Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1342: Best College

Jiuyao Upper Shenzhou, located in the extreme west of Xuanxiao Continent, is the most remote Upper Shenzhou in Xuanxiao Continent, and it is also the most chaotic Upper Shenzhou.

Jiu Yao Shang Shenzhou has a vast area and rich resources, especially with countless burial sites forbidden.

Because it is too remote, and there are too many forbidden areas in Jiuyao Upper Shenzhou, many monks and monks who have escaped from hunting and killing from major holy places have all gone to Jiuyao Upper Shenzhou.

It can be said that the Nine Lights Upper Shenzhou is a paradise for casual cultivators, especially the most central region of the Nine Lights Upper Shenzhou, where various races are intertwined, mainly humans, and numerous races have multiplied. Therefore, the wasteland is also called by the outside world. for……

Baizu Cave.

Baizu Cave is the most chaotic and prosperous area in China on Jiu Yao.

Because of its particularity, this area has almost no large sects. It is mainly based on colleges. Instructors teach students of all ethnic groups. The competition between colleges is very fierce, and conflicts often erupt between colleges and colleges. friction.

Baishi Academy is the top three top academies in the Hundred Clan Caverns. The Tianjiao evildoers of all races are proud to enter the Baishi Academy.

"Baishi Academy..."

In Baishi City, Zhang Ziling stood in front of the gate of Baishi Academy, looked at the four big characters with powerful Taoism engraved on the huge stone in front of the gate, and said softly.

Speaking of it, the model of this academy was only applied to the entire Xuanxiao Continent after Zhang Ziling became emperor.

However, after Zhang Ziling left and the devil's palace declined, the colleges of the Great Shenzhou in the Xuanxiao Continent were shattered. Only the Jiuyao Shang Shenzhou retained the academy model and continued to develop.

After tens of thousands of years, the academy of the Hundred Clan Grottoes has completely replaced the role of the sect, and has become the best model for cultivating the strong in the wasteland. The big clans have also sent their juniors to the colleges for training. Therefore, the noble status of the college was established, and few forces dared to provoke it.

After all, to provoke an academy is equivalent to provoke all the big forces in the Hundred Clan Cave!

Therefore, in the Cave of Hundred Races, only the college can challenge the college.

The Heavenly Profound Upper Shenzhou is located in the eastern part of the Xuanxiao Continent, while the Jiuyao Upper Shenzhou is in the extreme west. The distance between the two great Shenzhous is simply unimaginable. Even the teleportation array cannot be teleported. Even if Zhang Ziling came to the Jiuyao Upper Shenzhou, plus It also took months to get delayed.

During this period, through Anbei's information, Zhang Ziling also learned about the situation of the Profound Sky in the Shenzhou.

The devil’s palace settled down. The destruction of the Zhao family, the Jin family, the Gu family, and the Wang family also caused a huge storm throughout the Profound Sky and Shenzhou, and various rumors were flying all over the sky. Fortunately, the other nine families will press it down before the situation worsens. After coming down, at the same time, the entire Tianxuan Shang Shenzhou was secretly merged to provide resources for the development of the magic palace.

It can be said that the resources of the entire Profound Sky Upper Divine State are now being channeled to the Demon Palace, and the dilapidated emperor door to the Taoist line... is also rapidly recovering vitality at an unimaginable speed outsiders.

An Upper Shenzhou is extremely vast, and there are endless oceans between Upper Shenzhou, so under the strict control of the nine clans, other upper Shenzhou forces have not yet received news of the Heavenly Profound Upper Shenzhou, as usual.

Zhang Ziling originally planned to go to the Star Swallowing Pavilion and the Star Harvesting Palace after dealing with the four houses, but after Zhang Ziling talked with Ye Zhiqing, Zhang Ziling also changed his mind.

Whether it is the Star Swallowing Pavilion, the Star Harvesting Palace, or other Holy Land forces that participated in the destruction of the Demon Palace, they are nothing but accomplices, and their forces are all there, it is impossible to escape.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling's next focus was on finding the mastermind and Zi You.

In the vast continent, the information Zhang Ziling has so far is nothing but the "Bai Shi Academy" that Ye Zhiqing said.

Zhang Ziling didn't know what he was going to do here.

"This matter has to be taken slowly, not in a hurry." Zhang Ziling said softly, without thinking about it, and stepped into the Baishi Academy.

Since it is here, there will definitely be discoveries.

"In the college, although I don't know what to do at the moment, being a teacher is always easier than a student, and I can reach more people and enter more places. This level of identity is perfect for me. "Zhang Ziling looked around and looked at the students wearing the uniforms of the Baishi Academy, and he suddenly had a measure in his heart.

The Best Academy does not forbid outsiders to visit, but students must wear uniform uniforms, so Zhang Ziling did not attract many people's attention when he walked in the academy. At most, it was just a few curious students who looked at it.

After looking for a few students and asking for directions, Zhang Ziling soon found the admissions office of Baishi Academy.

There is no special place to recruit teachers in the college, so Zhang Ziling can only find the admissions office to ask for directions.

For colleges that are equivalent to the Holy Land like Baishi Academy, powerhouses at the Dean level are usually not seen, and the affairs of the college are not managed by the Dean, but are managed by the teachers below.

Moreover, neither the dean nor the deputy dean of the Best Academy were in the academy, and Zhang Ziling could not directly find the dean to arrange an identity for him.

After all, Zhang Ziling came to the Baishi Academy to find someone or something, and it is impossible to come over with a big fanfare or directly level the Academy.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling still has to abide by the necessary rules. Otherwise... it doesn't make any sense for Zhang Ziling to travel all the way to Shenzhou on Jiuyao.

The admissions office of Baishi College is not remote. There is a special building in the southwest corner of the college.

Because of the fierce competition among Baizu Cave colleges, the source of students is extremely important to the college, and it is no different for top colleges such as Baishi College.

Therefore, as the facade of the college’s admissions, the admissions office is naturally magnificent and magnificent.

When Zhang Ziling saw the building where the admissions office was located, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, secretly exaggerating.

The college has a fixed enrollment season every year, and it is not the enrollment season now, so there are not many teachers in the admissions office, and I feel a little clean.

After Zhang Ziling entered the building, many rooms were empty and empty. Zhang Ziling took a long turn before finding a house with people.

"We are not enrolling students now, please go back."

As soon as Zhang Ziling arrived at the door, the old man sitting in the chair opened his mouth slightly, letting Zhang Ziling go out.

Looking at the old man who didn't raise his head, Zhang Ziling just smiled, walked directly into the room and sat on the chair at the table, looked at the old man and said, "I'm not here to go to school."

"Huh?" Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the old man frowned slightly and looked up at Zhang Ziling, "Then what are you doing?"

"Apply for a teacher." Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly.

The old man glanced at Zhang Ziling strangely, then shook his head, and refused: "We don't lack teachers here, please go back."


In the eyes of the old man, this young man is only in his twenties, how much can he have?

With the student talent of their Best Academy, I am afraid that even a student ranked more than one hundred can easily defeat this young man.

It is a fantasy that such young people want to come to Baishi Academy to be teachers.

Young people now... always think about unrealistic things.

After being rejected by the old man, Zhang Ziling was not upset, but looked at the old man with a faint smile, and did not get up and leave.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling hadn't left, the old man frowned and his tone became a little unhappy, and said, "Is it not clear enough? We don't lack teachers!"

"Yes, I must enter Baishi Academy." Zhang Ziling said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the old man without any doubt.

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