Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1442: Mu Ying runaway

When Zhang Ziling spoke, Mu Ying yelled badly in her heart, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"What are you going to do?" Mu Ying quickly yelled at Zhang Ziling, fearing that Zhang Ziling would do something irrational.

"Elder Mu had too many concerns, so he became so hesitant." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ying with a chuckle. Under Zhang Ziling's feet, several black chains gradually grew out of the ground, binding Mu Yang, "So I I want to help Elder Mu do something."

The dark magic energy escaped to the surroundings.

"You, what are you doing?" Seeing that he was tied up, Mu Yang suddenly panicked, his two suspended feet dangling and struggling, and at the same time he began to curse Zhang Ziling.

A fear of death filled Mu Yang's heart.

He really didn't expect that Zhang Ziling would dare to do something to him when his grandfather rushed to the scene.

This lunatic!

"Let him go!"

Mu Ying's angry roar swept towards Zhang Ziling with terrifying spiritual power, and the violent sound waves choked everything around.

The power of the eight-fold powerhouse in the True Martial Realm was thoroughly revealed at this moment.

The surrounding powerhouses all changed their colors, and were shocked by Mu Ying's power, and they backed away.

Looking at the terrifying sound waves that swept across, Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, pulling the chain that bound Mu Yang, and directly pulling Mu Yang in front of him.

"No!" Mu Yang saw that the spiritual power was about to blast on his body, and he roared heartbreakingly, finally stopping the bleeding wound, and it cracked again at this moment.

Mu Yang lost too much blood instantly.

"Elder Mu."

Zhang Ziling grabbed Mu Yang's human shield and looked at Mu Ying with a chuckle.

If Mu Ying wants to hurt Zhang Ziling, he must first tear Mu Yang to pieces.

Although Zhang Ziling didn't care about Mu Ying's attack, Zhang Ziling was more inclined to the latter than when he wiped Mu Ying's attack and used Mu Yang to force Mu Ying to retract the attack.

"You guy!"

Hearing Mu Yang's roar for help, the anger in Mu Ying's eyes disappeared suddenly, and she forcibly blasted out a sound wave of spiritual power that screamed at Zhang Ziling, and her throat was sweet, and her breath was tumbling.

It was impulsive just now, and now Mu Ying calms down, he will naturally make a different choice.

Zhang Ziling wanted to catch, and Mu Yang couldn't die either.

Mu Yun has already sacrificed to the ancient gods. Mu Yang is now the only descendant of Mu Ying that he likes. If Mu Yang dies again, it will be regarded as the last for Mu Ying.

Therefore, Mu Ying could not let Mu Yang die.

However, Mu Ying couldn't guess what Zhang Ziling was thinking.

Before Mu Ying thought Zhang Ziling was only going to the gods, but from now on... the Mu family was also Zhang Ziling's target.

"Grandpa, help me! This guy is crazy! Kill him!" Mu Yang was crying at the moment, the hoarse and harsh voice made people feel annoyed, even Mu Ying was affected a lot.

"To shut up!"

Mu Ying suddenly roared, and Mu Yang was stunned for an instant, looking at Mu Yang with an incredible expression.

"You, are you shouting at me?" Mu Yang couldn't believe it. Grandpa, who had always cared for him, actually shouted at him!

For a while, Mu Yang's head was muddled and his eyes flushed.

This incompetent guy!

Mu Ying saw Mu Yang look like this, the Mu family was completely ashamed.

Mu Ying could even feel the disdain in the eyes of the powerful people around him.

However, Mu Ying knew that it was not the time to care about these things, so she stared at Zhang Ziling and asked in a solid voice, "What do you want to do?"

Now that Zhang Ziling is surrounded by so many powerful people, it is absolutely impossible to overcome the wind and waves, and Mu Yang has become Zhang Ziling's life-saving talisman. As long as Mu Yang suffers a little damage, Zhang Ziling will definitely not be able to leave here alive.

After calming down, Mu Ying also sorted out the current situation, and the tumbling breath in the body also calmed down.

"Didn't I say that, I think you are very troubled by Elder Mu, so I want to share some worries on Elder Mu." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ying and smiled lightly, but the gentle smile in Mu Ying's eyes was incomparable. Icy.

Mu Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart beat fiercely.


Without waiting for Mu Ying to speak, Mu Yang's other arm was chopped off by the black chain.


The screams resounded throughout the garden.

When the strong man in the garden saw the scene in the field, all his colors changed, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

The viciousness Zhang Ziling showed was beyond their imagination.

That was the young master of the Mu family and Mu Ying's most beloved grandson. However, Zhang Ziling dared to cut off Mu Yang's arm without mercy in front of Mu Ying.

This is all about pumping Mu Ying's face in front of everyone!

All the powerhouses present thought about it for a moment. If they swapped positions with Zhang Ziling, they would definitely not be able to do so harshly!

This can be regarded as completely breaking his own back.

Zhang Ziling's move also showed that he had completely torn his face with the Mu family.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's actions, Mu Ying's face turned blue, and her eyes were full of anger.

"You!" Only then did Mu Ying understand what Zhang Ziling meant to help him share his troubles.


The ground shattered, Mu Ying threw away the crutches, and the whole person rushed towards Zhang Ziling like a cannonball, revealing his spiritual power.

Zhang Ziling wants...

Killed Mu Yang in public!

"Give! Me! Stay! Hands!"

Mu Ying screamed, but could only watch the black chains that bound Mu Yang, shooting towards Mu Yang's heart.

Although Mu Ying's speed is fast, it is not as fast as the chain.

When Mu Ying rushed to Zhang Ziling, the black chain had already penetrated Mu Yang's heart, and then Mu Yang's whole body burst open.

Mu Yang could see the fear on Mu Ying's face before his death.

Mu Yang's screaming like a pig stopped abruptly.

Scarlet blood spilled all over the place.

The entire garden became extremely quiet.

Everyone held their breath and looked at Zhang Ziling and Mu Ying who rushed to Zhang Ziling, her body trembling slightly.

This picture... is too shocking.

They didn't expect that in this world... there really are people who don't put Mu Family in their eyes!

"This this……"

Everyone's eyes were filled with shock and fear.

That handsome young man has completely transformed into a madman at this moment!

Mu Ying was standing in front of Zhang Ziling at this moment, her body rickety, her head down, making her expression unclear.

However, everyone knows that Mu Ying is on the verge of breaking out at this moment.

Mu Yang exploded in front of Mu Ying.

Zhang Ziling really killed Mu Yang.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ying with his head down, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he whispered: "Look, can take me to see the ancient gods in a fair manner, don't hesitate."

Zhang Ziling's teasing voice echoed in Mu Ying's ears.


Mu Ying clenched her fists fiercely, and suddenly raised her head to look at Zhang Ziling, with blood and tears in her eyes and scarlet pupils.

"Zhang! Zi! Ling!"

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