Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1367: Identity battle

After Mo Tianxing asked this question, the aura that he radiated was strengthened, pressing against Zhang Ziling, as if he wanted to give Zhang Ziling a bit of power.

Mo Tianxing's practice made Zhang Ziling frowned slightly.

Zhang Ziling was sure that this was the first time he had met with Mo Tianxing, and that he had no trouble with Mo Tianxing before.

However, Mo Tianxing's attitude towards him shouldn't be the first time I met him.

And that faint hostility made Zhang Ziling quite puzzled.

"I don't understand what you mean." Zhang Ziling looked at Mo Tian and said, his tone did not fluctuate at all, his eyes gradually became cold.

Although Zhang Ziling didn't mind revealing his identity, this kind of inexplicability was just a way of being debunked, which made Zhang Ziling slightly uncomfortable.

Moreover, from Mo Tianxing's attitude towards him, Zhang Ziling did not think that Mo Tianxing had discovered his true identity.

Perhaps, he misunderstood something.

"More than a month ago, you came to Baishi Academy. The 21-year-old Seventh Heavenly Palace was considered by Xu Xian and Liao Hua to be the son of Chaos. Take care of it..." Mo Tianxing carried his hands on his back, watching Zhang Ziling take Xu Xian and Liao Hua The message to him came out calmly.

"As the son of chaos, you made a staggering choice to be a teacher, but you didn't do anything in the academy. After that, you suddenly accepted Mu Ke, the daughter of the Mu family, as a student, causing an uproar in the academy. ."

"During this period, Qi Yang, the third-ranked genius student in the academy, blew himself up. Before you came, there had never been anything like this in Baishi Academy."

Mo Tianxing stated calmly, the aura emanating from his body became stronger and stronger, and the atmosphere in the forbidden area became more and more depressing.

After listening to Mo Tianxing's statement quietly, Zhang Ziling's expression remained calm.

"So, what do you want to say, Dean?" Zhang Ziling looked at Mo Tianxing and asked, neither humble nor overbearing. "Qi Yang's death may be a coincidence?"

It seems that Mo Tianxing has indeed discovered something.

Seeing Zhang Ziling’s reaction, Mo Tianxing was not surprised. He just shook his head and said lightly to Zhang Ziling: “I don’t actually care about your purpose in coming to Baishi Academy. It doesn’t matter whether you embezzle the Academy’s resources or covet emperor skills, those things are anyway. It's all prepared by Best Academy for students and teachers. It's no big deal if you copy a copy. As long as you are named in Best Academy, then you are a member of Best Academy."

"Your strength is worthy of those resources and imperial skills."

"However, you pretended to be a son of chaos and entered the academy, and secretly caused so much trouble for the academy, so I have to question your identity, to destroy the foundation of the Best Academy."

"The dean thinks, who should I be?" Zhang Ziling smiled and continued to ask.

"This is what I should ask you." Mo Tianxing's tone gradually became cold, "I said, as long as you don't cause trouble to the college, I don't care about your identity, and I can even cultivate you vigorously. Deepen your sense of belonging to the college."

"But as soon as you came to the academy, you killed Qi Yang and made the Qi family focus on the Baishi Academy. As a result, the reputation of the academy was greatly affected, and the next year's student base might get worse."

"How did the dean know that I did it?" Zhang Ziling asked, "Qi Yang's death, there is no evidence that I did it."

"Furthermore, Dean, you also said that I only came to the academy more than a month ago. I don't know Qi Yang at all. I have no motives." Zhang Ziling said lightly, stating the reason, and he didn't seem flustered at all.

Zhang Ziling is not afraid of his actions being exposed, but Zhang Ziling is very curious about the dean's speculation.

Regarding Zhang Ziling's sophistry, Mo Tianxing raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "If I don't know about the assassin of the Qi family entering the academy, then I don't deserve to be the dean."

"So, the dean saw that I killed those black men in the yard?" Zhang Ziling smiled, but he also figured it out.

The enchantments constructed by the people in black in the Qi family can’t even bear the power of the True Martial Realm. If Mo Tianxing had focused on Zhang Ziling from the beginning, the Qi family’s actions would naturally be too busy for Mo Tian. Row.

But in order for Mo Tianxing to focus on himself from the beginning, it is necessary for Mo Tianxing to deny Zhang Ziling's identity as the son of Chaos from the beginning.

Otherwise, a son of chaos, Mo Tianxing, as the dean of the Baishi Academy, will definitely cultivate him no matter what the son of chaos does.

"Able to easily kill a person of the second level of True Martial Realm, even I have to be shocked by your strength." Mo Tianxing looked directly at Zhang Ziling, there seemed to be stars in his pupils, "But, you should have let go. The three men in black did not hesitate to kill them in the end, attracting the hatred of the Qi family again."

The Qi family had broken a strong man of True Martial Realm in Zhang Ziling's hands, and Mo Tianxing didn't need to think about knowing that the Qi family would not give up.

"Even if I killed those three people, what the Qi family is looking for is my trouble. Why is the dean so hostile to me?" Zhang Ziling asked with a smile.

"Because you have used the identity of the son of chaos." Mo Tianxing squinted at Zhang Ziling, "As long as you are the son of chaos, you are sure that the academy will not abandon you, and you can drag the Baishi Academy into this quagmire, completely against the Qi family. on."

"For a false son of Chaos, if Baishi Academy and Qi Family are in a match, then Baishi Academy will definitely do nothing but harm."

"It's not worth it."

"Why the dean is so sure that I am not the son of chaos?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, "even if I conceal my strength, this can only show that my strength is stronger. Shouldn't this be a more powerful proof that I am a son of chaos? ?"

"No." Mo Tianxing shook his head, "because from the beginning, I knew that you are not the child of chaos."

Hearing Mo Tianxing's words, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked, "Why?"

Mo Tianxing's words didn't make any sense.

"The Son of Chaos is the proud son of heaven, and he is the lucky one favored by the Dao of Heaven. He combines the luck of the world, and even the Dao of Heaven and Earth must protect him. an era, there can only be one Son of Chaos."

"Even if there can only be one Child of Chaos, why can't it be me?" Zhang Ziling laughed, always feeling that there is something wrong with what Mo Tianxing said.

Although Zhang Ziling never admitted that he was the son of Chaos from beginning to end, Mo Tianxing was sure that Zhang Ziling was not the son of Chaos without any evidence, which made Zhang Ziling feel a little funny.

The Child of Chaos can't be seen by just looking at it.

Judging from the bone age and strength specially demonstrated by Zhang Ziling, only the Child of Chaos can match.

It can be said that Mo Tianxing's suspicion is unreasonable.

"Because..." Mo Tianxing looked at Zhang Ziling calmly, and what he said next made Zhang Ziling's eyes slightly change.

"My inheritance disciple..."

"It's the son of chaos."

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