Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1444: Presumptuous mortals!

After Mu Ying shook off the strong men in the garden, he silently brought Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang to the deepest part of Mu's mansion.

Here is a quiet garden, with a light door quietly suspended in the middle.

That is the entrance to the Holy Land of Mu Family, connected to another small world, and the Mu Family enters and exits the Holy Land through this light gate.

But few people know that beside the entrance of the Mu Family Holy Land, there is another entrance to the small world hidden.

This is a small world created by Mu Ying with the help of the power of the gods, in order to hide the gods and help the gods develop the mortal power in the Xuanxiao Continent by the way.

This small world, even the Mu family, is only known to a few.

Mu Ying walked to the entrance of Mu's Holy Land, took out a gilded token, light blue spiritual power circulated on the rune on the token, and finally injected into the small world entrance.

Next to the entrance of Namu's Holy Land, another small world entrance slowly appeared.

Like the entrance to the Mu Family Holy Land, it was also a gate of light.

Seeing the entrance to the small world, Mu Ying turned around and said coldly to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang: "Go in, this is your graveyard."

When Zhang Ziling did those things, Mu Ying wouldn't give Zhang Ziling anything to look at.

Between the two, the skin was completely torn.

If it weren't for the gods in the middle, Mu Ying would have dealt with Zhang Ziling a long time ago, cutting Zhang Ziling into pieces and feeding the dog.

Mu Ying's hatred for Zhang Ziling cannot be increased.

Zhang Ziling just smiled at what Mu Ying said, but didn't care. After Zhang Ziling nodded to Mu Ying to leave, he walked into the small world with a smile.

Xie Wushuang followed closely behind.

Mu Ying stared coldly at Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang as they walked into the small world. After making sure that both of them had entered, Mu Ying sneered slightly.

"Humph! Although there is no way to kill you with your own hands, it's content to see you two die at the feet of the gods with your own eyes."

"Stupid mortals, welcome the greatness of God!"

Mu Ying's dark laughter echoed around, and then Mu Ying's figure also submerged into the entrance of this small world.

The entrance of the small world slowly shrank, but at the moment when the light gate completely disappeared, a graceful figure appeared around it, and then penetrated into the light gate at the last moment.

Afterwards, this light gate disappeared again in the depths of this Mu Palace...

After entering this small world, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang came to a world of huge rocks.

In front of the two of them, there stood a shrine, and hundreds of statues were erected around the shrine. In front of each of the statues, people in white robes were kneeling in front of them for worship, and a large number of offerings were placed in front of the statues.

Looking around, there are still many people living in this small world, most of them are monks with certain strength.

Among the hundreds of idols, Zhang Ziling also saw the idols of Follow Zhaoshi and Liyun.

"These ones……"

Zhang Ziling looked at the statues with curiosity in his eyes.

This is the first time Zhang Ziling has seen such a scene.

"These are the statues of ancient gods, each with a little divinity, to build so many statues, but a big project." Xie Wushuang walked to Zhang Ziling and explained.

Obviously, the gods represented by these idols are all known.

Hearing Xie Wushuang's explanation, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but look at Xie Wushuang more, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Two of you, go in, Lord Tianshen is waiting for them in the temple." At this time, Mu Ying walked to Zhang Ziling and Xie Wu's face. He wore a white robe that he didn't know when he changed, and even his whole person became extremely religious. .

What is even more exaggerated is that Zhang Ziling could not see the slightest hatred towards him in Mu Ying's eyes.

At this moment, there was only the incomparable devotion to God in Mu Ying's eyes.

Seeing Mu Ying's changes, Zhang Ziling glanced at the surrounding statues and the people who were worshipping the statues. Zhang Ziling found that everyone's expressions were the same as Mu Ying's, except for piousness, there were no other emotions in his eyes.

"It seems that these idols have the effect of changing the cognition of monks, and they are quite wicked." Zhang Ziling smiled and sighed.

Even the emotions of the eight-fold powerhouses in the True Martial Realm can affect the horror of these gods.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang who came here, but for someone else, I'm afraid they would become slaves to the gods soon.

"Two, don't let the gods wait too long." Mu Ying could not help but urge when Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were not going in, his tone was not rushed.

In front of the temple, personal emotions are not allowed, so even if Mu Ying and Zhang Ziling share hatred, Mu Ying still has to talk to Zhang Ziling calmly at this moment.

Hearing Mu Ying's tone, Zhang Ziling also looked at Mu Ying, frowned slightly, and said lightly: "I don't like your current attitude."

Zhang Ziling still liked to watch Mu Ying gritted his teeth and looked at herself.

Having said that, Zhang Ziling did not wait for Mu Ying's response, and lightly stepped forward, and the whole small world began to shake violently.

The idols trembled, the boulders fell off, and countless believers began to panic.

"What are you going to do?" Mu Ying looked at the sky shaking, and there was a little panic on her calm face, and she quickly questioned Zhang Ziling.

"I just want to make this small world a little wider, don't panic." Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ying with a chuckle, and then stepped on the ground again.

The ground shattered instantly, the surrounding boulders collapsed one after another, and the ground shook the mountains.

In the temple in front of Zhang Ziling, a colorful light suddenly lit up.

"Stop! Lord Tianshen is angry! You stop me!" Mu Ying yelled loudly as he watched the gods collapse one after another, but there was nothing to stop Zhang Ziling.

Before this temple, all of them would lose power, and it would be impossible for them to have the ability to break the earth with one foot.

The power Zhang Ziling showed at this moment shocked Mu Ying.

Zhang Ziling's power surpassed Mu Ying's imagination.

Why could he ignore the laws of God?

"What the **** is this?"

Lin Xuan, who was hiding in the dark, watched the surrounding gods collapse one after another, and recovered, and began to panic to avoid the huge rocks falling from the sky.

She was originally monitoring Hongye City under Zhang Ziling's orders, but she saw Mu Ying walking into Mu's Mansion with Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang.

Out of fear, Lin Xuan contacted Zhang Ziling through the transmission stone, but found that she could not contact Zhang Ziling at all. In desperation, Lin Xuan ventured into the Mu Mansion to find Zhang Ziling, just to see Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang walking into this small world.

At that time, Lin Xuan was also a hot head. She plunged into the small world without thinking about anything. After that, Lin Xuan lost consciousness, feeling that her whole brain was muddled.

It wasn't until Zhang Ziling smashed the ground with one foot that Lin Xuan woke up after the surrounding idols collapsed.

The beam of light from the temple went straight into the sky, dazzling light shining on this small world, and an incomparable divine might permeated this earth.

"Master Tianshen is angry!" After seeing the beam of light, Mu Ying didn't have time to trouble Zhang Ziling, and quickly knelt down in the direction of the temple, constantly kowtowing to indict.

Others in the small world followed Mu Ying's knees to the temple, and kept kowtow asking the gods for forgiveness.

Standing among the kneeling crowd, Zhang Ziling and Xie Wushuang were happy watching the collapse of one idol after another.

The appearance of the gods did not cause the slightest disturbance in their hearts.

"Mortal, you are too presumptuous!"

The mighty divine power permeates the world.

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