Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1281: Build a new magic palace

Zhang Ziling and the boy faced each other, and the breeze in the courtyard made the robes rustle.

"Master!" The young man looked at Zhang Ziling excitedly, his eyes flushed and his body trembling constantly.

"You shouldn't look like this boy."

"Master has only seen me look like a teenager, and that little one will always look like this teenager, any time." The teenager said seriously.

Even if he returned to the realm of the Great Emperor, in front of Zhang Ziling, the young man did not look like the Great Emperor should have at all.

Emperor Tayue, named Anbei, was a child when he was rescued by Zhang Ziling more than 5,000 years ago. Anbei's tribe was slaughtered by crazy monsters, and Zhang Ziling just passed by, he saved Anbei. .

From then on, Anbei vowed to follow Zhang Ziling forever and become Zhang Ziling's servant.

And Anbei, after being brought back to the Demon Palace by Zhang Ziling, was accepted as a named disciple by Zhang Ziling.

An Bei is also the only named disciple of Zhang Ziling in the Xuanxiao Continent.

Zhang Ziling was very pleased to see Anbei regaining vitality, with a slight curve in the corners of his mouth.

If Zhang Ziling comes back a few days later, I am will only see a lone grave in this courtyard.

Although saving Anbei used up all the power of Zhang Ziling's origin of the heavens, it was all worthwhile.

The devil's palace is decayed and can be rebuilt.

Anbei has fallen, perhaps Zhang Ziling... there is no second one in this world.

Suddenly the two were silent for a long time again, only the sound of wind in the small courtyard.

"Master, after you left, the little one did not do what he promised the master." An Bei seemed to think of the destruction of the magic palace again, and the excited expression on his face turned into guilt.

He once vowed that when the master came back, he would see the powerful magic palace.


An Bei felt another pain, and knelt directly in front of Zhang Ziling.

On his delicate face, there is grief and self-blame.

"I know, it's fine if you are fine." Zhang Ziling said softly, warming An Bei's heart.

But soon, Anbei was at a loss and panic again.

No matter what the reason is, whether the master blames it or not, the devil's palace was decayed in his hands, and Anbei has an inescapable responsibility for the degeneration of the devil's palace.

"I was too arrogant at the beginning. I thought that the magic palace had three great emperors and twenty-seven saints. The strength was the first in the Xuanxiao Continent. Therefore, the young man neglected the **** against all external forces. Unsuspectingly, in accordance with the requirements of the master, spread the arms to the world, and continue to build a training college.

"But, the little one didn't expect that the devil's large-scale establishment of the school would mobilize everyone's interests, allowing the Xuanxiao Continent's thirteen upper Shenzhou CCP's three hundred sacred sites to plan together for a thousand years. The magic palace is in trouble."

"Master, little incompetence, no..."

"Needless to say, what should happen will happen after all." Zhang Ziling interrupted An Bei's words and turned to look at the crooked peach tree that was almost withered. "Just like it, it can't be avoided..."

"Master, I will bring the peach tree back to life!" Seeing the inadvertent emotion in Zhang Ziling's eyes, An Bei quickly stood up and unreservedly provided his emperor's power to the crooked peach tree.

The peach tree has been around for thousands of years, and for the next few thousand years, it has been living by Anbei's strength. After Anbei was seriously ill and could not provide the peach tree with the power of the Great Emperor...

It is a miracle that the peach tree can last for a hundred years.

Zhang Ziling looked at An Bei calmly, but he didn't stop him.

"How could this happen?" Anbei's forehead was full of sweat, and endless power rushed towards the crooked peach tree, but the peach tree did not fall in the spring as Anbei had expected, but even the trunk of the tree cracked gradually. Turned into ashes.

Obviously, Anbei's power no longer has any effect on the peach trees.

When Zhang Ziling rescued Anbei, this peach tree was completely exhausted and could no longer be resurrected.


An Bei gave up, knelt on the ground, staring blankly at the peach tree in front of him, turning to ashes.

