Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1374: despair!

Xie Wushang's headless corpse gradually turned into a phantom and disappeared, and the entire ninth floor of the library became quiet.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling was not in a hurry to catch those Xie Wushang phantoms scattered everywhere, just sitting on the ground like this.

Although Xie Wushang's performance is still under Zhang Ziling's control, but...

What Xie Wushang did was really amazing in Zhang Ziling's view.

Just now, Zhang Ziling tried to change the positions of himself and Xie Wushang. When facing a great emperor in the Eighth Layer of the Heavenly Palace Realm, there was absolutely no way that Xie Wushang could do it like Xie Wushang.

And now Xie Wushang failed because he underestimated Zhang Ziling's power.

In other words, Xie Wushang didn't have any concept of the emperor's methods, otherwise...

Zhang Ziling believed that Xie Wushang could do it more simply and neatly.

"It deserves to be the guy who used to play with the powers of the entire Xuanxiao Continent... He has been so amazing at such a young age." Zhang Ziling shook his head and chuckled, becoming more inclined to deal with Xie Wushang. Erase the memory of Xie Wushuang.

Zhang Ziling has enough reasons to believe that as long as Xie Wushang is allowed to grow, Xie Wushang will sooner or later become another evil emperor, break away from the long river of time, and become an eternal and immortal existence.

Such a good seedling, if only a tool Xie Wushuang used to spread the word and lead the way, Zhang Ziling always felt a bit pity.

"How to is really annoying."

Zhang Ziling's voice reverberated on the ninth floor of the library. Zhang Ziling, who was sitting on the ground, separated one body after another and walked around the library.

Zhang Ziling would naturally do the tricks of the Xie Wushang Society.

One after another Universe Void Realm was trampled by Zhang Ziling, and the body of Xie Wushang produced by the fission of Kunpeng one after another was also found and erased by Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, on the first floor of the library, Xie Wushang's body was hidden behind two tall bookshelves, watching a Zhang Ziling's fen walk by from the gap between the bookshelves, sweating profusely all over.

Every fen body of Xie Wushang has a close connection with the main body, and they are very clear when they are caught by Xie Wushang.

Xie Wushang knew that when the small enchantments and fens he created were processed by Zhang Ziling, if he hadn't found a way out, it would be his death.

He patted his dizzy brain fiercely, and Xie Wushang drew an extremely complicated formation on the ground with his blood-stained fingers.

The fens of Xie Wushang are not only used to confuse the audience, Xie Wushang also uses those fens to collide with the enchantment that covers the library to analyze the principle of the enchantment.

Zhang Ziling didn’t use too complicated formations. The barrier that trapped Cangshu Pavilion was also very simple, and because this barrier was mainly used to block people outside from entering, it’s easier for people inside to get out. .

However, even if it is easier to get out of the inside, it is relative to the saint.

For a guy like Xie Wushang who can burst out the power of the True Martial Realm, it is basically impossible to rush out.

After the formation map was completely drawn, Xie Wushang was able to judge the strength of the formation at a glance.

Although the Dao pattern that outlines this formation is very simple, it looks impeccable, and it seems that there is no other way but to break it with force.

"There is absolutely no formation without weakness in this world!" Xie Wushang bit his tongue, using intense pain to keep himself awake.

Not only resisting Zhang Ziling's imperial prestige, but also continuously using too many imperial arts, Xie Wushang is still awake at this moment, it can be said to be a miracle.

If it weren't for Xie Wushang to be the son of Chaos, and if he had the power and luck, I'm afraid Xie Wushang would have died suddenly now.

The first floor of the Cangshu Pavilion stores low-level martial arts, so the first floor is also the largest place in the Cangshu Pavilion. There are more than 100,000 copies of martial arts, which is extremely wide.

Xie Wushang hid in a corner on the first floor, temporarily avoiding Zhang Ziling's pursuit.

However, the other bodies of Xie Wushang did not escape the fate of being caught, one after another lost contact with Xie Wushang's body.

Because of the weak mental power, Xie Wushang had to use paper to calculate, write and draw on the martial arts on the bookshelf, outline the lines of the formation, clarify the connection between them, and find another one. Put a weak point that your own strength can break.

This is easy to say, but for Xie Wushang, it is extremely difficult.

In addition, Xie Wushang had fallen asleep at the moment, which undoubtedly made the situation worse.

"How is it possible...Why can he build such a perfect formation in such a short time? Why is there no weak spot?"

Calculations over and over again, Xie Wushang was already covered with paper on the floor, and Xie Wushang gradually changed from self-confidence to madness.

For Xie Wushang, analyzing the saint-level formation is already his limit.

If Xie Wushang's spirit is full now, Xie Wushang may be able to find the weak point of this formation.

But now, Xie Wushang's brain has become extremely dull, and Zhang Zilingfen is humming a song and looking for him in the library has brought him tremendous pressure, Xie Wushang can hardly think.

the first time……

Xie Wushang's body began to tremble slightly because of fear and despair.

"There is no hope... the enemy is too strong... I can't escape at all by myself, this is... a dead end!"


The pen in Xie Wushang's hand fell weakly to the ground, and the ink spilt on the ground, melting with Xie Wushang's sweat and blood.

Xie Wushang looked at the dense drafts in despair, and had completely given up resistance.

"How could I... escape?"

As the last fen body lost contact with himself, Xie Wushang completely lost consciousness.


"Where is this?"

In the dark and chaotic space, Xie Wushang's voice echoed all around.

Xie Wushang awakened from the darkness of nothingness, and found that his battered body had returned to its original state, the drowsy feeling had completely disappeared, and the whole person's mental power had returned to its peak state.

Xie Wushang suddenly remembered that he was hiding in the library just now, racking his brains in order to escape, finally gave up and passed out.

"I am... dead?"

Xie Wushang looked at his white palm with doubts in his eyes.

Xie Wushang was sure that he could not escape.

Xie Wushang didn't even know what happened after he passed out.

Without worrying about whether he was dead or not, Xie Wushang looked around, only to find that the surrounding area was pitch black, only a little bright light beside him.

Xie Wushang tried to move forward, but the faint light beside him did not follow Xie Wushang.

In desperation, Xie Wushang walked back again after being completely submerged in the darkness.

After probing for a long time, no matter what method Xie Wushang uses... there is no way to get any response from the darkness around here.

"Where is this...?"

I don’t know how long it took before Xie Wushang had to admit...

I am trapped.

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