Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1377: Inhuman

In this dark space of consciousness, Xie Wushang did his best to suppress this impulse in his heart.

In fact, as far as Xie Wushang is concerned, the most attractive thing for memory crystals is not that the cultivation speed is increased by more than ten times.

But... all the truth contained in the memory crystal.

Xie Wushang could be sure that the picture he saw was only a very small part of that incident.

The ins and outs of that incident, how did that giant hand appear, who were those annihilated shadows, and why are there so many corpses...

All in all, for Xie Wushang, has a fatal attraction.

This is a common problem of smart people.

Grasping the memory crystal, even if you can know everything, it also means that your personality will eventually be completely swallowed by the person on the throne.

This is an extremely difficult choice.

The man sitting on the throne looked at Xie Wushang calmly, his whole person became extremely quiet, and his eyes became godless, as if he were a puppet.

I don't know how long it took before Xie Wushang slowly opened his eyes and let out a sullen breath.

"Think about it?"

As Xie Wushang opened his eyes, the eyes of the man sitting on the throne reappeared and looked at Xie Wushang with a smile.

"I have no choice." Xie Wushang stood up from the ground, no hesitation in his eyes.

"And the more I think about it, the more curious I will be about the pictures you gave me." Xie Wushang looked at the man on the throne, "You have gotten me right."

"A madman who counts himself."

"Thank you for the compliment." The man on the throne didn't seem to think that Xie Wushang's words were mocking himself, and laughed.

"I didn't praise you." Xie Wushang was no longer polite at this moment, and reached out to grab the memory crystal.

"Hey... I said, what will happen to you if I give you another choice?"

Just when Xie Wushang was about to touch the memory crystal, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in this space, the surrounding darkness suddenly disappeared, and Xie Wushang found himself reappearing in the center of the hall.

Xie Wushang grabbed the memory crystal's hand and froze in midair.

The smile on the face of the man sitting on the throne gradually solidified, frowning and looking at the entrance of the main hall, where a handsome man in a black robe stood.

Devil Emperor, Zhang Ziling!

"How can you get in?" The man on the throne whispered, his eyes gleaming with strange light.

Xie Wushang looked back, and when he saw Zhang Ziling, his eyes were quite surprised.

Obviously, Xie Wushang was also very surprised by Zhang Ziling's appearance.

"The Devil?" Xie Wushang asked tentatively looking at Zhang Ziling.

With both hands on his back, Zhang Ziling walked into the hall and said: "It seems that the consciousness projection of Xie Wushuang's last external incarnation has already told you my identity."

"Incarnation outside?" Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xie Wushang was shocked and quickly looked at the man sitting on the throne.

Suddenly, Xie Wushang had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

"You are a wise man, you should understand what I'm talking about." Zhang Ziling walked up to Xie Wushang and removed the memory crystal from Xie Wushang, "You are indeed a reincarnated person, but..."

"You are just the reincarnation of an external incarnation created by a great emperor with magical powers."

"In other are not an independent individual. You are reincarnated from an external incarnation, but a non-human being created."

Zhang Ziling's voice was extremely dull, but when it was heard in Xie Wushang's ears, it was extremely harsh.

Anyone who knows that he was created artificially will suffer a huge blow.

Even with the Xie Wushang heart, after hearing what Zhang Ziling said, his mind exploded and went blank.

I, I... Not a human?

Xie Wushang stepped back in a daze, his legs softened, and he fell directly to the ground.

Seeing Xie Wushang's performance, the man sitting on the throne couldn't help but frown, thinking about something.

The development of the matter exceeded his expectations.

Zhang Ziling played with the memory crystal in his hand. Although Zhang Ziling wanted to open it, Zhang Ziling was sure that as long as he touched the crystal with spiritual power or spirit, the memory crystal would be annihilated in an instant.

Zhang Ziling didn't believe that Xie Wushuang would make the mistake of putting all his own memories in his own hands.

Zhang Ziling didn't even have to try.

In the Library of Baishi Academy, the moment Xie Wushang fainted, Zhang Ziling appeared in front of Xie Wushang.

In fact, with Xie Wushang's cultivation base, as long as Zhang Ziling thought, Zhang Ziling could find Xie Wushang at any time.

However, even if Zhang Ziling came to Xie Wushang for the first time and forcibly entered Xie Wushang's consciousness space, there would still be a short time interval between the two.

In this short instant, after Zhang Ziling came to Xie Wushang's consciousness space, he also missed many things.

For example, Zhang Ziling did not see the pictures Xie Wushang had seen.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about those things. He just looked at the man sitting on the throne with red lights in his eyes.

"Are you connected to the main body?" Zhang Ziling looked at the man on the throne and asked such a sentence.

The man on the throne frowned and shook his head, making no sound.

In his mind, there is no relevant way to deal with Zhang Ziling’s forcibly breaking into the evil consciousness space... The man on the throne is just a projection of memory, without independent thinking. All his actions are based on Xie Wushuang Make a decision.

Encountered this unexpected thing, the man on the throne had to start to try to think independently.

But it makes no sense.

Seeing what the man on the throne looked like now, Zhang Ziling also shook his head and sighed, whispering: "You really are not Xie Wushuang, you are just a puppet."

After the words fell, Zhang Ziling no longer showed mercy, waved directly, and erased the throne and the man in the hall.

For Zhang Ziling, he didn't want to look at Xie Wushuang's face for a second, especially this Xie Wushuang was just a puppet that could only follow certain instructions.

After Zhang Ziling wiped out the man on the throne, the hall instantly became quiet, leaving only Zhang Ziling and the trance-stricken evil Wushang.

What Zhang Ziling said just now has hit Xie Wushang too much.

However, Zhang Ziling also wanted to use these words to completely cut off the connection between Xie Wushang and Xie Wushuang.

After all, Zhang Ziling forcibly broke into the consciousness space of Xie Wushang, just to take Xie Wushang under his command and cultivate it well.

As the son of Chaos, Xie Wushang's strength can quickly increase, and it won't take long for Xie Wushang to reach the realm that can help Zhang Ziling.

At that time, the two supreme laws of Time Avenue and Space Avenue will definitely find Xie Wushang, and then Zhang Ziling can also guard around Xie Wushang and forcefully comprehend the Time Avenue.

As for the clues...

Zhang Ziling looked at the memory crystal in his hand, his eyes calm and deep.

He has already found other ways to make up.

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