Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1332: Get out

However, when Zhao Wuxin roared out, it was already too late.

The real martial artist was already covered in flowing magma armor, burning the surrounding air, and his fiery fist greeted Zhang Ziling's head.

Obviously, the strong man used the same emperor technique as Zao Wou-ki, lava armor!

However, unlike Zao Wou-Ki, the imperial technique used by this true martial artist has already cultivated to a very high level. The entire sky seems to have lava rushing, and the surrounding big people only feel that their skin is burned by magma, and they have to use it. Spiritual power to resist that extremely high temperature.

"Die me!"

The Zhao family's True Martial Realm powerhouse roared, and the violent spiritual power spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding big figures retreated, afraid to bear the pressure of the True Martial Realm powerhouse.

The magma turned into by endless spiritual power surged in the real martial power, melting all the surrounding earth, and the surroundings turned into magma!

Seeing the lava fist of the big casserole hitting, Zhang Ziling smiled slightly, slapped back indifferently, and slapped the true martial realm powerhouse directly on the face.


The lava armor on the face of the real martial artist was instantly shattered, and the spiritual power surging in his body also stopped abruptly.

"Why, why..." The real martial artist's eyes were incredible, and then he felt a huge force coming from his face, and the whole person was directly fanned out.


The saints in the attic also stood up, looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, and couldn't believe what they saw before them.

No one had thought that Zhang Ziling would be able to fan out the real martial arts powerhouses who used the emperor arts!

Such an age is the ability to crush the True Martial Realm...

how is this possible?

Many saints can't believe it, although they can do what Zhang Ziling did just now, they don't believe that a young man in his twenties can do it too!

The spiritual power in the saint's body also burst out because of the excitement, and the attic where he was in burst instantly.

The mighty power of the saint is permeating the air, making countless big figures out of breath at all!

When Zao Wuji, who was stepped on by Zhang Ziling, saw that his own line of strong real martial arts was fanned out by Zhang Ziling, his whole person was instantly stunned.

That's a real martial artist!

This is absolutely impossible!

Zao Wou-ki was going crazy, couldn't believe his eyes, thinking he was dreaming!

"I, I must be dreaming! How could this little baby..."

"Impossible! That's a four-layer powerhouse in the True Martial Realm, how could it be blown out by a junior!"

"I feel like something big is going to happen!"

After a short period of sluggishness, a group of big people broke out into a shocking noise, and their hearts were completely filled with shock.

Zhang Ziling's practice of flying the real martial realm powerhouse with one palm has already scared everyone.

It can be said that Zhang Ziling's performance has even far surpassed that of the disciples of the Dimen Taoist inheritance!

However, Zhang Ziling did not care about the exclamation of the people around him at all. Instead, black flames began to surround his body, and a powerful aura far surpassing the True Martial Realm powerhouse filled his body.

After Zhang Ziling's aura spread, the surrounding area fell into a dead silence.

Everyone stared at Zhang Ziling, their eyes widened, and their bodies began to tremble violently.

The big people around felt the aura of Zhang Ziling at the moment, their eyes were full of fear, their heads sweating, and their mouths dry.


Why is he a saint?

The big men's brains were blank, they couldn't figure it out, and they regretted the mocking words they had just said.

They actually mocked the saint?

Who would have thought that the young man who broke into the banquet... turned out to be a saint!

The aura that Zhang Ziling exudes, even the powerhouse of the Ninth Level of True Martial Realm feels immense pressure, Zhang Ziling's aura is definitely a saint!

Huang Tian, ​​not far behind Zhang Ziling, was already frightened and stupefied at this moment. His whole body was limp to the ground and became stupid.

Huang Tian didn't even dare to think about it. He just wanted to play with an ordinary person, and he even provoked a saint!

Thinking of the disaster he might bring to the family, Huang Tian felt extremely frightened, completely plunged into the abyss of fear.

"Everything... is over."

Zhang Ziling's powerful momentum instantly crushed everyone around him out of breath.

Those high-ranking figures in the past are all like ants, trembling in front of Zhang Ziling.

Under the saint, all are ants.

The sages standing in the void were staring at Zhang Ziling at this moment, with their fists clenched.

A strong man came to the Zhao family to make trouble, and a saint came to make trouble in the Zhao family, the meaning of which was completely different!

What's more, Zhang Ziling still looks so young, even if he is able to maintain his face or use a panacea, his body will change a little after a long time.

However, Zhang Ziling looked exactly like a young man in his twenties, and he didn't have the slightest breath of corruption at all!

This also shows that Zhang Ziling was extremely young when he stepped into the saint!

With such a terrifying talent and the strength of a saint... You saints simply can't imagine how powerful the forces behind Zhang Ziling are!

Only when standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent and still possessing a great emperor, can such a character appear?

Everyone thought about it a lot, and the surrounding atmosphere instantly became subtle.

Although this is the sacred land of the Zhao family, they also came to congratulate the ancestors of the Zhao family.

But in order to make the Zhao family good, a saint was provoked, and there was even the emperor's imperial ethics... everyone was absolutely unwilling.

Several saints standing in the air turned their eyes straight and decided to observe the situation before making a decision.

Although the Zhao family needs help now, if they act now, it will definitely do more harm than good.

The saints are all old spirits, and their hearts are very bright, so naturally they will not take action at this time.

Zhang Ziling at the banquet didn't care about the thoughts of the big people around him, just stepped on it hard.


Zao Wou-ki's head was trampled to pieces like a watermelon, scarlet blood flowed all over the place, and the scene looked extremely bloody.

The strong smell of blood permeated all around, making the faces of the Zhao family very ugly, but they did not dare to move.

Zhang Ziling's strength has been out of the control of the Zhao family.

Once the battle involves the sage level, the destructive power produced is absolutely tremendous, and even... the entire Zhao Family Holy Land will be shattered!

The Zhao family members simply couldn't figure out where they had offended such a monster, so they could only pin their hopes on Zhao Wuxin.

The sages of the Zhao family are only Zhao Wuwei and Zhao Wuxin. Now that Zhao Wuwei has not come out, only Zhao Wuxin can fight in the Zhao family.

Zhang Ziling looked around for a week, the corner of his mouth slightly evoked a strange arc, and said: "Everyone, I am here to congratulate Zhao Wuwei. The rest of the unrelated personnel, if there is nothing particularly important, then..."

"Get out of here."

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