Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1372: Need more time!

Feeling the stronger and stronger aura pressed on her body, Xie Wushang's muscles all over his body began to tremble, almost exhausting all her strength with every move.

For Xie Wushang, he now had no time to think about where Zhang Ziling came from. It was important to escape.

Without speaking any more, Xie Wushang gradually squatted down and pressed one hand to the ground, trying to relieve the pressure on himself.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Wushang, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and the surging emotions in his heart had calmed down at this moment.

Zhang Ziling really did not expect Xie Wushuang to leave him a gift in Baishi Academy...

It turned out to be himself.

Although Xie Wushuang hadn't left for long from the earth to the Xuanxiao Continent, Zhang Ziling knew...

Xie Wushuang has brought Zi You to Xuanxiao Continent... for more than five thousand years.

Such a long time, coupled with Xie Wushuang's peak state and even a breakthrough, was enough for Xie Wushuang to make endless arrangements.

Perhaps, the destruction of the Devil's Palace has the shadow of Xie Wushuang.

Obviously, since Zhang Ziling met Xie Wushang, the reincarnated person, the big net cast by Xie Wushuang had been opened.

Although Xie Wushang seems to have not yet awakened in his memory, he is equivalent to a simple kid, but Zhang Ziling believes that Xie Wushuang can't let his precious master clone break here.

"Senior..." Xie Wushang didn't know what Zhang Ziling was thinking. He was like a fish caught in the net now, and he had to do everything possible to break free.

"You have such a cultivation base, bullying me a junior, is it inappropriate?" Xie Wushang reached out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and smiled as he looked at Zhang Ziling.

Facing Zhang Ziling, Xie Wushang never thought about asking for mercy. Judging from the posture Zhang Ziling put on when he saw him, Xie Wushang knew...

Begging for mercy is of no help to the current situation.

"The little guy is quite calm." Seeing Xie Wushang's firm eyes, Zhang Ziling was also interested, and the corners of his mouth slightly aroused.

The entire library was separated by Zhang Ziling. It can be said that Xie Wushang has no chance to escape. If you want to let go of Xie Wushang's character, you can clearly see this.

However, Xie Wushang's spiritual power running quietly in his body was telling Zhang Ziling that Xie Wushang had no plan to escape at all.

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Ziling put his hands on his chest, leaned on the wall and looked at Xie Wushang with a chuckle.

Obviously, Xie Wushang is like a young boy of Xie Wushuang, and because Xie Wushang is a reincarnated person, there is no memory of Xie Wushuang, and he is a seventeen-year-old boy.

Zhang Ziling really wanted to know what method he had to rely on in his youth to escape his life from the hands of the emperor.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's answer, Xie Wushang couldn't help but cheer, knowing that Zhang Ziling gave birth to play with him.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Zhang Ziling's attitude is tantamount to humiliation to Xie Wushang.

However, looking at it now, this was the only chance Xie Wushang could survive.

"Senior is so powerful, to kill Wushang, Wushang absolutely has no ability to resist." The spiritual power in Xie Wushang's body quietly flowed, but his expression did not change.

"So, Wushang hopes seniors will give a chance."

"How can I give you a chance?" Zhang Ziling laughed at Xie Wushang's request.

No matter what trick Xie Wushang played, where the absolute power gap lay, and even Xie Wushang's current small moves, Zhang Ziling was in his eyes.

For Xie Wushang, there is no way out of death.

Of course, Xie Wushang doesn't think it.

"As long as I escape this library, senior will let me go, how?" Xie Wushang looked directly at Zhang Ziling, there was no fear in his pair of dark eyes.

Yes, only calm and endless calculations.

Seeing Xie Wushang's eyes, Zhang Ziling suddenly understood...

My opponent, who has lived for endless years, has been a monster since his youth.

Complete monster.

Only the Eighth Layer of the Heavenly Palace Realm dared to calculate the emperor, this courage... After Xie Wushuang became the emperor, no matter what he did, Zhang Ziling would not be surprised.

This Xie Wushang...Do you want to completely erase the memory of his previous life?

This thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Ziling's mind.

Looking at Xie Wushang's current performance, the status of this young man in Zhang Ziling's heart is already similar to that of Xingyu.

You know, the boy on Earth who has accepted the inheritance of Zhang Ziling and is now lying in the small world of Zhang Ziling can use the body of an ordinary person to touch one of the ten highest laws with just a small computer!

The ten supreme laws... But the avenue that only the emperor can touch.

Xingyu ignored the realm.

Xingyu's talent is the only one seen in Zhang Ziling's life.

And now Xie Wushang is 17 years old, with the eightfold cultivation base of the Heavenly Palace Realm, and begins to calculate the emperor...

The xinxing shown by Xie Wushang is also the only thing Zhang Ziling has seen in his life.

Xie Wushang is the last of the three main clones of Xie Wushuang. There is not much difference between the strength and the main body, and it has an independent consciousness.

Xie Wushuang's previous two main clones, one was killed by Zhang Ziling on the Xuanxiao continent ten thousand years ago, and the other was slaughtered on earth by Zhang Ziling.

If this last one dies, Xie Wushuang also completely loses the ability to clone.

After the reincarnation of Xie Wushuang's clone, it can actually be said that it has become a new life form. If Zhang Ziling completely erased the memories of Xie Wushang's soul...

This Xie Wushang could be regarded as another person completely-a person who had nothing to do with Xie Wushuang.

The son of chaos in this era, if Zhang Ziling cultivated Xie Wushuang's last master clone into his own apprentice, he would use the wisdom of Xie Wushang to contain Xie Wushuang in the future...

Since Xie Wushuang took Zhang Ziling's sister, Zhang Ziling could naturally also take the main clone of Xie Wushuang.

But what Zhang Ziling had to consider now was whether Xie Wushuang had done anything other than memory on Xie Wushang, and... how useful is the unawakened memory left by Xie Wushang for Zhang Ziling.

After all, the unawakened secret in the soul of Xie Wushang is the only clue for Zhang Ziling now. If those memories are erased, Zhang Ziling will certainly get the son of Xie Wushang, a son of chaos, who will be able to master both time and space in the future. The clues will all be cut off.

However, if Zhang Ziling awakens Xie Wushang's memory, it is obvious...The innocent 17-year-old boy in front of Zhang Ziling will instantly become a shrewd old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, and he wants to control the awakening memory. No evil is impossible, basically impossible. Moreover, Zhang Ziling is likely to be held hostage by Xie Wushang's memories of Zi You.

This is a difficult choice for Zhang Ziling, and it takes time to weigh the pros and cons.

Need more time to consider, Zhang Ziling also looked at Xie Wushang and said lightly: "Okay!"

Xie Wushang needs time, and Zhang Ziling also needs time!

Before Xie Wushang's memory was awakened, Zhang Ziling still had the opportunity to make a choice.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the corners of Xie Wushang's mouth could not help but gleamed, and his eyes flashed with brilliance.



"Emperor Shu, Kunpeng Fission!"

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