Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1385: Unexpected development

Xie Wushang's golden heart levitated in the air and beating regularly, and Zhang Ziling's black chains became thin and wound around the golden heart.

When Mo Tianxing saw Xie Wushang's empty chest, he felt that his heart was dug out, and he felt extremely distressed.

However, Mo Tianxing was distressed and distressed, and the whole person remained consciously and did not move rashly.

Mo Tianxing knew that Zhang Ziling would definitely not let Xie Wushang die.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at Xie Wushang, gathering all the liquid medicine below.

Originally, Zhang Ziling had prepared the holy medicine to heal his wounds for the sake of evil. However, since Mo Tianxing was ready in this forbidden area, Zhang Ziling naturally saved his holy medicine.

The liquid medicine in the Lingrutan was enough to allow Xie Wushang to grow a new heart easily.

Under Zhang Ziling's manipulation, the liquid medicine under Xie Wushang turned into a medicine dragon, entwining Xie Wushang's body, and finally surged towards Xie Wushang's empty chest.

With reincarnated flowers as the mainstay, a huge amount of holy medicine liquid poured into Xie Wushang's body, and was madly absorbed by Xie Wushang's body.

Perhaps it was the reason that Xie Wushang's body was transformed by Wannian Spirit Milk. There was no upper limit to how fast Xie Wushang could absorb the liquid medicine.

"You are optimistic about Xie Wushang, his heart will grow out soon." Zhang Ziling said lightly to Mo Tianxing, and then, regardless of Xie Wushang, he focused his attention on the golden heart. .

"What I want to do next, you don't have to say much, if you are surprised, just watch it quietly." Zhang Ziling said to Mo Tianxing again, and then activated the dark red formation.

Refining blood and raw meat!

Mo Tianxing didn't know what Zhang Ziling wanted to do, but from the current situation, Mo Tianxing felt that it was better to take care of Xie Wushang with peace of mind.

The heart was dug out where the qi and blood was concentrated, and it was seriously injured on anyone. Even if Xie Wushang had the holy medicine to help him, Mo Tianxing did not dare to be careless.

Zhang Ziling guided Xie Wushang's golden heart to the center of the dark red magic circle, and then he took out a large amount of materials from the spatial ring.

Bloodbone flower, ice spirit grass, rootless tree, broken blood...

The same and the same rare spiritual material was taken out by Zhang Ziling, and then refined into juice by Zhang Ziling with black fire, and sent to that formation.

These are all materials needed for the Dafa of refining blood and raw flesh that Zhang Ziling found in ancient books.

Although Zhang Ziling was very confused about the need to use so many materials to create a body, Zhang Ziling didn't know much about ancient magic arts, and didn't study too much.

Before countless epochs, when Xuanxiao Divine Court still existed, the top magic arts in the Xuanxiao Continent were all divine techniques passed down from the Divine Court. Those divine techniques are now also called ancient divine techniques.

At that time, the monks could borrow the power of the gods when they used the magic arts, and the power produced was extremely powerful.

However, with the decline of the gods, the ancient gods lost the power from the ancient gods, and its power was weakened by 90%!

At that time, mortals had just risen, and the proud men among the world’s creatures proclaimed themselves emperors. After they created a series of martial arts and emperor skills, they slowly replaced the ancient gods.

The cultivation system of the Xuanxiao Continent was also determined since then, and it has been in use ever since.

As time changes, the ancient magic has completely withdrawn from the stage of Xuanxiao Continent and has been drowned in the long river of history.

Even Zhang Ziling once found some ancient magic arts in the back soil of some burial grounds, most of which were incomplete spells. Moreover, the effects of those ancient magic arts are quite tasteless to Zhang Ziling, so Zhang Ziling has not done much research on ancient magic arts.

"This, this... are you doing alchemy?"

Mo Tianxing was still observing the situation of Xie Wushang, but after Zhang Ziling started to activate the magic circle, Mo Tianxing also looked at Zhang Ziling curiously.

When Mo Tianxing saw Zhang Ziling put on a posture of refining medicine, Mo Tianxing was stunned.

Zhang Ziling is refining medicine?

Mo Tianxing has seen the process of alchemy by a holy alchemist, but without exception, those alchemists have their own top furnace cauldrons, and they are refining medicine in their treasure cauldrons.

You must know that the furnace ding is not only a container for storing elixir, but also a place for the elixir's pill to burn.

