Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1286: Humble request

After Zhang Ziling finished handling the nine heavenly sacred places, the nine old people had all been carved out of slave species, and they knelt calmly in the hall.

Things have become a foregone conclusion, and this is the best result for the nine elderly people.

Wang family, Jin family, Zhao family, Gu family...

The four did not come, and the nine old men had already predicted the end of their holy land.

No matter what calculations those people are working on, and what hole cards are hidden behind them, it is absolutely impossible to escape the fate of being annihilated.

The blood may be dyed red to the heavens and go to Shenzhou.

They don't think that the Devil Emperor will be soft-hearted.

The nine people knelt on the ground and stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze. After being ransacked, although they were desperate at first, they have become extremely relaxed now.

It was as if there was something heavy in my heart that was let go.

In fact, the nine people have never dared to forget Zhang Ziling’s kindness, and everything they have today can be said to be bestowed by Zhang Ziling.

The Devil... is like their father.

When choosing to leave the magic palace, the feeling of guilt in the hearts of the nine people was slow to subside.

Because they knew that once they did it themselves, their relationship with Zhang Ziling would forever crack.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the nine people who were still kneeling on the ground, his eyes were very deep and he was silent.


As soon as An Bei wanted to speak, Zhang Ziling waved his hand and stopped An Bei.

Not daring to speak, An Bei stood quietly behind Zhang Ziling.

The hall was extremely quiet, and the nine people knelt, and suddenly tears fell from their old cheeks.

Although several of them are saints and the masters of the heavenly holy land in the Xuanxiao Continent, they can...

They are now like lost children, extremely lonely.

"Palace Master, I, I... can I still call you Master?" The ancestor of the Ming family bowed to Zhang Ziling with his eyes red and choked.

"Ming'er knew it was wrong... When the master brought Ming'er out of the slave cave, Ming'er should always serve the master."

"Master, whether you copy my house, beat me, scold me, kill me, let me be a slave for a lifetime..."

"But... tomorrow's call to your master, can you... promise?"

The ancestor of the Ming family touched the cold floor tiles with his forehead, choked, his voice extremely low.

Tears wet the floor tiles.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Ming family is no longer a powerful saint, but more like an old slave who made a mistake.

Anbei felt sour when he saw the ancestor of the Ming family kneeling on the ground, and tears couldn't stop breaking out.

The other eight ancestors also paid homage to Zhang Ziling at the same time, tears in tears.

"Master... we were wrong."

Hoarse voices sounded in the hall, and Gu Changqing and Ren Tian couldn't help but their noses were sore, they glanced aside and couldn't bear to look at the scene in front of them.

It's really too humble.

For the nine old people, such a humble request is such an extremely extravagant hope.

Zhang Ziling looked at the nine elderly people who couldn't afford to bow before, and he also sighed deeply with emotion.

In fact, Zhang Ziling also understood their choice.

Even when Zhang Ziling saw Anbei desperately ruining his cultivation as a great emperor for the magic palace, Zhang Ziling still had a little anger in his heart.

Good luck fooling people, their choice, no wonder they.

The inability to struggle can only usher in death, and it can't change anything other than leaving pain for future generations.

But after choosing, it becomes a price.

No matter what the process is, they are ultimately responsible for the results.

"Sit down."

Zhang Ziling beckoned slightly, and thirteen wooden chairs appeared on both sides of the hall.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the nine old people got up, looked at the thirteen wooden chairs on both sides, and were slightly startled. Finally, they sighed deeply and got up to find a chair to sit down.

Master still can't forget those four...

However, that is their own choice after all, and no one can force them to take the way.

The nine old people each sat in the corner of the chair, and did not dare to sit on all of the chairs.

The nine people hit their backs straight, holding their breath, afraid to make any movements.

they know……

It is the greatest kindness of the master to let them sit.

The hall was very quiet, there was no breathing, only the sound of leaves blowing in the breeze outside the hall came into the hall.

"Xiao Bei, those two... haven't been in touch yet?"

After being quiet for a long time, Zhang Ziling spoke slowly and asked An Bei.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, everyone was shocked.

They knew which two Zhang Ziling was talking about.

Starcatcher Lin Mofan.

Immortal Emperor Swallowing Star Ye Zhiqing.

These two were different from the others. When they were following Zhang Ziling, they were saints who were in trouble. They were chased and killed by enemies, and their cultivation was almost abolished.

When Zhang Ziling brought them back to the Demon Palace, both of them were dying and might die at any time.

It was Zhang Ziling who healed their injuries and brought them back to life.

Even Zhang Ziling did not have the origin of the Heavenly Dao at the time. In order to repair the broken shrines and broken meridians of the two, Zhang Ziling personally went to the Xuanxiao Heavenly Dao and had a fierce fight with the Heavenly Dao. Only then did he reluctantly obtain the origin of the Heavenly Dao and repair the two men. The broken shrines and broken meridians brought them back to the realm of saints.

At that time, Zhang Ziling only established the magic palace not long ago, his own strength...

Also the emperor.

After that, Lin Mofan and Ye Zhiqing have been following Zhang Ziling and loyal.

After four thousand years, Zhang Ziling broke through from the great to the supreme. The vision of heaven and earth inspired Lin Mofan and Ye Zhiqing to break through to the realm of the great in one fell swoop. Since then, Lin Mofan and Ye Zhiqing have become more loyal to Zhang Ziling. .

No one thought that the two would betray the Devil Palace and Zhang Ziling.

"Master...the two of them didn't respond, and at the same time they hid their whereabouts." An Bei said to Zhang Ziling with a complex expression, his mood was also low.

Lin Mofan and Ye Zhiqing were among the five emperors who besieged the Demon Palace.

If the two of them hadn't betrayed, the magic palace with the three emperors would definitely not be destroyed by the coalition forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands.

So far, Anbei has not figured out why the two of them would betray.

"I see." Zhang Ziling just nodded slightly when he heard Anbei's words. From Zhang Ziling's expression, everyone could not see any emotion at all.

Gu Changqing and Ren Tian were also very nervous at the moment, and looked at Zhang Ziling with bated breath.

Emperor Star Reaching, Emperor Star Swallowing Immortal, these two great emperors are legendary figures in the Xuanxiao Continent, and are the supreme beings standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent.

Both of them created an emperor's Taoism, each in charge of a Shangzhou, and hundreds of millions of miles of territory were collected.

Star Reaching Palace, Star Swallowing Pavilion...

It is very famous in the entire Xuanxiao Continent.

Lord Devil...

Are you going to do something on those two emperor door ways?

They dare not imagine, but they believe Zhang Ziling has the ability to do it.

To know……

There was more than one Great Emperor who died in the hands of the Devil Emperor.

As the atmosphere in the main hall of the Demon Palace gradually became dignified, there was a riot outside the gate of the Demon Palace, and the shouts of the disciples of the Demon Palace were endless.

Attracted by the commotion outside, everyone in the main hall of the Demon Palace stood up.

The author Wu Xiaowu said: Xiao Wu was dizzy before writing... and even missed Gu's family, crying to death! It has been changed, don’t mind the readers...

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