Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1352: Bang, explode!

After Mu Ke responded to Zhang Ziling, he didn't think that Zhang Ziling would really kill Qi Yang. Instead, he lay on the railing again and watched the battle between Mu Bing and Qi Yang below with Zhang Ziling.

Mu Ke and Zhang Ziling stood together but attracted the attention of many people around. All the students were guessing Zhang Ziling's identity and wanted to know who Zhang Ziling was.

Nowadays, most people have forgotten about the incident more than a month ago. Only a few people have a slight impression, but they can't remember Zhang Ziling's appearance.

Suddenly, speculations about Zhang Ziling's various identities spread among the various students in an instant.

Mu Bing, who was on the competition stage at the moment, didn't know the storm in the stands, and she now focused all of her attention on Qi Yang.

Qi Yang's powerful aura suppressed Mu Bing at all. Although Qi Yang's current realm was suppressed in the eighth level of Nirvana, his own accumulated foundation was far beyond Mu Bing's ability.

Now the match between the two looks fierce. In fact, Mu Bing has always been led by Qi Yang's nose, as if Mu Bing was molested by Qi Yang, like a puppet toy.

And Mu Bing is a temperament not to admit defeat, unless the spiritual power in his body is exhausted, or he is seriously injured and can no longer move, Mu Bing will not admit defeat at all.

Qi Yang just settled Mu Bing's temperament, and while talking about the gentleman, he enjoyed the joy of playing with Mu Bing.

Seeing all this in the stands, Mu Ke's teeth tickled, wishing to take Qi Yang away now.

Now anyone can see that Qi Yang did it deliberately.

Obviously, the battle can be resolved in a few strokes, but he just humiliates people like this.

"This despicable bastard! What's bullying a woman? I must kill him!" Mu Ke gritted his little tiger teeth in the stands, his eyes almost bursting into flames.

On the contrary, Zhang Ziling's mouth kept smiling faintly, and he didn't care about the battle on the competition stage.

In Zhang Ziling's view, this is completely a fight between the two children. Although the two have bright spots, Zhang Ziling is not planning to accept disciples, and naturally does not care about their performance.

"Hey! Didn't you say you want to kill him? Why don't you do it?" As if tired of shouting, Mu Ke used Zhang Ziling as a punching bag and asked Zhang Ziling angrily.

Although Mu Ke knew that Zhang Ziling could not do it, now it is impossible for Mu Ke to go up and hold Mu Bing, so he can only find Zhang Ziling as a punching bag.

Zhang Ziling also felt cute about Mu Ke's current irritation, but Zhang Ziling didn't have any plans to move. He just shook his head slightly and said, "No hurry."

"Huh! I know you are bragging, liar!" Mu Ke didn't count on Zhang Ziling. After getting Zhang Ziling's ambiguous response, Mu Ke put his attention on the competition stage again.

At this moment, Mu Bing has completely fallen into a decline, his physical strength has been exhausted, and the spiritual power in his body has been exhausted, and he may fall at any time.

The battle between the two is not as powerful as before. Although the competition platform has been completely destroyed, the referee can now re-enter the court and stare at the two.

After all, Mu Bing and Qi Yang are both extremely excellent students in the academy, and neither of them should be accidental.

Now that the battle is coming to an end, the referee should naturally take care not to cause excessive damage to either side.

Any loss is a huge loss for Best Academy.

Moreover, the Mu family and Qi family are both big families, and Baishi Academy has to pay attention to it.

Mu Bing is now completely bracing, even Qi Yang has a lot of consumption now, and his breathing has become a little quicker.

After all, Mu Bing is not a mediocre, and Qi Yang is also suppressing his strength. Although Qi Yang looks relaxed on the surface, Qi Yang also knows that he is about to reach his limit.

If the battle is not ended, Qi Yang will not be able to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, and will make a fool of himself in front of the students.

"Sister Mu Bing, you are already very tired, so be it." Qi Yang said softly to Mu Bing, and then put away his sword, slapped Mu Bing on the shoulder, and pushed Mu Bing. Off the competition table.

