Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1316: Zhao Family Patriarch

In front of the ruins of the imperial palace, under the gaze of the Shui family, Zhang Ziling walked out with Lin Wan'er who was still in a trance.

At this moment, the Shui family lined up neatly, looking at Zhang Ziling in awe.

In Qingxuan City, apart from Shui Ruqing, Shui Qinghan and Lin Wan'er, no one knew Zhang Ziling's true identity.

However, even if everyone didn't know Zhang Ziling's identity, the strength Zhang Ziling showed had completely conquered everyone.

No one dares to disrespect Zhang Ziling in the huge Qingxuan City!

Zhang Ziling looked at the crowd of Shui Family people who were waiting for him to come out, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly raised, and there was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes.


In the downtown area of ​​Qingxuan City, in front of Tianji Pavilion.

The two men dressed in plain clothes calmly looked at the old man of Tianji hanging on the Tianji Pavilion, without any emotion in their eyes.

"What should we do now? Do we need revenge for this guy?" one man asked another.

Another man shook his head and said in a low voice: "Go back and ask the pavilion master. Even with the strength of the two of us, it is impossible to destroy Murong's house in such a short time. And the identity of that person is unknown. At the same time, he possesses two emperor skills that he can cultivate to the transformation realm.

"Understood, the Tianji Pavilion in Qingxuan Ancient City will be temporarily closed, and the business will be given to the Xuanjice group of guys."

"Let's go, take that guy's body away."

As the two men talked, their figures slowly disappeared in place.

At the same time, the corpse of the old man Tianji hanging above the Tianji Pavilion also slowly disappeared at this moment, no one noticed.


Profound Sky, Heavenly Capital City, Zhao Family Holy Land.

In an underground cave, unlike the one imagined, it is a cave in the sky.

There are blue sky and white clouds above, and flowers and plants spirit beasts below. There is a strong spiritual power flowing around, and the scent of holy medicine is permeated in this wide small cave.

In the center of the cave, there is a small wooden house with a simple courtyard in front of the wooden house.

An old man in commoner was sitting on a wooden chair in the other courtyard, staring at the crooked peach tree in front of him.

At this time, an old man wearing a gilt robe slowly walked into the other courtyard, exuding the aura of a superior person, glowing from the brows, the palace was full, and the breath was condensed to the extreme.

Obviously, the old man who walked into the other courtyard was a saint.

"Wuxin." The old man in common clothes sitting on the wooden chair did not look away from the crooked peach tree, but said softly.

Zhao Wuxin bowed slightly to the old man in Commoner, and said respectfully, "Father."

The old man sitting on the wooden chair is the ancestor of the Zhao family, Zhao Wuwei.

"There are still three days before my big birthday. I didn't say that before my big birthday, there is nothing particularly important. Don't you want to disturb me?" Zhao Wuwei's voice was a little cold, which made Zhao Wuxin feel it too. Coldly.

Zhao Wuwei received a call from An Bei, the Emperor Tayue.

And he always thought Anbei was dead.

But An Bei didn't, and even brought him extremely shocking news.

An Bei asked him to return to the Demon Palace to see the Palace Master.

But Zhao Wuwei chose to ignore it, and did not return to the magic palace.

Zhao Wuwei knew that once he went back, the foundation he had spent three thousand years to lay down would disappear.

Zhao Wuwei was unwilling to be taken back like this, he wanted to give it a try.

Take a try with the Jin family, Gu family, and Wang family.

When Zhao Wuwei chose to ignore Anbei’s transmission, he had already consumed all his energy, and then Zhao Wuwei trapped himself in this cave. Except for the three ancestors of the Jin family, the Gu family, and the Wang family, and the current Patriarch Zhao Wuxin, See no one.

Zhao Wuwei knew Zhang Ziling was terrible, but he...

There is no choice.

Going back to the magic palace, there will be nothing.

Choose to give it a try, if you win... the Zhao family will go to the top of the world.

Lost is nothing but nothing.

Zhao Wuxin didn't know what Zhao Wuwei had in mind. At this moment, he was worried about another matter. Looking at Zhao Wuwei's back, he said, "Father, Wusheng's life card is broken."

Zhao Wuwei's body shook slightly, then moved his gaze from the crooked peach tree to Zhao Wuxin, and said, "When?"

Feeling the imposing pressure from Zhao Wuwei, Zhao Wuxin bowed slightly and immediately said, "A quarter of an hour ago."

"Where did Wusheng go?" Zhao Wuwei continued to ask.

"I went to Qingxuan City at the junction of the Azure Spiritual Realm and the Profound Sky Realm, and said it was preparing a gift for his father." Zhao Wuxin didn't dare to hide anything, and told Zhao Wuwei everything he knew.

When the father's tenth birthday was approaching, there was such a thing, which was bad news for the Zhao family.

After Zhao Wuxin heard what Zhao Wuxin said, his body began to tremble violently, his face was not the anger that Zhao Wuxin expected, but was full of fear.

"Father?" Zhao Wuxin asked quickly without understanding what Zhao Wuwei was afraid of.

Zhao Wuwei is the top powerhouse of the Zhao family, shocking all the heroes.

Zhao Wusheng knew better than anyone that if it hadn't been for Zhao Wuwei, their Zhao family would have been swallowed up by other heavenly holy land.

Without Zhao Wuwei, their Zhao family would never be peaceful.

Therefore, after seeing what Zhao Wuwei looks like now, Zhao Wuxin was scared and very worried.

Zhao Wuwei trembled, stood up while leaning on the chair, and kept saying: "He is here...he is coming after all..."

Seeing what Zhao Wuwei looks like now, Zhao Wusheng thought it was Zhao Wusheng’s death that irritated the old man, and hurriedly said with a trembling, “Don’t worry, father. I must send someone to check this out. No matter who killed Wusheng, I He must be wiped out!"

"Bastard stuff!"


Zhao Wuwei suddenly glared and slapped Zhao Wuxin severely. The loud applause echoed in this other courtyard, and even the peach blossoms on the crooked peach tree were shaken down.

Being slapped by Zhao Wuwei, Zhao Wusheng's eyes were completely blank, but Zhao Wusheng did not dare to resist his father, and knelt down directly towards Zhao Wuwei, and quickly said: "My child knows wrong, please father to punish me!"

Although Zhao Wuxin is a saint, Zhao Wuxin still looks like a cowardly child in front of Zhao Wuwei.

Seeing Zhao Wusheng kneeling down and confessing his mistake, Zhao Wuwei suddenly became much older, and he collapsed directly on the wooden chair, sighed heavily, and said: "Get up, Wuxin, this is not to blame you."

"Come, sir, he... after all, he is here."

Zhao Wuxin stood up from the ground, looked at Zhao Wuwei with doubts, and said, "Father, who is it that is back? Don't be nervous and speak slowly!"

Zhao Wuwei turned his head to look at Zhao Wuxin, eyes full of tears, and trembled: "Lord of the magic palace."

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