Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1284: The fear of the mighty

The nine saints stood nervously on the main hall, not daring to look at Zhang Ziling, but lowered their heads to suppress the fear in their hearts.

Each of these nine people holds great power, and is the ancestor of the top holy land, but now stands shivering in the main hall of the magic palace.

If the people of those holy places saw their ancestors look like this, they would go crazy directly.

These nine old people are the faith of countless monks outside.

The thirteen top sacred places in the Profound Sky of Heaven were all great forces derived from the former magic palace.

And the ancestors of the Thirteen Holy Land were once the high-levels of the Devil's Palace, possessing immense power.

It can be said that although the Demon Palace has been destroyed, the thirteen holy land of the Profound Heaven and Shenzhou can develop, and it is inseparable from the influence of the Demon Palace!

What the major forces of the Xuanxiao Continent want is only the destruction of the devil's palace standing on the top of the world, and the old monsters in the Xuanxiao Continent that divide the thirteen clans into a Upper Divine State are not very concerned.

After all, among the forces that had besieged the Devil's Palace at the time, there were great emperors in some holy places, and they completely mastered an upper Shenzhou.

In the Xuanxiao Continent, there are a total of thirteen Upper Shenzhou, each Upper Shenzhou has 36 domains, and each domain has countless cities, entrenched by a huge number of forces.

The population of a Shangzhou is recorded in trillions, and the territory is boundless, and the territory is too large to manage.

Therefore, the separation of an upper Shenzhou has no effect on the division of the cake by the major forces in Xuanxiao Continent.

After all, the Heavenly Profound Supreme Being was the jurisdiction of the Demon Palace. If the institutions established by the Demon Palace had not spread to the entire continent, they did not want to spend a huge price to siege the Demon Palace.

Therefore, no matter how the major forces on the world stage are crisscrossed and crisscrossed, the sky is surging in the Shenzhou...

The Thirteen Holy Land is heaven.

Now, the nine old people standing on the top of the Heavenly Profound Supreme Being of God are completely devoid of majesty.

No one dared to speak, they even dared to move.

Gu Changqing was completely sluggish at this moment. Among the Xuanxiao Continent, these nine people could be so scared...

only one.

The one who left Xuanxiao Continent more than 5,000 years ago.

The Patriarch of the Magic Palace.

Devil Emperor, Zhang Ziling.

Thinking of this, Gu Changqing turned her head mechanically to look at Zhang Ziling, her body trembling violently with excitement.

Gu Changqing could not believe that he could actually see...

The return of that adult.

"Kneel down."

Gu Changqing didn't speak, but only heard two words from Zhang Ziling's mouth, like biting cold ice.

The nine people in the main hall trembled slightly and knelt down directly toward Zhang Ziling, with complex expressions of excitement and fear on their faces.

"Palace, palace lord..." An old man looked at Zhang Ziling excitedly, tears streaming down, his voice trembled, "You... are finally back!"

"Palace Master, it's great that you can come back!"

"Palace Master, we... have been waiting for your return!"

As the first old man spoke, the other old people also excitedly said to Zhang Ziling.

Before stepping into the hall, these old people actually had their own minds, and some even thought about how to deal with the aftermath of their race.

However, when they stepped into the hall and saw Zhang Ziling's face up close, all the thoughts in their hearts disappeared.

Even if they have been in high positions for a long time and have enjoyed all the prosperity in the world, they have never forgotten the fact that they were once picked up by Zhang Ziling.

There used to be thirteen people, all of whom were brought back from all parts of the Xuanxiao Continent by the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling and trained carefully before they developed a strong ethnic group and reached the top of the world.

Each of them was once a poor person at the bottom of the world, if it weren't for Zhang Ziling to rescue them from hunger and cold...

I'm afraid they died thousands of years ago.

Even though the long time has changed people's hearts, their original awe and gratitude have not been erased.

The fear of the old people about Zhang Ziling's return is true.

When they were excited about Zhang Ziling's return, it was also true.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the people below, not showing any mood swings in their words.

Once, Zhang Ziling treated them like biological children.

Standing behind Zhang Ziling, An Bei looked at the tearful nine old people below, frowned slightly, and then said in a deep voice, "Master, come back, I didn't come to listen to you telling me miss!"

The strong power of the great emperor reverberated in the hall, and instantly pressed the nine saints in the hall to gasp, their faces pale.

Gu Changqing looked at An Bei in shock, and was even more excited...

Just using the momentum made the nine saints pale and unable to breathe, and they were so respectful to Zhang Ziling.

Except for Immortal Emperor Tayue who was rumored to have fallen 3,000 years ago, Gu Changqing couldn't find anyone else!

Ann Bei's spirited look was clearly at his peak.

In this short period of time, the Demon Palace has ushered in the two legendary figures of the Demon Emperor Patriarch and Palace Master...

When he thought of witnessing the era when the Devil Palace was back to its peak, Gu Changqing was very excited, and the fear in his heart also weakened a lot.

After feeling the pressure of Anbei's aura, the nine saints closed their mouths and knelt on the cold floor and stopped talking.

All of the nine people bowed their heads, put their hands on their knees, and behaved.

Regardless of whether their feelings for the Devil Emperor are true or not, their way of abandoning the Devil's Palace... is a fact.

No matter what the original situation was, would it be useful to stick to the magic palace by yourself.

At the time of the devil's life and death, they indeed abandoned the devil, and for three thousand years, they have watched the devil's decline into a second-rate force.

In fact, they had also thought that when the Devil Emperor returns, it will be their death date, and even the entire ethnic group will be ruined.

Therefore, during these three thousand years, most of them have fallen into a nightmare, afraid that everything around them will disappear when they open their eyes.

However, the nine of them also dared to be sure that after leaving the Demon Palace, they absolutely did not do anything to apologize to the Demon Palace, and even once quietly helped the Demon Palace in the dark.

This is also the only reason they dare to face Zhang Ziling, and the only comfort they can sleep forever after death.

The atmosphere in the hall is extremely heavy, no matter how much power the old people have outside, no matter how great wealth they have, how many monks are respected...

Now they are like prisoners waiting to die, terrified and dare not come out.

This scene is undoubtedly very shocking for Gu Changqing and Ren Tian.

The great power that can call the wind and call rain outside, and easily affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, can only kneel in this hall, and the status is not as good as the little guys in the Heavenly Palace Realm and True Martial Realm.

I don't know how long it took before Zhang Ziling spoke quietly, breaking the depressed silence in the hall, and said: "This emperor, how many years have you left?"

Zhang Ziling's voice was very flat. Although it seemed to be an ordinary question, the nine old people were all counted down.

How long have you been away?

Infinite fear gushed in the hearts of all the old people.

Is this asking them to defect?

Or do you blame them for watching the devil's decline?

Or perhaps, expressing disappointment in them? After only five thousand years, loyalty is no longer.

The fear in the hearts of the old people became more and more, and extremely complicated emotions rose in their hearts.

"Palace Master, you have been away for nearly six thousand years." The elderly Kang family spoke first and answered honestly.

The other old people also had fear on their faces, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze.

Perhaps the nightmare they have been haunting for thousands of years...

it has started.

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