Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1395: The big world

"Um... the whole body is falling apart." Xie Wushuang crawled out of the pile of rubble, looked up at the floating crystal ore in the sky, smiled bitterly, but there was no sign of irritation in his eyes.

Xie Wushuang seemed to be happy Zhang Ziling vented his inner anger like this.

Xie Wushuang wanted to fly up, but found that his meridians had been completely blocked, and he couldn't use his spiritual power at all.

Xie Wushuang naturally knew that what he said would cause these disasters for him, but for Xie Wushuang, he could readily accept any results other than the death of this body.

Xie Wushuang didn't care about the bitterness of flesh.

Seeing that he couldn't fly up, Xie Wushuang simply stopped struggling, and after relaxing his posture inside the gravel pile, Xie Wushuang lay down comfortably.

He did everything he needed to do. With Xie Wushuang's understanding of Zhang Ziling, he believed that the heart demon that plagued Zhang Ziling would no longer be a threat to them.

On the huge spar floating in the forbidden area, the sky seeker probe went out and took a look at Xie Wushuang below. After confirming that Xie Wushuang did nothing else, the sky seeker breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are these..." Xun Tianyi glanced at Zhang Ziling who was sitting directly on the ground, and couldn't help sighing.

First met the ancient gods, and then discovered from behind the ancient gods a great crisis that could subvert the current ecology of the Xuanxiao Continent, and then encountered Xie Wushuang, and was revealed many things by Xie Wushuang. Still messy.

The amount of information is too great.

"Now the boss's demon is coming...I hope that the boss will stop making troubles before solving the demon."

Xuntianyi whispered in his mouth, although he said so, but Xuntianyi still had deep worries in his heart.

The sky seeker is not worried about external dangers.

The reason why the heart demon is terrible is because the heart demon is the dark side produced by the body, which gathers all the negative energy of the host, and the strength is comparable to that of the body, and the moves are even more cruel, and the heart demon itself acts regardless of the consequences. Do not care about the loss of the body caused by excessive use of strength.

Therefore, the strength displayed by the inner demon is even stronger than the host itself.

Zhang Ziling has broken through to the supreme, but he has not been completely wiped out the inner demon until now, the heaven seeker can no longer imagine... what kind of terrifying existence the inner demon hidden in his boss has grown into!

Seeing Zhang Ziling closed his eyes, the spiritual power in his body was calm as a pool of stagnant water, and Heaven Seeker didn't know what Zhang Ziling was doing now.

"Xuntian, if you don't want to scrap, I suggest you stay away from the Devil Emperor."

While Xuntianyi was still worried about Zhang Ziling's safety, Xie Wushuang's voice rang in Xuntianyi's ears, making Xuntianyi shocked.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xun Tianyi said to Xie Wushuang in a very rude tone.

"I just kindly reminded it." Xie Wushuang smiled, "After all, if you are scrapped, the Devil Emperor will definitely use me to vent his anger. I don't want to suffer from these innocent disasters."

"You guy..." Xuntian frowned and glanced at Zhang Ziling, who was in a state of calm. He didn't find out where Zhang Ziling threatened him.

"Time is running out. When you react, it will be too late." Xie Wushuang's flat voice came into the ears of the Heaven Seeker again.

"Damn it! You guys better not play tricks on me!" Xun Tianyi clenched his fists, decided to believe in Xie Wushuang once, and jumped directly from the spar.

After all, Zhang Ziling is now fighting against the Inner Demon. The control of Zhang Ziling's body is likely to be temporarily seized by the Inner Demon. If Zhang Ziling violently goes away, the Heaven-seeking Instrument may really be scrapped.

Not long after the Heaven Seeker jumped off the spar, Zhang Ziling's body burst out with a huge amount of magic energy, which then turned into a chain, binding Zhang Ziling together with the spar.

Zhang Ziling himself sealed himself in the barrier.

"Good risk!" Seeing the black chain that locked the spar, Xun Tianyi felt fortunate in his heart.

If he is locked inside by a chain, I am afraid he will really be scrapped.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Xie Wushuang said with a smile when seeing Xuntianyi fall by his side.

"How did you know that the old meeting banned yourself?" Xun Tianyi looked at Xie Wushuang suspiciously, with suspicion in his eyes.

Logically speaking, the current cultivation base of Xun Tianyi is much higher than Xie Wushuang, and Xian Wushuang will never see through things that Xun Tianyi cannot see.

This time, Tian Xun Yi had no idea that Zhang Ziling would do it.

"There are some things that can't be done by cultivation base alone." Xie Wushuang smiled at Xuntianyi and pointed to his head, "Although this body has only the eightfold cultivation base of the Heavenly Palace Realm, but here... It is still the consciousness named Evil Emperor."

"Hey!" Tianxunyi snorted disdainfully, but it had to admit that sometimes... the evil emperor did know more than it.

For example, about the boss's heart demon.

Xun Tianyi raised his head to look at the sealed Zhang Ziling, and whispered to Xie Wushuang: "What the **** do you want the boss to do?"

"Obviously, the cultivation base is so much weaker than the boss, the boss can't kill you. And depending on your past experience, what do you want in this world, why don't you bother with the boss?"

"Aren't I helping the Devil Emperor erase the heart demon?" Xie Wushuang smiled.

"Ghost believe you are well-intentioned." Xun Tianyi didn't believe that Xie Wushuang was simply improving Zhang Ziling's strength.

"No matter what I am going to do next, anyway, our current goals are the same. The Devil Emperor has no heart demon. This is a good thing for everyone. You know this result is fine." Xie Wushuang seems not willing to follow Xuntian Yi said in a few words about this matter, it blocked Xun Tianyi's words.

Indeed, no matter what Xie Wushuang's ultimate goal was, Tianxun found that he couldn't do anything at all now.

Zhang Ziling really needs to cut off the demons, and Xuntianyi can't take action to hinder Zhang Ziling, and Xiewu still has His Highness Ziyou on his hands as a hostage, and Xuntianyi dare not do anything to Xie Wushuang.

Tian Xun Yi felt very discouraged for the feeling that he had no strength but couldn't do anything.

"In fact, you don’t have to think about it so much. This chessboard has already been rolled out. Except for the chess player, no single power can do anything in this world. Not only you, but also other magical soldiers, or this world. All sentient beings are chess one piece can affect the placement of this chess game."

"It's not that you are incompetent, but this matter is really too much involved." Xie Wushuang looked at Zhang Ziling who was blocked from above and smiled, "This world... is much bigger than you think."

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