Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1410: Are you not going to apologize to my students?

"Mu Shao, you said that Mu Ke was making trouble at the city gate, why would anyone do such a stupid thing?" In the next room, a young man in luxurious clothes raised his glass and laughed at the young man sitting there. , "Na Mu is Mu Shao's opponent, I really wronged Mu Shao!"

As soon as the young man spoke, everyone around him suddenly laughed, his face filled with joy.

The young man sitting in this elegant room is naturally Mu Yang, the young master of the Mu family, and the young sons and ladies around are Mu Yang's group of friends, friends, and the major forces of Hongye City, which can be regarded as the high level of Hongye City.

Everyone was sitting around a long table covered with white cloth. The table was full of precious delicacies. It was a pleasure for everyone to scramble for it!

Mu Yang told everyone about Mu Ke's troubles at the city gate, and everyone laughed and did not hesitate to mock Mu Ke's statement.

Mixing with Mu Yang, naturally stands on the opposite side of Mu Ke.

"Hahaha! Who knows what the brain circuit of Mu Ke's idiot is? If you dare to make trouble at the city gate without reporting your identity, you really don't treat our Mu family elite as human beings!" Mu Yang laughed, "This That guy asked for what happened next time, and I don't know how long she can hold on under the elite iron hoof of the Mu family! Maybe she will be killed."

"What Shao Mu said is! Mu Ke asked for this!"

"I heard that Nam Ke also found a young mentor in the Best Academy. I don't know if there is any dirty relationship between the two of them!"

"Huh! Mu Ke, this bitch, has robbed Mu Shao’s place in the Best Academy, and even hooked up with men everywhere at the Best Academy, even the mentor. This kind of person... really puts Mu’s face Lost it all!"

A group of young ladies loudly echoed Mu Yang, viciously insulting Mu Ke.

Anyway, this is their private gathering, here are their own people, no matter what they say here, they can't spread it out, naturally they have no scruples.

The young masters and ladies who attended the Mu Yang party knew that Mu Yang had a grudge against Mu Ke because he had not entered the Baishi Academy, and wanted to drink Mu Ke's blood. As long as they slander Mu Ke in front of Mu Yang, the uglier the words, the happier Mu Yang will be.

Mu Yang is the noble son of the first echelon of Hongye City. There are naturally endless benefits to please Mu Yang. Anyone can do anything that makes a difference.

In this elegant room, there was an extravagant atmosphere everywhere, Mu Yang laughed, and listened with great enjoyment to the surrounding sons and ladies who insulted Mu Ke.

That bitch... If it weren't for her, it would be me who entered the Baishi Academy!

go to hell!

Mu Yang hated more and more in his heart, stood up directly from his seat, raised his glass and shouted: "To celebrate that **** is going to die, let's do it!"


All the princes and ladies raised their wine glasses and shouted, making a noise.


At this moment, the door of Yajian was kicked open in an instant, and the huge noise interrupted the banquet in Yajian. The young masters and ladies instantly quieted down, staring at the door of Yajian.

What they said was fine in private. If it was heard by outsiders and passed to Mu's house, Mu Yang could not keep them.

Mu Ke is the saint of the Mu family. Even if Mu Ke does not manage interpersonal relationships in Hongye City, Mu Ke's status is beyond doubt.

If Mu Family had to choose to give up one of Mu Yang and Mu Ke, everyone knew which Mu Family would choose in the end.

A cultivating genius or a trash dude, which of the two is important to the Mu family, you can use your **** to know.

Therefore, after the door of the room was kicked open, a hint of coldness appeared on everyone's neck, and the smile on their faces was frozen.

Zhang Ziling led Mu Ke and Xie Wushuang into Mu Yang's private room.

Zhang Ziling stood at the door of the room with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth. He quickly scanned the middle of the room, and finally fell on Mu Yang.

There were only a dozen people in this elegant room. All of them wore luxurious clothes and had a huge body, but they seemed to be very vain, not like people who were diligent in cultivation.

In the private room, no one dared to speak.

They all stared at Mu Ke behind Zhang Ziling, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

No one thought that Mu Ke would actually come when they were swearing.

Zhang Ziling leisurely walked into the private room, pulled the only chair that was unoccupied across the Muyang table, and sat down, looking at the sons and ladies around the table, and said lightly: "I just heard a lot of people talking. Bad things about my students."

No one answered.

Mu Ke stood gloomily behind Zhang Ziling, his eyes full of anger.

Naturally, she heard all the foul language in the population just now.

Xie Wushuang glanced at the angry Mu Ke, then also smiled, put his hands in his pockets and walked to a young man at random, patted him on the shoulder, and asked with a smile: "Hey, how let me? "

After being beaten by Xie Wushuang, the young man was so excited that his legs were soft and he slid off the chair.

Xie Wushuang smiled gently at the young man, and then unceremoniously pulled the chair behind him, sat down, smiled and looked at Mu Yang, who was sitting in the seat, and asked: "Are you the Mu Yang who provokes my senior sister? "

When Mu Yang saw Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang sitting down unceremoniously, an anger rose in his heart.

Mu Kedu hasn't taken a seat yet, what are you two?

"Who are you?" Mu Yang suppressed the anger in his heart, looked at Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang and asked in a deep voice.

Although Mu Ke's presence here surprised Mu Yang, after Mu Yang calmed down, he would naturally not be afraid of Mu Ke.

After all, Mu Ke did the trouble at the gate of the city himself. He was just letting Tiemu deal with the trouble, and he would not take the responsibility on him.

As for stopping the servant who was going to meet Mu Ke, Mu Yang could just find an excuse to stop him, so Mu Yang was full of confidence when facing Mu Ke.

"Come here." Zhang Ziling didn't answer Mu Yang's question, just stretched out his index finger to hook Mu Yang, and said lightly.

Zhang Ziling's provocation made Mu Yang stunned at first, then laughed.

This is his place, and Mu Ke wants to trouble him with two people, totally overpowering!

"Hahaha! Did you hear that that guy actually ordered me to go over! Who does he think he is?" Mu Yang burst into laughter and instantly activated the atmosphere in the room.

Although the crowds can't provoke Mu Ke, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, two strangers, are bugs that can be pinched to death in their eyes.

"You give way to Lao Tzu!" The young guy who was frightened by Xie Wushuang before has now recovered, and directly grabbed Xie Wushuang, trying to throw Xie Wushuang out.

This young man is the son of the Zhao family, who is good at physical skills, and is extremely powerful and domineering. After calming down, the claws of Xiang Xie Wushuang also faintly cried.

However, before that son of the Zhao family met Xie Wushuang, he was slapped and fanned out by Xie Wushuang, causing a scream.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the Zhao family who was flying out, smiled, and hooked his finger at Mu Yang again.


This time, before Mu Yang could respond, Mu Yang felt a huge pulling force coming from the collar, and then Mu Yang was directly pulled away from the chair, slid from the dining table to Zhang Ziling, and the table was exhausted. Both were knocked over by Mu Yang and sprinkled on the luxurious clothes of him and the young lady sitting on both sides.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Yang who was lying on the table, reached out his hand to grab his hair, and pulled him off the table, scared the two dudes next to him quickly got up from the chair and fled.

"I say……"

Zhang Ziling stepped on Mu Yang's head, whose hair was wet with oil, and looked down at Mu Yang and said lightly: "Aren't you going to apologize to my students?"

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