Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1392: Xie Wushuang Awakens

After the rejection was resolved, the ancient divine power that permeated the forbidden ground gradually disappeared, and the restless spiritual power returned to calm.

"Finally resolved..." Seeing the call to annihilate, Xun Tianyi completely relaxed, turned into a villain and flew to Zhang Ziling's side, carefully looking at the Xie Wushang doll in front of Zhang Ziling, for fear that this doll was still hidden inside. What ancient **** soul.

"Boss... Do you think there are any other ancient gods hiding here?" Xuntianyi asked Zhang Ziling with some curiosity.

The ancient gods are new creatures to it, and the heaven seeker doesn't like the existence of things that they don't understand in this world.

Although the refusal did not have much impact on the heaven-seeking instrument, the **** king behind the refusal really caused a great psychological shadow on the heaven-seeking instrument.

With the boundless eyes and the bone-chilling chill in the eyes, Xun Tianyi felt that he could never forget it.

"Don't worry, it has been completely resolved." Looking at the nervousness of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling smiled and pulled Xuntianyi back, "Just stay quiet and don't hinder me from doing business."

"Boss, do you really intend to call the evil emperor out?" Seeing Zhang Ziling preparing to move, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but remind him.

In a sense, Xie Wushuang is much trickier than the ancient gods, and he has already seen the methods of the evil emperor in the heaven seeking instrument on earth.

If you are not fully prepared, Tianxun thinks that this matter can be slowed down by two days.

"It's okay, I've been waiting for a long time." Zhang Ziling didn't care at all, just smiled, and then took out Xie Wushuang's memory crystal, "Let's see what medicine he sells in the gourd."

Seeing that Zhang Ziling had made a decision, Tianxunyi stopped talking and stayed quietly.

The doll re-engraved with Xie Wushang is perfect, even Zhang Ziling could not find a trace of this body's flaw.

Although this body is not blessed by Heaven and Qi Luck, it still inherits the physique talent of the Child of Chaos, plus there are so many holy medicines above it for purification.

After Xie Wushuang's memory awakens, I am afraid that his cultivation speed will advance faster than Xie Wushang.

However, these had no meaning to Xie Wushuang.

With Xie Wushuang's ability, in addition to detaching himself from time, his personality in every period in the long history of history can possess the power of the emperor. Even if this doll is cultivated as the emperor, it is still vulnerable to Zhang Ziling. .

Except for Xie Wushuang's main body, Zhang Ziling, who needs special treatment, the other Zhang Ziling doesn't care much.

Sighing for a moment about the perfection of the doll he created, Zhang Ziling stopped the ink, and directly sent Xie Wushuang's memory crystal into the doll's head.

The process of memory fusion was not as tortuous as imagined. The sky seeker only saw that the memory crystal was integrated into the doll without any hindrance, and then there was no other movement.

"This... is it over?" The Sky Seeker was a little bit astonished, what he saw was seriously inconsistent with the picture he had imagined.

In any case, this is the awakening of a great emperor. Even if it is only the external incarnation of the great emperor, it is still standing at the top of this world. How could it be...

"It's just taking a body without any consciousness. How much movement is needed?" Zhang Ziling smiled, "If you want to, you can easily gain control of this body."

"I'll forget it, I'm not interested in his body." Xun Tian shook his head and rejected Zhang Ziling's proposal.

It is a magic weapon, and its body is already the most perfect.

In the process of making fun with Xuntian, the memory crystal is also completely fused with the Xie Wushang doll.

Seeing that Xie Wushuang's memory awakening was completed, Zhang Ziling also became serious now, no longer joking with Xuntianyi, and calmly looked at the doll.

Compared to Zhang Ziling's composure, the heaven seeker was quite nervous. The Celestial Seeker once also existed without fear of the heavens and the earth, but when it was placed on the earth by Xie Wushuang, the Celestial Seeker realized the gap between itself and Xie Wushuang, and did not dare to mess up again.

Sometimes, strength does not determine everything.

The process of Xie Wushuang's awakening was very ordinary. There was no vision of heaven and earth, no great avenues and sounds, and even spiritual agitation.

Xie Wushuang just opened his eyes normally, and then sat up with difficulty.

"My head hurts..." Xie Wushuang held his head and shook it. After a little sober, Xie Wushuang realized that he was naked.

A slight astonishment flashed across his face, and then Xie Wushuang gave a wry smile, looked up at Zhang Ziling and asked, "Devil Emperor, don't you plan to give me a suit?"

Zhang Ziling didn't reply, but he took a set of clothes from the space ring and threw it in front of Xie Wushuang.

Xie Wushuang was not picky at all, and generously put on the clothes Zhang Ziling gave, and even **** his untidy hair, looking quite leisurely.

Seeing Xie Wushuang's leisurely performance behind Zhang Ziling's Heaven Seeker, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Although Xun Tianyi acknowledged the power of the evil emperor, the evil emperor in front of them was just a little guy from the eighth layer of the Heavenly Palace Realm.

The evil emperor is now regarded as the fish on the chopping board and should be slaughtered by them.

When Xuntianyi was about to move, Zhang Ziling reached out and stopped Xuntianyi with a calm face.

This was the first time Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang met, and there was no friction.

Instead, they are like two old friends who have not seen each other for many years.

"Do you know this will happen?" Zhang Ziling asked, looking at Xie Wushuang, who was pretending to be self-defeating.

"I have calculated it." Xie Wushuang didn't want to cover it up, and said to Zhang Ziling while arranging his hair, "After all, the son of chaos can be used as a strategic weapon, and no one wants to let it go. You stripped my consciousness from my reincarnated person. I can understand the practice."

"Are you not afraid that your reincarnated person will eventually become your own enemy?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

"Scared!" Xie Wushuang straightened his hair, stood up from the ground, and smiled while watching Zhang Ziling squinted. "Xie Wushang has grown up and allowed you to master the avenue of time. It is estimated that it will be my death date. Up."

Listening to Xie Wushuang's words, Zhang Ziling's expression was calm, unchanged.

This event was predictable, and Xie Wushuang was able to say it in Zhang Ziling's expectation.

But what Zhang Ziling didn't expect was that Xie Wushuang could say it so calmly.

just like……

This matter has nothing to do with him.

"But..." Xie Wushuang's voice turned, and the eyes looking at Zhang Ziling became extremely deep, "Before I die, there are always many things to do."

The author Wu Xiaowu said: Xiaowu is preparing for the final exam recently, and there are a lot of things. Today there are only two changes... I'll forgive the officials.

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