Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1363: Rolling

"This is my site. I have no interest in how you mess around outside... But," Zhang Ziling looked at several men in black, his eyes gleaming with danger, "If you treat the two behind me What do the students think..."

"Sorry, that means you provoke me. And I will definitely kill your family."

"I think you guys should also understand what I mean...cutting the grass and roots, what everyone likes to do."

"And what I usually do may be thorough, and I won't even leave one of your dogs."

Zhang Ziling's voice was very flat, as if he was talking about something ordinary.

But Zhang Ziling's words were heard in the ears of several Qi family members, but like a deep-sea bomb, it exploded in their brains.

The powers that can control the laws of the Great Dao... at least are the powerhouses above the seventh level of the True Martial Realm, the group of beings standing at the top of the Xuanxiao Continent!

Moreover, they have already exposed their family in front of Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling is still so easy to say that they want to kill their family...

How many people in the world can destroy the whole family?

Several people in black swallowed slightly, and there was infinite fear in their eyes.

If Zhang Ziling's strength hadn't reached a certain level, they might only burst out laughing when they heard Zhang Ziling said that they wanted to Tu Qi family's whole clan, and then they would kill them.

However, Zhang Ziling only said a word just now, that is to make the powerhouses of the Ninth Layer of the Heavenly Palace directly kneel to the ground!

Just now Zhang Ziling did such a shocking thing, and said flatly that he wanted to kill the Qi family... Even though a few people in black didn't believe Zhang Ziling could do it, they still felt that their scalp was numb.

They are assassinating a lunatic!

After a brief silence, the headed man in black quickly recovered his composure, watching Zhang Ziling sternly shouted: "Don’t be fooled by him. There must be some treasure on his body to release this pressure. This Waiting for the treasure must not last long, let me break it!"


Zhang Ziling’s few words affected their mood. The black-clothed man in the lead realized that he could no longer let the situation be so passive. The coercion belonging to the real martial arts realm broke out from the black-clothed man in an instant, and the entire yard cracked. Even the surrounding barriers began to fluctuate, and they were in danger of breaking at any time.

They didn't expect Zhang Ziling to be so difficult to deal with at the beginning, and the barrier around this courtyard could only withstand the bombardment of the Ninth Layer of the Heavenly Palace Realm at best. Once the battle at the real martial realm level, this barrier might not last long.

After the headed men in black decided to take action, it meant that they had to fight quickly, otherwise they would only be found out by Baishi Academy.

If they are caught by the strong of Baishi Academy, I am afraid that even the Qi family will be in big trouble!

Therefore, they cannot expect the Qi family to rescue.

Assassinating the teacher of the Baishi Academy and the two saints of the Mu family at Baishi Academy, such a big crime, even the Qi family can't easily bear it.

If things are revealed, their fate is death.

The Qi family can be crazy for Qi Yang, similarly, the Mu family and Baishi Academy can also be crazy for Mu Bing and Mu Ke, and even the revenge will come even more violently.

After the headed man in black exploded his own power, he already knew that he had no turning back now.

Feeling the powerful force belonging to the true martial state, Mu Bing and Mu Ke's expressions changed drastically, and they couldn't help shouting, "Teacher, be careful!"

I don't know when, the two of them have sincerely recognized Zhang Ziling as a teacher, although Zhang Ziling just said something that a madman would say.


The headed man in black shouted sternly, holding the golden dagger in his hand, and the whole person turned into a black light and pierced the other men in black to Zhang Ziling.

Now the people in black dare not use the mighty martial arts, they can only concentrate all their power on the dagger and the legs, hoping to use the powerful explosive power and attack power to achieve the effect of one blow.

Seeing the man in black who tore everything and rushed towards him, Zhang Ziling's expression did not change at all, his eyes still cold.

"I said, just the power I used..."

"It's the law."


The power of the vast avenue emerged in this courtyard, and the man in black who stabbed Zhang Ziling felt that he had fallen into the quagmire and was unable to move.

The lightning-fast figure instantly changed to tortoise speed. The man in black was struggling with the power of the surging avenue in the yard. He could no longer hold the dagger in his hand, and the rapid movement of the spiritual power in his body seemed to be blocked. smooth.

The man in black felt uncomfortable.

"Yes, damn..." The man in black gritted his teeth, trying his best to maintain his balance.

But in the eyes of the man in black, there is a deep fear.

Zhang Ziling's strength...

It's actually true!

Zhang Ziling is definitely not a few of them he can afford to provoke!

We were wrong...Everyone was wrong! This guy is not a powerhouse of the Seventh Layer of Heavenly Palace Realm at all! He has only been here for more than a month, and Qi Yang blew himself up. No one has found out why Qi Yang blew himself up. No one can find the murderer...

Because there is no such strong person in the academy!

However, it was the young man in front of him. Everyone thought that he had nothing to do with Qi Yang. It was impossible for Qi Yang to pose any threat to Qi Yang with only the Seventh Heavenly Palace Realm!

But the strength of this young man is not at the Heavenly Palace Realm at all!

He can use the power of the Dao Law so skillfully, and can also transform the Dao Law into shape, the realm is already the nine levels of the True Martial Realm, or even higher!

In the entire college, the most likely person to kill Qi Yang in that way is the young man in front of him!

He also threatened to kill the Qi family!

Now the man in black is 80% sure that Zhang Ziling is the murderer who killed Qi Yang. Without any evidence, Zhang Ziling's strength can determine everything!

However, now the man in black found that everything was too late.

Looking at Zhang Ziling's cold eyes, the headed man in black only felt that his shoulders were pressed by unparalleled strength, making his knees unable to withstand the power of his entire body, and he bent down suddenly!


Not surprisingly, the black-clothed man headed by him just exploded with his proud power, and he had not had time to show Zhang Ziling and the two women behind him his powerful power...

He only rushed halfway, and was squeezed by the surrounding avenue rules, and was robbed of all his aura. He knelt down and knelt in front of the other four men in black.

The five men in black knelt down neatly, unable to move.

The atmosphere in the yard is very strange.

The yard became quiet again.

Things happened so quickly that Mu Bing and Mu Ke came over without a reaction, faintly feeling that their worldview was a bit collapsed.

They thought that they would go through a tragic battle of nine deaths and a lifetime, and it was very likely that they would have their lives explained here, and in the end they could only rely on the Mu family to help them avenge.

However, when they did not even have time to think of their last words, and were not even ready to fight, the situation suddenly changed. The men in black from the Qi family who had been aggressively going to kill them were kneeling helplessly. On the ground, he can't even move.

And their teacher, the man who did all this, Zhang Ziling...

From the beginning to the end, he didn't take a step away from the chair, not even moved his fingers.

Just saying a few words is to make the enemy surrender.

This had to make Mu Bing and Mu Ke think of another person...

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling.

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