In this way, Qi Yang easily won the battle, and there were shocking cheers from the stands.

After all, Qi Yang is also considered brave and brave, not to mention his excellent talents, and his family background is magnificent, there will naturally be a large number of followers behind him.

Qi Yang's victory at the moment was in everyone's expectation, and this cheer was justified.

Qi Yang looked at Mu Bing, who had an ugly face under the competition platform, and smiled softly, "Sister Mu Bing, next time we have a chance, we will discuss it in depth."

"Of course, this time I caused Sister Mu Bing to lose her cultivation resources, but I will personally deliver the share you deserve to Sister Mu Bing, so don't worry about Sister Mu Bing." Qi Yang added, full Smiling face.

The training resources of the students of the Best Academy are distributed according to the ranking of the students in the ranking competition. Now Mu Bing is eliminated in the middle of the ranking competition. The ranking will naturally drop a lot, and his own training resources will also be greatly affected.

Seeing Qi Yang's smiling expression, Mu Bing could only choose to ignore it and walked to the competition stage step by step.

The test with Qi Yang consumed too much, and Mu Bing now only felt his head was dizzy and he needed to adjust his breath as soon as possible.

Qi Yang looked at Mu Bing's curvy back, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, his tongue stretched out and licked his lips.

One day, I will get you...

A gentle smile appeared on Qi Yang's face again, greeting the students in the stands.


Suddenly, Qi Yang felt some kind of throbbing in his heart, and his heart beat fiercely once.

However, that feeling went away in a flash, Qi Yang didn't care, he just looked at Mu Bing greedily again, followed Mu Bing's route to look at Mu Ke, and after looking at Mu Ke hard, he wrinkled. Frowning, his eyes fell on Zhang Ziling.

"Who is that guy?" Seeing Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke standing together, a haze flashed in the depths of Qi Yang's eyes, feeling very upset.

The flowers of Mu's sisters are all regarded by Qi Yang as his own bag. Now that other men approach his woman, Qi Yang feels hatred.

Regardless of Zhang Ziling's purpose, Qi Yang remembered Zhang Ziling in his heart, preparing to clean up in the future.

After packing up the mood of victory, Qi Yang is ready to step off the competition platform.


Once again, Qi Yang realized that something was wrong with his heart beating fiercely, and he was stunned in the stands.

However, the students cheering in the stands, including the referee, did not realize Qi Yang's strangeness.

"Sister!" Mu Jian Mu Bing walked to the stands, waved vigorously, and then complained to Zhang Ziling, "Liar, why are you still here?"

Although Mu Ke knew that Zhang Ziling was not to blame, but now Mu Ke urgently needed to vent his anger, and Zhang Ziling was the only one beside her, so Zhang Ziling naturally suffered this unwarranted disaster.

"Who said I was a liar?" Zhang Ziling smiled at Mu Ke and snapped his fingers lightly.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's retort, Mu Ke's anger in his heart was even worse, pointing to Zhang Ziling and shouting: "You guys don't know what's wrong! I previously lied to me that I was a teacher, and that he wanted to accept me as a student, now he said he would kill..."


Before Mu Ke finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded from the competition platform, and then the entire venue fell into deathly silence.

Mu Ke also pointed at Zhang Ziling and yelled at him, but he couldn't say anything after that.

The sudden explosion shocked Mu Ke.

Mu Ke turned her head mechanically, and when she saw the broken meat left over from the explosion and the blood-stained referee on the competition table, her pupils shrank suddenly.

Qi Yang...exploded?

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ke's stunned look, only smiled, took out a stack of documents and put them in her hands, patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "Remember to follow the agreement. From now on, you will be my student."

After all, Zhang Ziling turned around and left leisurely.

Mu Ke was holding a stack of documents in a daze, and looking at Zhang Ziling with his mouth slightly open, his heart was shocked and his brain was blank.

"That's right!" Zhang Ziling waved his hand to Mu Ke without turning his head, "My name is Zhang Ziling, you have to call me teacher in the future!"

As Zhang Ziling left, the atmosphere in the entire venue exploded.

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