Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1274: Elder rebellion

The four demon palace elders rushed towards Zhang Ziling, faintly forming a siege, leaving Zhang Ziling nowhere to escape!

These four demon palace elders are all Nirvana realm powerhouses, and they have never missed a siege.

"Devil Flame Nine Waves!"

The robes of the four magic palace elders surged, and dark flames spewed out from their palms, forming a fiery wave of fire, surging Zhang Ziling from four directions.

The Nine Waves of Demon Flames are the few Nirvana-level martial arts remaining in the Demon Palace.

There are nine layers of fire waves spouting from the palms, and one layer of power overwhelms the previous one. If you practice martial arts to the transformation realm, it can even pose a threat to the strong in the heavens.

"Even the magic flames of the Nine Waves are used, this is the only high-level martial arts in your magic palace?" Lin Zhengwei watched the waves of fire surging towards Zhang Ziling, and couldn't help but treat Wu. The elder chuckled.

"What Elder Lin said is that we are all saddened by Qingning's death. Now we must take down the murderer as soon as possible to avenge Qingning!" Elder Wu flattered Lin Zhengwei.

Even if Lin Zhengwei did not face the attacks of the four Demon Palace elders, he could still feel the heat contained in the fire wave.

"It deserves to be a martial skill simplified by the emperor's skill, it is really extraordinary!" Even Lin Zhengwei could not help but admire the nine waves of magic flames gushing out of the four elders of the magic palace, "find an opportunity for us to communicate."

"If Elder Lin is free, the Magic Palace welcomes you at any time." Elder Wu smiled, his face almost blooming.

"Devil Flame Nine Waves?" Zhang Ziling sighed slightly when the four elders attacked.

"Why is it that the Nine Heavens Demon Flame is changed like this?"

Zhang Ziling whispered, and a terrifying wave of black flame burst out of his body, one layer overwhelming the other, and the four demon palace elders that swept the fire wave completely swallowed.

The four demon palace elders flew out of the fire waves like broken kites, smashed on the floor, unconscious, and their bodies turned black.

The people in the entire magic palace dojo watched the black flames around Zhang Ziling gradually disappear, and everyone fell into deathly silence.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Zhang Ziling kept his hands.

The temperature they felt from the air wave just now was enough to melt the four elders into blood!

"Nine or Nine Heavens Demon Flames?" Gu Changqing stared at Zhang Ziling, his body trembled violently, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he had discovered a huge treasure.

The Nine-Layered Demon Flame is not like the Nirvana-level Demon Flame Nine-Layered Wave. It is an emperor technique created by the Demon Emperor Zhang Ziling six thousand years ago. It is a supreme martial skill that is not at the same level as the Nirvana-level technique!

The martial artist has eight realms, and the martial arts skills also have eight corresponding levels, ranging from the innate level to the emperor skills. Except for the emperor skills, the other levels of the martial arts and martial arts need to reach the corresponding level before they can be fully utilized. The power of martial arts.

The reason why the emperor skill is the emperor skill is created by the great emperor realm powerhouse. The supreme mystery skill that can be practiced by any monk at any level, as long as the emperor skill is mastered, it can exert unimaginable power and kill the enemy. Not to mention.

The emperor technique contains the understanding of the great emperor realm powerhouse on the great avenue of heaven and earth. It has the emperor's Taoism in every move, and it is infinitely powerful. It is the highest martial art and martial art stronger than the saint-level martial art.

The Nine Heavens Demon Flame is a martial skill deduced by the Demon Emperor borrowing the law of the Demon Dao, and it was also ranked among the top three thousand emperor skills in the Demon Palace at that time.

As early as in the war three thousand years ago, the emperor magic magic of the magic palace was lost. Now the remaining power and martial arts of the magic palace are all promoted by the masters of the magic palace. Too much difference!

The disciples of the former Demon Palace had an emperor skill in their hands, but now... even Nirvana-level martial arts can only be acquired by elders.

It is conceivable that Gu Changqing was so excited when he saw the appearance of a martial skill that was suspected to be the Nine Heaven Demon Flame!

If the magic palace regains the emperor skill, it will be the key to the rise of the magic palace!

"Nine-layer Demon Flame?" Lin Zhengwei narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Gu Changqing's words, and looked at Zhang Ziling carefully, his eyes were full of greed.

If this monk is here to teach the Emperor Art of the Demon Palace, this is definitely bad news for the Qingdu Sword Sect.

