eyes calmly looked at the quiet and slightly depressed scenery around, always feeling familiar and strange.

Gu Zhuxuan didn't know what Zhang Ziling was thinking, but she didn't urge her. If Zhang Ziling walks slowly, she also walks slowly.

After Zhang Ziling killed Qingning, Gu Zhuxuan wanted Zhang Ziling to escape, but Zhang Ziling insisted on entering the Demon Palace. However, Gu Zhuxuan had no choice but to take Zhang Ziling into the Demon Palace.

Perhaps because Zhang Ziling rescued Gu Zhuxuan, Gu Zhuxuan's performance in front of Zhang Ziling was not so popular. Instead, he became a little cute and lively, which was very different from his usual image.

"Predecessors don't think that the gate of our magic palace is small. More than 3,000 years ago, our magic palace was still a super power. More than 5,000 years ago, the entire Tianxuan Shenzhou was the site of our magic palace. !" Gu Zhuxuan doubled The arm drew a large disk in front of Zhang Ziling, which was extremely exaggerated.

"Well, I know." Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the unfamiliar but uninterrupted mountain, and responded softly.

Those mountains were moved by Zhang Ziling himself, and restrictions were placed on them, and they were the demon's battle against enemies.

But now, Zhang Ziling could no longer feel any power of the big formation, there seemed to be a paradise for monsters.

"Senior, there was the place where our ancestor Demon Emperor Zhang Ziling once gave lectures. Our Demon Palace disciples would sit in the front, even the emperor could only sit behind us, and the saints would go far away." Gu Zhuxuan pointed again. Said a dilapidated platform, extremely proud.

"Ok, I know."

"Senior, there used to be the practice field of our ancestor Demon Emperor. The four bronze statues can control the sky, and the saints can’t even move when they enter. Normally disciples don’t dare to approach." Gu Zhuxuan pointed to the dilapidated training platform in the distance, as for the four statues. The bronze statue, there are only copper piers left.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the practice field, remembering the bronze statue he had sculpted at will. The bronze statue was dyed with his Taoism, which can suppress the saint, and is no longer there.

"Senior, there is the place where our ancestor Demon Emperor studied the scriptures. There used to be emperor spells and immortals on the ground, which can be read by the demon palace disciples at will."

"Senior, there is the place where our ancestor Demon Emperor discusses the Tao with other great emperors. The great emperor's aura is always there, and there are often disciples there to understand the Tao."

"Senior, there..."

Gu Zhuxuan introduced Zhang Ziling to Zhang Ziling from place to place, but the mood of the whole person was getting lower and lower.

Gu Zhuxuan grew up listening to the legend of the Devil Emperor. Gu Zhuxuan has been listening to how strong the Devil Palace was thousands of years ago. Gu Zhuxuan was once very proud of the Devil Palace.

However, after Gu Zhuxuan grew up and came into contact with the outside world, Gu Zhuxuan understood...

How unbearable the current magic palace is.

No matter how splendid those buildings were, how many emperor sages have lived... Gu Zhuxuan has never seen it.

In Gu Zhuxuan’s impression, those buildings...

It has always been the run-down look now.

All the brilliance Gu Zhuxuan knew was heard from her father when she was a child.

At that time, Gu Zhuxuan naively thought that the magic palace was number one in the world.

Gradually, Gu Zhuxuan stopped talking and she became quiet.

Zhang Ziling did not speak, but calmly followed Gu Zhuxuan, and the two of them walked up the stone ladder one after the other.

More than ten minutes later.

"Senior, here it is."

Gu Zhuxuan stopped in front of the magic palace dojo and said to Zhang Ziling.

Perhaps because she felt that her sudden silence before was impolite, Gu Zhuxuan also quickly cleared up her mood and introduced Zhang Ziling to the magic palace again.

However, Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes and looked at the magic palace dojo.

In the magic palace dojo, there are already many disciples, and even the elders of the magic palace are there.

"Master sister, the big thing is not good!"

A disciple of the Demon Palace had sharp eyes and saw Gu Zhuxuan coming back and hurriedly ran over and shouted at Gu Zhuxuan.

