Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1308: Siege of Tianji Pavilion

"The whereabouts of sister Lin Mu?"

Hearing what the old man Tianji said, Zhang Ziling raised his brows slightly, apparently he did not expect Lin Mu to have a younger sister.

It has been more than five thousand years since Zhang Ziling left the Xuanxiao Continent, and he has no idea about the Lin family descendants.

"Yes, because Lin Mu fostered his sister in other people's homes when he was young, so few people know that Lin Mu also has a younger sister. Murong Qingxun also bought the whereabouts of Lin Mu's sister through me, and plans to use Lin Mu's sister to ask questions. The whereabouts of the real dragon and demon jade are revealed." The old man of Tianji did not dare to conceal any more, and answered honestly to Zhang Ziling.

If Murong Qingxun was allowed to ascend to the throne of Qingxuan Ancient Nation, then the old man could take half of the Qingxuan Ancient Nation's treasury at will, the value of which was far more than one million Xuanjin, and he did not need to hand it over to the Tianji Pavilion headquarters.

For the old man of Tianji, it must be said that it is very attractive.

However, compared to those wealth, the old man still feels that his life is more important.

Hearing what the old man Tianji said, Zhang Ziling did not show a surprised look, watching the old man Tianji continue to ask: "Where is Lin Mu's sister?"

"That's...she." The old man Tianji smiled bitterly and pointed to Lin Wan'er behind Shui Qinghan.

"Me?" Seeing the old man Tianji pointing at herself, Lin Wan'er was stunned. She didn't even know that she had an older brother named Lin Mu.

"Yes, I have secretly checked the blood of the forest tree Murong Qingxun brought, and found that among the people named Lin in Qingdu City, only Lin Wan'er is related to Lin Mu."

"Murong Qingxun came here today to want me to hand over Lin Wan'er. When I was bargaining with Murong Qingxun, Lin Wan'er happened to be hosting you, and the adults happened to ask the Lin family for news... So Murong Qingxun thought you were a subordinate of a certain prince, and he also knew the secret that Lin Mu had a sister." The old man Tianji dragged out everything he knew, and his heart was full of bitterness.

Telling all these news to Zhang Ziling, the old man Tianji has violated the rules of Tianji Pavilion, and he will be punished heavily by Tianji Pavilion in the future.

However, the old man Tianji can no longer take care of so much now. It is important to survive.

Hearing the words of the old man of Tianji, Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and said, "So, the army surrounding Tianji Pavilion is the method Murong Qingxun uses to deal with me?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, the old man Tianji suddenly changed his complexion, and quickly bowed his head to Zhang Ziling, begging for mercy, "My lord! I didn't know that Murong Qingxun called the army! What he is doing now is nothing like me. relationship!"

At this moment, the old man of Tianji was completely panicked, afraid that Zhang Ziling would cut himself off in anger. He begged Zhang Ziling for mercy and kept explaining.

Just kidding, Zhang Ziling's current strength has far surpassed the first and second levels of the True Martial Realm, and even has the style of a saint.

In the True Martial Realm, there is a hurdle for every triple layer, and every time a hurdle is crossed, the strength will change upside down.

The old man of Tianji knew the strength of the great sacred places in Qingxuan City, and now even if the entire city's guards came over, it would be impossible to hurt Zhang Ziling!

In the eyes of the old man of Tianji, what Murong Qing is doing now is completely seeking his own death!

"Boom!", "Boom!", "Boom!"

The old man Tianji hit his forehead severely on the ground, and a small hole appeared on the floor, showing the panic of the old man Tianji.


Seeing the horrified look of the old man Tianji, Zhang Ziling just sneered, and then walked out of the room, no longer caring about the old man Tianji.

"Wan'er, follow me."

Zhang Ziling's voice rang in Lin Wan'er's ears, causing Lin Wan'er to move in her heart. She didn't care about the three or seventy-one, and quickly followed Zhang Ziling out.

Staying here, Lin Wan'er knew that she had no way to survive.

Only by keeping up with this mysterious guest can she survive, and maybe even see... the brother she doesn't know.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not act on him, the old man Tianji suddenly appeared ecstatic on his face as he watched Zhang Ziling's back.

However, there was a fierce flash in the depths of the eyes of the old man Tianji.

He is a person who must repay him. Zhang Ziling caused him to lose a million mysterious gold coins, and he would also be punished heavily by the Heavenly Secret Pavilion. This hatred... had to be repaid!

When Zhang Ziling leaves, he has the means to deal with Zhang Ziling!

Don't underestimate the energy of Tianji Pavilion.

"Shui Qinghan, kill the **** in the room, remove his limbs, and hang it on the window."

Zhang Ziling's voice sounded in the room, and Shui Qinghan, who had not left, suddenly felt that his strength soared, and soon rose to a level that he could not understand.

Feeling the power that was about to swell out of his body, Shui Qinghan couldn't help but look at the old man of Tianji who was still kneeling on the floor, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Killing the powerhouses in the True Martial Realm...Shui Qinghan has never experienced this kind of experience!

He can get... enjoy it.

The old man Tianji was still in a daze at Zhang Ziling's words, and suddenly saw Shui Qinghan walking towards him with a grinning smile.

Seeing Shui Qinghan approaching, the eyes of the old man Tianji flashed with surprise.

Just forget the guest, Shui Qinghan, you little guy who hasn't even reached the real martial realm, what on earth gave you the courage to deal with me?

The old man Tianji is not the kind of person who kneels and waits for death. Since Zhang Ziling decided to kill him, the old man Tianji would resist whatever he said!

"Prisoner Tianzhi!"


"Guest, there?"

Lin Wan'er seemed to hear the screams coming from the room and couldn't help looking at Zhang Ziling in confusion.

"It's nothing, it's just dealing with some private affairs." Zhang Ziling said to Lin Wan'er indifferently.

"Oh." Lin Wan'er nodded, but didn't care.

Because the army from outside had surrounded them, almost all the guests in the Tianji Pavilion had escaped. The others did not know what had happened, and they all gathered together to whisper.

The destruction of the Tianji Pavilion branch is not unheard of. Now the members of the Tianji Pavilion are discussing whether or not the external army came to deal with the Tianji Pavilion.

Just when this person was panicking, Zhang Ziling took Lin Wan'er down the first floor, and under the watchful eyes of the members of the Tianji Pavilion, he walked outside the Tianji Pavilion casually.

The strategist who had received Zhang Ziling thought that Zhang Ziling did not know that the outside was surrounded by the Azure Dragon Guards, and could not help but reminded: "Hey! Brother, outside..."

Zhang Ziling just waved his hand to the tactician who reminded him, and then walked out slowly with Lin Wan'er, leaving everyone with a cool back.

"The guests……"

"Called the son."

"My son, we are now..."

"Look for your brother."

Zhang Ziling took Lin Wan'er out of the Tianji Pavilion and onto the street.

At this moment, Murong Qingxun had been waiting at the gate of Tianji Pavilion for a long time.

Murong Qingxun watched as Lin Wan'er walked out with Lin Wan'er, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly.

"This young hero, can you go to the house for a comment?"

Murong Qing looked for the voice to fall, and the surrounding guards stepped up.

"Step!", "Step!", "Step!"

Neat and loud voices sounded solemnly in the street.

Many monks around, stopped to watch the excitement. I don't know who caused Murong Royal.

Looking at the soldiers around, Zhang Ziling smiled and looked at Murong Qingxun, and said, "What if I don't go?"

Murong Qingxun's eyes narrowed instantly when he heard Zhang Ziling's words.

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