In addition, the alchemist also needs to use the furnace to gather the spiritual medicinal liquid, and also to use the furnace to seal the loss of spiritual power and medicinal power.

In the final pill formation, the furnace ding is also needed.

It can be said that the quality of a furnace can determine the success rate of alchemy and the level of alchemy.

Even a saint-level alchemist can only refine low-level pill without a furnace. As long as the quality of the pill is slightly higher, the alchemist’s spirit power will not be enough, and even the chain of spiritual power loss will not be able to do it. Not to mention alchemy.

Mo Tianxing didn't believe that Zhang Ziling would refine any low-level pill.

But, if you want to refine high-grade pill or something, you can succeed without a furnace...?

Mo Tianxing was full of doubts, the alchemy furnace should be the common sense of the alchemist.

Even if Zhang Ziling had double cultivation and didn't pay attention to the way of alchemy master, he should know that he would need to use a furnace.

Mo Tianxing watched Zhang Ziling directly use those spirit materials to make juice, and then sent his brain to the dark red magic circle. This kind of rough technique is impossible to refine anything.

Alchemy and cultivation are completely two extremes, even if Zhang Ziling's cultivation base reaches the top, perhaps the alchemy is not so outstanding.

Use that formation to make a container?

Mo Tianxing shook his head and denied the idea. He hadn't seen the ancient magic techniques hundreds of millions of years ago, so naturally he didn't think Zhang Ziling could get anything out of it.

Mo Tianxing also dabbled in the pill, naturally able to recognize that Zhang Ziling was using Xie Wushang's heart as the main medicine, and other materials were auxiliary.

Except for the lack of a furnace tripod, everything Zhang Ziling did was exactly the same as the method of refining medicine.

In fact, Zhang Ziling never used the method of refining blood and raw meat.

Zhang Ziling only knew the principle and method of constructing the magic circle of this ancient magic. Zhang Ziling didn't know the specific operation, so Zhang Ziling could only refine Xie Wushuang's body with alchemy techniques.

As for the furnace tripod, Zhang Ziling has never used that kind of thing after becoming emperor.

With the strength of Zhang Ziling’s spirit, his spirit power is sufficient to replace all the functions of the furnace tripod. Even because Zhang Ziling uses soul power throughout the entire process, Zhang Ziling is better than other alchemists using the furnace tripod under the control of the details of refining medicine. Case.

As Zhang Ziling refined all the materials he had prepared into juice and sent it into the magic circle, the magic circle began to work, chanting dazzling blood.

The dark red magic circle is a concrete manifestation of the ancient magic of refining blood and flesh. In fact, many of the ancient magic arts collected in Zhang Ziling are mostly dependent on the magic circle.

Although Zhang Ziling didn't know what kind of existence the ancient gods of the Xuanxiao Continent really existed, Zhang Ziling guessed that in the age of the gods, the mortal monks and formation masters of the Xuanxiao Continent were definitely the mainstream.

The juice of countless rare spiritual materials flows along the lines of the law, surging towards the heart of the center of the magic circle.

Soon, Xie Wushang's heart was wrapped in those juices, and the entire circle filled with a prehistoric atmosphere, filling the forbidden space.

At this moment, under the treatment of that medicine dragon, Xie Wushang’s heart had been reborn, and Mo Tianxing carefully sent Xie Wushang back to the Spirit Milk Pool, focusing all his attention on the sky. Dao Fa formation.

Mo Tianxing had never seen such a wonderful sight.

Those ancient auras, even Mo Tianxing can feel the longevity of time.


The heart wrapped in the juice of the spirit material was beating violently, and the light of the dark red magic circle became stronger and stronger, even dispelling all the devilish energy that pervaded it.

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, staring at the magic circle, but there was no movement.

The development of the matter seemed a bit beyond Zhang Ziling's expectations.

After Zhang Ziling prepared everything and activated the magic circle at the same time, the magic circle began to operate autonomously.

Everything happening there now is out of Zhang Ziling's control.

Although Xie Wushuang's body was constantly forming, Zhang Ziling didn't like the feeling of being out of control.

This ancient magical technique of refining blood and producing flesh was used by Zhang Ziling for the first time, and the ancient books did not describe what would happen when using this ancient magical technique.

Everything seemed normal now, and Zhang Ziling did not dare to interrupt the refining process at will.


After the ancient magic is used, it does not need to be controlled by the operator.

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