Looking at the anxious expression of the Demon Palace disciple, Gu Zhuxuan frowned, and asked, "What happened?"

"It's the Qingdu Sword Sect! An elder of the Qingdu Sword Sect has come to inquire, saying that the master sister, you colluded with outsiders and killed Qingning!" After this, the demon palace disciple looked at Zhang Ziling behind Gu Zhuxuan again, his body There was a sudden tremor, "Big, big sister... who killed Qingning, shouldn't it be him?"

Gu Zhuxuan's expression changed when she heard the words of the Demon Palace disciple, and she quickly turned around and said to Zhang Ziling: "Senior, hurry up, leave it to me!"

"No." Zhang Ziling said calmly, then walked around Gu Zhuxuan and went straight to the scene.

"Senior!" Gu Zhuxuan yelled, but Zhang Ziling didn't stop, and walked forward unhurriedly.

"Senior Sister, that's..." The magic palace disciple looked at Zhang Ziling's tall and straight back, with doubts in his eyes.

"I'll talk later!" Gu Zhuxuan didn't have time to explain, and pursued Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling killed Qingning, and it was absolutely impossible for the Qingdu Sword Sect to let Zhang Ziling go. Now the Qingdu Sword Sect came to the door, and it was obvious that it was here to inquire about the crime.

Although there was only one elder from the Qingdu Sword Sect, the breath of that elder suppressed the entire Demon Palace disciples' breath.

"Gu Changqing, if you don't give us the Qingdu Sword Sect today, I will demolish your mountain gate!" Standing in the dojo, the Qingdu Sword Sect elder pointed at a sick middle-aged man in front of him and cursed.

That middle-aged man is the current deputy master of the Demon Palace, Gu Zhuxuan's father, who was once a powerhouse of the Heavenly Palace Realm, has now fallen to the third or fourth level of Nirvana because of his stubborn illness.

The elder of the Qingdu Sword Sect who came to inquire about the crime was the Seventh Layer of Nirvana.

The elder of the Qingdu Sword Sect relied on his own strength and pointed at the elders of the Demon Palace to curse, and no one dared to speak back.

"Elder Lin, is there any misunderstanding in this?" Gu Changqing's face was extremely ugly, and he asked the elder of the Qingdu Sword Sect.

Suddenly Lin Zhengwei went to the devil's palace to start a teacher, and Gu Changqing was completely confused.

But the Demon Palace has been weak for a long time now, although it is still considered the top three power in Qingdu City, it is already far behind the Qingdu Sword Sect.

Now that Lin Zhengwei came up to be aggressive, Gu Changqing did not dare to attack Lin Zhengwei.

Although it was possible to forcefully subdue a strong man with the Seventh Layer of Nirvana by the means of the Devil Palace, Gu Changqing was jealous... the Qingdu Sword Sect behind Lin Zhengwei.

Lin Zhengwei's strength ranks the last among the elders of the Qingdu Sword Sect. Their Devil Palace is already very reluctant to deal with the last one. If the Qingdu Sword Sect is sent, Gu Changqing really doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Palace Master Gu, let's call Zhu Xuan over and ask carefully, right?"

"Yes, Palace Master Gu, the old man Lin has personally come to ask the crime, something must have happened, please call Zhu Xuan over to clarify!"

"Zhu Xuan is about to marry into the Qingdu Sword Sect. Now that something has happened, we still have to ask quickly, don't break the harmony of the two factions."

The elders of the Demon Palace also urged again and again, for fear that the relationship between the Qingdu Sword Sect and the Demon Palace would break.

Everyone knows what the Demon Palace looks like now, they are no longer the overlord they once were, and now they...see the Qingdu Sword Sect and they all tremble.

The magic palace has long been abandoned.

Seeing all the elders asking themselves to hand over their daughters, Gu Changqing was trembling with anger.

The Qingdu Sword Sect all rode on the head of the Demon Palace and shit, and the elders were so flattering, and Gu Changqing was even more angry when the elders forced Zhu Xuan to marry the Qingdu Sword Sect.

"you guys……"

"Qingning, I killed it."

When the noise in the dojo was so loud, Zhang Ziling's voice resounded in the dojo, attracting everyone's attention.

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