Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1456: The whole city is eye-catching!

Hongye City, Mu Mansion!

Zhang Ziling and Lin Xuan appeared at the entrance of the Mu Family Holy Land, the light gate behind them turned into fragments and dissipated.

Lin Xuan's eyes were still red, and she seemed to have just cried.

"Okay, that guy has nothing to do with you again, why are you crying?" Zhang Ziling glanced at Lin Xuan, who was depressed next to him, and couldn't help but say.

"Why are you so unrelenting?" Lin Xuan glared at Zhang Ziling, "Isn't he your student? Why didn't you react at all when he died?"

Listening to Lin Xuan's question, Zhang Ziling could only open his mouth, unable to answer Lin Xuan.

Zhang Ziling could never directly tell Lin Xuan that the dead Xie Wushuang was just a clone of him, and had no effect on Xie Wushuang's body.

However, Zhang Ziling was also shocked by Xie Wushuang's ability to abandon his last master clone so decisively.

Both Xie Wushuang and Si Ju's choice lingered in Zhang Ziling's mind now.

Behind this...what is hiding?

Zhang Ziling was lost in thought.

"Look, you don't care about your own students! You have to pretend that you don't care about anything!" Lin Xuan couldn't help but said with red eyes when she saw the worry that was inadvertently revealed in the depths of Zhang Ziling's eyes.

Obviously, Lin Xuan misunderstood Zhang Ziling's meditation. Zhang Ziling didn't give Lin Xuan too much explanation for this, and it was good for Lin Xuan to misunderstand, at least she would stop a lot in the future.

For the girl Lin Xuan, Zhang Ziling was more helpless. She was clearly a monk in the real martial state, but her temperament was almost the same as that of a twenty-year-old girl. There was no city in her behavior, and her joy, anger, sorrow and joy were all on her face.

With Lin Xuan's character, it is not difficult for Zhang Ziling to imagine why Lin Xuan would be caught by the film merchant and become a slave.

It is too easy to be framed.

Without answering Lin Xuan, Zhang Ziling stepped outside the house.

"Eh eh! Where are you going?" Lin Xuan saw Zhang Ziling and left without saying anything, and hurried to pursue Zhang Ziling.

Mu Ying was dead, and Xie Wushuang's clone was also strangled by the black hole. Now the only clue to Zhang Ziling is that there was an ancient **** who wanted to move after the Hundred Academy Conference.

Although Liyun is still alive, Liyun is still in a coma until now, and is hidden by Mu Family Mu Ying's line in the Mu Family Holy Land. Zhang Ziling has no need to take Liyun's life for the time being.

Li Yun could not escape Zhang Ziling's palm, and Zhang Ziling could deal with Li Yun at any time.

What Zhang Ziling has to do now is to quietly wait for the convening of the Hundred Academy Conference.

However, things backfired. As soon as Zhang Ziling and Lin Xuan walked out of Mu's residence, they discovered that a large group of troops were stationed outside, and countless powerful men stared at Zhang Ziling who had reached the gate.

"It seems...I can't rest!" Zhang Ziling looked at the strong men around him, his mouth slightly raised.

If this trouble continues, the only thing Zhang Ziling can do is to completely suppress Hongye City.

Otherwise, if the uproar of the affairs here affects the convening of the Hundred Courts Assembly, it will not be worth the loss.

Compared with Zhang Ziling's calmness, Lin Xuan was shocked, and her whole body froze in place.

Lin Xuan didn't expect so many people around here!

What the **** is this going to do?

What Lin Xuan didn’t know about the killing of Mu Yang among Zhang Ziling had long been spread in Hongye City when Zhang Ziling was dealing with Si Ju.

Now the eyes of the entire Hongye City are focused on Mu's Mansion, and almost all the leaders of the big forces have brought their troops over to evade the waters surrounding the Mu's Mansion.

Even the elders of the Mu family appeared around, waiting for them.

No one can stay out of this matter, and neither can the Mu family.

In the history of Hongye City, there has never been a person so rampant as Zhang Ziling. After killing the sons of the major forces, he even ran into the Mu Mansion and killed the sons of the Mu family!

If Zhang Ziling is not removed, I am afraid that the entire Red Leaf City forces will become the laughingstock of the wasteland.

Because Mu Ying took Zhang Ziling into the small world before, the people of the Mu family searched through the entire Mu Mansion and couldn't find Zhang Ziling.

No one could think of another small world beside their Mu Family Holy Land.

In fact, Zhang Ziling was not found, and even Mu Ying and Zhang Ziling were not found in the Mu Family Holy Land. In desperation... the powerful people had to surround the entire Mu Mansion and wait for Mu Ying or Zhang Ziling to come out.

Even if Mu Ying dealt with Zhang Ziling, people from other forces would at least have to see Zhang Ziling's body to let go.


"The thief has appeared, but Elder Mu is not here!"

"Things have changed, everyone is on guard!"

As soon as Zhang Ziling and Lin Xuan appeared, there was an uproar around them, and the powerhouses were instantly energetic.

But everyone wondered why only Zhang Ziling came out, but Mu Ying was not there.

"Old..." Mu Ke saw Zhang Ziling appear, his face suddenly appeared shocked, but before she called out, he was covered by Mu Renxiong's mouth.

Now Zhang Ziling is already the focal point, and Zhang Ziling's hands on Mu Yang directly made the Mu Family stand on the opposite side of Zhang Ziling.

No matter what the Mu family is fighting inside, outsiders are not qualified to say anything, so before in the Tianyue Tower, Mu Renxiong could use the excuse of saving Mu Ke to appear and let Zhang Ziling away.

But now it's different.

Mu Yang was killed by an outsider. If Mu Ke had a relationship with Zhang Ziling now, then people in their line could not only protect Mu Ke, but even put themselves in.

The Mu family is a big family.

The only thing Mu Renxiong can do now is to stand by.

With Mu Ying alone, Mu Renxiong can't handle it anymore, and now the other factions of the Mu family are added... If Mu Renxiong insists on helping Zhang Ziling, the end result can only be that their line is buried with Zhang Ziling.

"Mu Ke, you are obedient, now this situation is beyond our control." Mu Renxiong looked at Mu Ke's red eyes and said in a low voice.

It's too much trouble.

Mu Renxiong's mouth was covered, Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling, with panic in his eyes.

She wanted Zhang Ziling to escape.

In Mu Ke's view, all this was caused by her, but now Zhang Ziling was asked to bear the price for her, Mu Ke could not accept it anyway.

"He is the Zhang Ziling?"

When Mu Renxiong was covering Mu Ke's mouth, a white-haired, condensed old man walked to Mu Renxiong's side and looked at Zhang Ziling and asked faintly.

The old man appeared, Mu Renxiong's face changed suddenly, and he quickly let go of Mu Ke, bowed his hand to the old man, and replied: "Yes, Patriarch!"

This old man is the Patriarch of the Mu family who has been in retreat for a long time, Mu Tian!

Saint level powerhouse!

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