Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1310: Kill all

Murong Qingxun saw Shui ruthlessly kneeling in front of Zhang Ziling and trembling, and suddenly realized that he had caused a catastrophe.

No one can make Shui Ruqing so scared except the core Saint Child of the Bai Family!

The Bai family is a heaven-level holy land at the same level as the Zhao family, in charge of two domains. There is a terrifying power of saints in the family, which is definitely not something that a Murong family can provoke.

At the thought of what he had said to Zhang Ziling before, Murong Qingxun trembled and his brain was muddy.

"Quick, look... what is that?"

Just when everyone was in extreme shock, a sharp cry came from the crowd. Everyone quickly heard the reputation, and after seeing the picture, there was panic in their eyes.

In the window on the third floor of Tianji Pavilion, there was a stick hanging!

Judging from the twisted face of the stick, that person...

It's an old man of heaven!

Seeing the painful expression of the old man Tianji before his death, the whole city was in an uproar. Everyone was talking about who was so courageous and dared to attack the people of Tianji Pavilion!

Seeing the excitement of the monks, Lin Wan'er couldn't help turning around to see what was going on, but before Lin Wan'er saw the old man Tianji, she was pulled back by Zhang Ziling.

"The son?" Lin Waner asked Zhang Ziling suspiciously.

"Some things are not suitable for you to see." Zhang Ziling said lightly, blocking Lin Wan'er's words.

Shui Qinghan walked out of the Tianji Pavilion at this time and saw Shui ruthlessly kneeling on the ground, his eyes changed slightly, but Shui Qinghan did not dare to say anything, but bowed slightly to Zhang Ziling and said, "My lord, take care of it. Up."

After killing the old man of Tianji, Shui Qinghan found that the swelling power in his body had disappeared. Although Shui Qinghan still felt a little pity, it also made Shui Qinghan more aware of Zhang Ziling's horror.

It can give people supreme power at any time, and it can also be recovered at any time...

Shui Qinghan dared not even think of such a method.

"Yeah." Seeing Shui Qinghan walked out, Zhang Ziling also nodded slightly, and then looked at Murong Qingxun, whose face was scared, with indifferent eyes.

At this moment, Murong Qingxun could no longer think.

The death of the old man Tianji gave him a heavy blow.

The old man of Tianji is a strong man in the real martial arts and a member of the Tianji Pavilion. But even so, Zhang Ziling could kill the old man Tianji...

Murong Qingxun really couldn't imagine how much energy Zhang Ziling had behind it!

Now Murong Qingxun finally understood that Zhang Ziling was not a subordinate of a certain prince at all, but a heavenly holy son who fell in love with the real dragon and demon jade.

Only the Son of Heavenly Holy Land dare to be so arrogant!

Dare to kill the old man of Tianji and hang his stick to show the existence of the public. If this kind of person wants to take the real dragon and demon jade, even if he gives Murong Qing ten more guts, Murong Qingxun dare not talk to Zhang Ziling. grab.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's cold eyes, Murong Qingxun's legs became weak, and he could no longer support his body.


Murong Qingxun knelt down towards Zhang Ziling.

"Large, adult...little and small know their faults." Tears mixed with nasal mucus, Murong Qing looked at Zhang Ziling tremblingly and begged for mercy.

If you can kill an old man, you dare to kill him, a prince from the ancient kingdom of Qingxuan!

Even the existence of Tianji Pavilion is not afraid, even if the entire Qingxuan ancient kingdom is razed, I am afraid it is not impossible!

When he thinks of his own cleverness surrounding a heavenly holy land holy son and utterly rude, Murong Qingxun can't wait to slap himself twice.

The disciples of the Shui family who came with Shui Ruqing were all staring at the stick hanging on the Tianji Pavilion at this moment, their brains blank.

In fact, they didn't know what they were doing here, it was only because the head of the family ordered them, so they followed to increase their momentum.

They were shocked when they saw their Patriarch thinking about Zhang Ziling kneeling down, and they didn't understand what their Patriarch was doing.

However, when they saw the old man Tianji's body, they understood everything.

Everyone in Qingxuancheng knew how strong the old man Tianji was.

Now that the old man Tianji has been shaved off a stick, the disciples of the Shui family suddenly understood Shui's ruthless approach.

That young man can kill the old man of Tianji...

It also means that the young man can kill anyone in Qingxuan City, including their Patriarch!

Where did the monster come from?

In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Ziling has become a demon god, extremely tall.

Zhang Ziling looked at Murong Qingxun calmly, and there was no waves in his heart for Murong Qingxun's begging for mercy.

"Kill them."

An extremely cold voice sounded all around.

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong, and Murong Qingxun froze even more.

Who said that?


While everyone was still in a daze, Shui Qinghan took the lead to react, and directly twisted the heads of the two Azure Profound Dragon Guards.

Blood splashed all over the floor.

After killing the old man Tianji, Shui Qinghan acted on the Murong family, without even having any psychological shadow.

"Patriarch, do it!" After the two Qingxuan Dragon Guards were dealt with, Shui Qinghan's voice rang in Shui Ruqing's ear, awakening Shui Ruqing.

Hearing Shui Qinghan's words, Shui Ruthlessly reacted immediately, and quickly stood up and ordered the people: "Do it! Qingxuan Longwei and Murong Qingxun, don't let them go!"

Shui Ruqing now understood what Zhang Ziling meant.

Zhang Ziling’s icy tone just now made it clear that he wanted to destroy the Murong family, but he was still considering the power of the various parties, without knowing that he had such a thigh!

If Shui Qinghan hadn't taken the lead, Shui Ruoqing would still be in a state of chaos.

The current Shui Ruthless is extremely annoyed, and I can't wait for time to do it again.

With the style of Lord Demon Emperor...How could it be possible to deal with those small characters?

All should be killed!

After receiving the orders from the Patriarch, a group of Shui family disciples all turned into a hungry tiger and slew towards Qingxuan Longwei, splashing blood all over the street for a while.

The monks onlookers all turned into birds and beasts in horror, afraid to continue watching the excitement here, for fear of being affected.

The situation is developing too fast, and everyone fully reacted.

From Murong Qing looking for people to besiege Tianji Pavilion, to Shui Ruthlessly appearing to stop, to Shui Ruthlessly kneeling in panic, to the old man Tianji being cut with an adult stick, to the Shui family slaughtering Qingxuan Dragon Guard...

All this happened within a short quarter of an hour, and the huge amount of information filled everyone's heads.

Because Qingxuan Longwei was suppressed by Shui's ruthless aura, his strength could not be displayed even one tenth, and the entire army was slaughtered by the Shui family.

The downtown area of ​​Qingxuan City instantly turned into a hell.

Murong Qingxun knelt on the ground dullly, watching the Qingxuan Dragon Guard one after another dying in front of him.

Blood was splashed with Murong Qingxun's face.

How could this be?

What did i do?

Murong Qingxun's body trembled violently, and his face was full of fear.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the **** scene in front of him, and then took Lin Wan'er, who was blindfolded by him, and walked towards the palace.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's departure, Shui Ruoqing rushed to Zhang Ziling and asked, "My lord, what else do we need us to do?"

"Murong family, is it the Zhao family's eyes in Qingxuancheng?" Zhang Ziling asked indifferently, stepping on the blood pond on the road.

"Yes, my lord, the holy land behind Murong's house is Zhao's house." Shui ruthlessly replied.

"Well, then clear the streets and lead people to besiege the city."

"Don't let out any of Murong's."

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