However, if this emperor skill is obtained by the Qingdu Sword Sect, the Qingdu Sword Sect will also soar into the sky, completely rushing out of the Qingdu City, and shine in the entire Azure Spirit Realm and even the Heavenly Profound Realm.

"Get the emperor skill first, then remove this person!" Lin Zhengwei made a decision quickly, and then winked at Elder Wu.

Elder Wu comprehended Lin Zhengwei's meaning, and his expression was horrified, and he stepped forward and shouted at Zhang Ziling: "Bold fanatic, how did you know my magic palace emperor skill? You didn't get it quickly?"

Hearing Elder Wu's questioning, Zhang Ziling said lightly: "You are not qualified to know."

"Sure enough, it is the martial skill of the Nine-layer Demon Flame!" Seeing Zhang Ziling's reaction, Gu Changqing became more and more sure that the martial skill Zhang Ziling had just used was the Nine-layer Demon Flame.

Although the power is still a bit weak, the imperial arts and Taoism that suddenly appeared... absolutely can't be wrong!

"Huh! You don't need to say that I can guess it, stealing my secret skills, the crime is very heinous, it should be handed over the emperor martial arts, and then self-defeating cultivation base." Elder Wu carried his hands on his back and looked at Zhang Ziling proudly, "Finally handed over to Qing The Dujian faction will deal with it and ask about Qingning."

Although Zhang Ziling had just defeated the four elders of the Demon Palace with the emperor skill, he was only a powerful man in the Nirvana Realm.

Nirvana is in this magic palace, you have to lie on your stomach!

"All the disciples listened to the order, finished the battle, and helped me win this fanatic and regain the secret technique of the palace!" At this time, Elder Wu already had a legitimate reason to order the disciples of the magic palace.

Seeing that Elder Wu chose to take the Emperor Art, Gu Changqing couldn't help but feel anxious. The owner of the Emperor Art might have an intersection with the adults, how could he easily offend him?

Gu Changqing just wanted to stop, but Lin Zhengwei used his spiritual power to choke his throat and couldn't make a sound.

"Palace Master Gu, it seems that the emperor skill in your Demon Palace was stolen by an outsider! But Palace Master Gu, don’t worry, our Qingdu Sword Sect will have a good relationship with the Demon Palace for generations, and we will definitely help you regain the emperor skill. Yes!" Lin Zhengwei squinted at Gu Changqing and smiled, with his left hand on his back, a translucent spirit bird flying out in his palm.

"Leave it to Elder Wu here, just watch it carefully." Lin Zhengwei's smile made Gu Changqing chill all over.

Gu Changqing stared at Lin Zhengwei, his complexion flushed, but he couldn't move at all.

The two elders who stopped Gu Changqing didn't know when they had secretly restrained him and restricted his actions.

Gu Changqing was standing still and could neither speak nor move. Even Gu Zhuxuan, who was on the side, was restrained, unable to struggle.

"Deputy Palace Master, it's better to leave it to Elder Wu now, he knows it in his heart."

The two elders who controlled Gu Changqing looked extremely cold, and obviously made up their minds not to let Gu Changqing interfere with Elder Wu.

Hearing the words of the two Demon Palace elders, a trace of despair flashed in Gu Changqing's eyes.

He finally understands now that in this magic palace... many elders have already turned to the Qingdu Sword Sect!

No matter what the result of Wu's battle against Zhang Ziling is, their magic palace will suffer tremendous losses.

After hearing Elder Wu's words, all the disciples in the magic palace couldn't help but look at Gu Changqing. After all the disciples found that Gu Changqing hadn't made a statement, they thought that Gu Changqing had acquiesced to Elder Wu's words, and they began to fight.

For the devil's disciples, they don't even know what emperor skills are. Most of them still use Qi-gathering level exercises and martial skills, and only a very small number of elites can practice martial arts at the Ning Palace level.

Emperor Shu is too far away for them.

To be honest, the disciples of the devil's palace no longer understand how the situation develops. The only thing they can do now is to follow the orders.

A group of Demon Palace disciples formed a formation to increase the strength of Elder Wu and suppress Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the formation of the disciples.

However, Zhang Ziling looked at the expressions of the elders in the magic palace, but it became colder.

"It seems that I shouldn't keep my hands..."

"You bones, you shouldn't live in the world!"

The voice fell, and an aura that far exceeded the Nirvana realm filled Zhang Ziling's body.

Lin Zhengwei and Elder Wu felt Zhang Ziling's momentum at the moment, and they were shocked.

"Heaven, Tiangong?"

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