Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1437: Go to Mu's house

Hearing Mu Ying's order, the four True Martial Realm powerhouses suddenly appeared strange looks, seeming to be very strange to what Mu Ying said.

They came this time with four real martial arts realms! In addition to Mu Ying's words, there are a total of five existences standing at the top of the cultivation pyramid in Xuanxiao Continent!

The five of them together, stomping their feet at random can make the area shake.

Such a luxurious battle force group is enough to destroy many first-class forces.

But now, their task is to take two young people back with unknown names?

Are you kidding me?

For a time, none of the four Mu family powerhouses moved, and they were very surprised by Mu Ying's actions.

What do you want to do?

"Elder Mu, are you doing this a bit too much? We also have our own things to do!" The faces of several strong Mu family were a little ugly, and they gritted their teeth and said to Mu Ying.

Mu Ying's approach made it clear that he was playing with them. As true warriors, they all had tempers.

"I think so too," Zhang Ziling said, with a faint smile on his lips, "If Elder Mu wants to invite us to the Mu's house, we will naturally not refuse. Elder Mu, you are so inspiring to teach us, it really makes us a little frightened."

"The two of us don't need these powerful people to come over."

Although Zhang Ziling said so, Mu Ying heard a deep ridicule in Zhang Ziling's tone.

The matter of the gods must not be spread, and even other people in the Mu family must not let others know.

Therefore, Mu Ying couldn't explain the relationship between him and Zhang Ziling to the strong members of the Mu family, so he could only remain silent.

Although Mu Ying could hear that Zhang Ziling was mocking herself, the other four strong Mu family members did not think so.

The more Zhang Ziling said, the more they felt that Mu Ying was playing with them, and the more resentful they felt.

Now that the Mu family's internal struggle is getting more and more serious, the four of them are also more inclined to Mu Ying's line, otherwise this time it would not be possible to put down their own affairs so readily and come to help.

But now, they found that their blood was exchanged for Mu Ying's teasing. This feeling of being played makes the four strong Mu family's impression of Mu Ying worse and worse.

Mu Ying could clearly feel the changes in the attitudes of the four strong Mu family towards him, but Mu Ying was also very helpless about it. It was clear that the situation was under his control, but in the end it was inexplicably controlled by Zhang Ziling. .

The four powerful real martial arts of their own have actually become hostile to them!

Seeing the changes in the situation, Mu Ying didn't dare to let Zhang Ziling go on, and quickly looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "Since you are willing to go, follow up and don't talk too much."

Let Zhang Ziling provoke the discord, and it is estimated that these strong men who originally supported him will all go to Mu Renxiong's line.

If something like this happens, then Mu Family will be the world of Mu Renxiong's lineage.

This result is also a huge disaster for Mu Ying.

"Since Elder Mu doesn't need us to be a guard, then I'm going to say goodbye!" The complexions of the strong Mu family have completely sunk at this moment, and they directly wrote their discomfort on their faces, "These two young people, cross over. Dispose of it to Elder Mu!"

After all, the four true warriors didn't stay where they were. They twisted slightly and disappeared in the same place.

With the departure of the four Mu family powerhouses, the situation on the scene returned to the original situation. The identity of Zhang Ziling's top formation mage made Mu Ying jealous, and the two sides once again fell into a stalemate.

This guy……

Looking at Zhang Ziling, Mu Ying subconsciously squeezed the crutches in his hand, with faint veins running away in his neck, he was obviously out of anger.

Mu Ying didn't even know when his own advantage disappeared inexplicably.

Although I couldn't tell the truth to the strong Mu family and misunderstood them, even so...

The reaction of the four true warriors was too great, and the violent mood swings were completely different from their usual appearance.

The most important practice of a true martial arts monk is to cultivate the mind. Even if Mu Ying’s behavior seems to be tricking them, with Mu Ying’s understanding of the four strong Mu family’s personalities, even if they are angry no matter how angry they are. Will show his emotions on his face, especially in the presence of outsiders.

Now Mu Ying calmed down. After thinking about it, she noticed something wrong.

"What did you do to them?" Mu Ying thought for a while, looked at Zhang Ziling and asked in a low voice, his eyes were full of killing intent, but there was a little fear under the cover of killing intent.

If Zhang Ziling really affected the emotions of the four of them...

Mu Ying couldn't imagine how many weird methods Zhang Ziling had hidden!

What kind of existence does the forces behind him exist?

The unknown is often the most terrifying.

Faced with Mu Ying's question, Zhang Ziling just smiled and did not answer.

Zhang Ziling's performance made Mu Ying more convinced that Zhang Ziling was making trouble.


Mu Ying focused on Xie Wushuang, who was inconspicuous beside Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Xie Wushuang's calm face, Mu Ying suddenly had a feeling...This little guy in the Heavenly Palace Realm, perhaps like Zhang Ziling, possesses some unknown special ability, and can even pose a threat to him.

Where did this bunch of weirdos pop out from?

A sense of urgency suddenly appeared in Mu Ying's heart.

"Elder Mu, why are you still here? Don't you want to take us to see the ancient gods?"

When Mu Ying was suspicious, Zhang Ziling's voice came into Mu Ying's mind, pulling Mu Ying out of the lack of consciousness.

Mu Ying was awakened, suppressed all the thoughts in her heart, and focused all of her attention on Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling is the top Array Master, and Mu Ying dare not care.

Since these two people went to God, then he took them to God, and everything was over. No matter what kind of methods Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang still hide, everything will become meaningless in front of the gods.

Anyone who provokes God will be wiped out.

"Since the two of you are in such a hurry to find death, then I'm not welcome, come with me." Mu Ying said gloomily to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang, turning around with his crutches, and heading to the Mu Family Holy Land without looking back. Go.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, only a few steps, Mu Ying was about to step out of Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang's field of vision.

Now the strong men from the Mu family have also left, even if he can let the patrolmen in the city come and help at any time, but in front of a top array mage like Zhang Ziling, the more people there are, the stronger Zhang Ziling's strength becomes.

The array mage originally existed as a weapon of mass destruction. The more enemies there are, the blood produced can provide more blood strength to the formed circle.

Against the array mage, the human sea tactic is undoubtedly the most useless tactic.

What Mu Ying can do now is to bring Zhang Ziling to the Holy Land of Mu Family.

With the gods there, no matter how weird Zhang Ziling's methods are, he can't overcome any storms. This is what Mu Ying firmly believes.

"How long do you want to play?" Looking at Mu Ying's steady back, Xie Wushuang asked Zhang Ziling softly.

"How do you know I'm playing?" Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Wushuang, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Of course I know."

The two looked at each other, but in the end they smiled at each other and followed Mu Ying in unison.

This time, it was a visit to Mu's house in a real sense.

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