It was as if Anbei accelerated the death of the peach tree.

Ren Tian looked at An Bei who was kneeling on the ground with a complicated expression, and he didn't know what to do.

He knew that Emperor Tayue had thought about the Devil Emperor for five thousand years.

Five thousand years of yearning made this great emperor who should have looked down on sentient beings at the end of the sky and worshipped... Now he knelt down on a peach tree that was turned into ashes and cried.

Ren Tian couldn't imagine, nor could he understand, An Bei's feelings for the Devil Emperor.

"The magic palace is gone, even the peach tree is gone...Master, I am a trash!" An Bei cried, his fingers digging into the ground, tears dripping continuously.

Seeing Anbei's appearance, Zhang Ziling sighed slightly and walked slowly to Anbei. The origin of the way of death was surging in Zhang Ziling's palm.

A strong breath of death filled the small courtyard.

"Xiao Bei, look."

Zhang Ziling looked at the ashes of the peach tree in front of Anbei, and the power of the origin of the way of death surged toward the ashes of the peach tree, and a breeze was rolled up.

The ashes of the peach tree were picked up by the breeze, and gradually condensed into a new crooked peach tree, and the crooked peach tree was full of pink peach flowers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rich fragrance of flowers permeated the courtyard.

The peach blossoms are flying in the whole yard, very bright.

"Understand?" Zhang Ziling whispered while watching the petaled peach blossom falling to the ground in the breeze.

An Bei reached out his hand in a daze, a peach blossom that fell in his hand quickly withered and disappeared.

But even so, An Bei looked at the peach tree standing between the sky and the earth, still feeling extremely beautiful.

"The past, let it pass. This peach tree has been with you for thousands of years, and I'm tired."

The origin of the way of death in Zhang Ziling's palm disappeared, and the phantom of the crooked peach tree in the courtyard gradually disappeared.

What reappeared in An Bei's eyes was still the ashes, and the peach blossoms in the courtyard were not there.

This peach tree has completely wiped out its vitality, even if it uses the origin of life, it cannot be brought back to life.

Life and death are interlinked, and the power of the law of death can make this crooked peach tree bloom its last glory.

"Understood, sir." An Bei wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up.

"Some things can't be changed. The little one is too obsessed with the past, obsessed with life... but forgot, some things, some things and some people... he should have died."

"No matter what you do, you can't reverse it."

"Small is too obsessed with the betrayal of Emperor Star Cultivating and Immortal Emperor Swallowing Stars, too obsessed with the mistakes he has made, too obsessed with the decline of the magic palace... and it is precisely because of the little obsession that The magic palace cannot make a comeback."

"The former magic palace has long been dead." An Bei looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes gradually became firm, "Master...I will always follow you and build a new magic palace."

"Let the power of the Devil Emperor come back to this world!"

An Bei's shout was sonorous and powerful, and the might of the emperor surged in this world.

Seeing An Bei's determined gaze, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and after a long silence, he whispered: "Okay!"

Ren Tian stood aside, his heart full of prayers, as if he had seen the most thrilling thing in the world.

The Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling returns.

The immortal Emperor Anbei is also back!

"Let's go, Xiaobei Rentian, after spending so long in this small world, you should see you again, the outside world."

Zhang Ziling walked out of the courtyard with his hands, and the entire small courtyard and the wooden building suddenly lit a flame.

The bright red fire illuminates the faces of An Bei and Ren Tian, ​​causing waves of the two of them.

Everything is different, it's really different.

Without hesitation, An Bei and Ren Tian followed Zhang Ziling and walked out of Shimen.

"An Bei." When approaching Shimen, Zhang Ziling's voice faintly sounded.

An Bei stopped, bowed to Zhang Ziling's back, and said, "The little one is here."

"Using the messenger talisman I once left, tell them the great emperor Lin Mofan, the immortal emperor Ye Zhiqing, the patriarch of the thirteen clans of the Old Demon Palace, let them..."

"Go back to the Demon Palace and see the Emperor!"

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