Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1458: Mu Tian's fear

All around were silent, everyone was stunned, looking at Zhang Ziling speechlessly.

Mu Ying...dead?

That was Elder Mu Family, the eight-fold powerhouse of True Martial Realm, the master of formation!

If Mu Ying took out any identity, he could shake the entire wasteland. Such a big man, just died?

The strong people thought they had heard it wrong, but when they found that the atmosphere around them became more and more depressing, they realized that they had not heard it wrong!

At this time, Mu Tian's eyes were completely gloomy, his face was covered with a layer of haze, and a pale black aura was looming all over his body.

Mu Tian was angry.

Even Mu Renxiong and Mu Ke couldn't believe what Zhang Ziling said, and they were shocked.

Not to mention how Mu Ying died, can Mu Ying say anything about his death?

Mu Ying is the elder of the Mu family, which is the facade of the Mu family.

Now that Mu Ying is dead, it means that the front of the Mu family has crossed, especially in this situation where almost all the major forces in the city have gathered. If Mu Tian doesn’t do anything, then the face of the Mu family is afraid. Completely folded here.

Therefore, no matter what the truth is, once Zhang Ziling said this, it means that Zhang Ziling took the initiative to stand on the opposite side of the Mu family. Even if Mu Ying admires Zhang Ziling's talent again, he has to take action against Zhang Ziling.

"You guy..." Mu Weather's body was trembling, and the spiritual power in his body became more and more restless. "Is it on purpose?"

Mu Tian pressed his voice, his tone contained extreme anger.

Hearing Mu Tian’s questioning, Zhang Ziling smiled slightly, and regardless of Lin Xuan who was quietly pulling himself behind him, he continued: “Of course, Mu Ying’s death has a lot to do with me. It can be said that I caused Mu Ying. Death."

When Zhang Ziling said these words, a monstrous wave was immediately set off around him. Everyone looked at Zhang Ziling in shock. They couldn't believe that Zhang Ziling dared to say such things in public!

Is this...finding death?

The surroundings were completely exploded, and the strong people had heated discussions, wanting to know what Zhang Ziling wanted to do.

Judging from the previous behavior of Zhang Ziling, everyone found that although Zhang Ziling seemed to be acting recklessly, for so many days, people from all major forces had no way of taking Zhang Ziling at all.

This is not what ordinary people can do.

Therefore, many people are privately guessing what kind of hero Zhang Ziling is, and what kind of big conspiracy is secretly plotting.

But from now on, everyone thinks that Zhang Ziling is a fool.

In this way, publicly confessing that you killed the Mu family elder, is this the equivalent of jumping into the fire pit?

Everyone did not understand why Zhang Ziling did this.

To offend the Mu family in Hongye City is to feel sorry for his own life.

Of course, Zhang Ziling is not uncommon for other people's understanding, he naturally has his own intention in doing this.

To use a powerful force to suppress all the forces on the scene, and at the same time to behead the people of Mu Ying's line, the first thing Zhang Ziling has to do is to intensify the contradiction between the two sides.

Otherwise, Zhang Ziling would not be able to kill people efficiently.

If the people in Mu Ying's line knew that their backbone was killed by Zhang Ziling, the strong in Mu Ying's line would definitely take revenge on Zhang Ziling at all costs.

"I'm going to kill you!" Sure enough, before Mu Tian could take action, a monk in Mu Ying's line couldn't help his anger in his heart and charged towards Zhang Ziling.

The monk's violent spiritual power swept all around and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Zhang Ziling watched the monk of the Mu family rushing over, with a bright smile on the corners of his mouth, a devilish energy escaped all over his body, and the black chain condensed and cut the monk of the Mu family in half easily.

Two corpses fell to the ground, blood stained the gate of Mu Mansion, and even splashed on Mu Tian's face.

"Why are you so careless!" Zhang Ziling chuckled softly, "Your great elder is dead, so will the young ones come and die one by one?"

"If you want to come, you should come together." Zhang Ziling's tone was calm and calm, but it made everyone in Mu Ying's line blush.

This person... is too rampant!

"You beast, I'm going to kill you!" Another strong man from Mu Ying's line could not bear Zhang Ziling's ridicule, and suddenly shot at Zhang Ziling.


Everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, and Brother Mu's body was cut into two pieces again by chains, and the scene was bloody.

When everyone opened their eyes again, they saw two corpses on the ground immersed in a pool of blood.

The smell of blood permeated the air, stimulating everyone's nerves.

This time, from Zhang Ziling's gentle smile, the powerhouses felt the complete coldness.

Even the other monks in Mu Ying's line were frightened at this moment, and didn't dare to rush towards Zhang Ziling anymore, and could only forcibly hold back the anger in his heart.

"Patriarch, you have to be the master for us!" Knowing that there is a huge gap between themselves and Zhang Ziling, the monks of Mu Ying's line changed their strategies and began to kneel down and beg Mu Tian, ​​hoping that Mu Tian would take action.

Since just now, Mu Tian has been frowning tightly, standing by, without any sign of action.

For Mu Tian, ​​he doesn't care about the death of one or two Mu family members. What he cares about is the whole "Mu family".

After Zhang Ziling condensed the black chains, Mu Tian's entire attention was on Zhang Ziling.

The power displayed by Zhang Ziling shocked Mu Tian.

This is simply not the strength that a young man in his twenties can show.

At this time, Mu Tian realized that he could not see the depth of Zhang Ziling at all, and did not even know what the power Zhang Ziling used to condense the chains was!

In other words, as a saint, Mu Tian couldn't see Zhang Ziling at all!

This is a big event! It shows that Zhang Ziling's strength may not be weaker than himself.

In this regard, Mu Tian actually found that he had a faint worry in his heart, afraid that Zhang Ziling really had such strength.

If Zhang Ziling was also a saint, then things would become quite troublesome. Mu Tian didn't think he could kill a saint without paying any price.

And the cost of beheading a saint is not worth it compared to the benefits gained so far.

Therefore, Mu Tian hesitated and watched Zhang Ziling kill his own people.

Even if his indifference would lose his prestige among the clansmen and Hongye City, Mu Tian did not want to become a deadly enemy because of a Mu Ying and a saint.

If Zhang Ziling was just a peerless genius who had not yet grown up, he might be able to kill Zhang Ziling without hesitation for Mu Yingmutian.

But now it's different...

Treating different people is a different attitude.

Mu Tian looked at Zhang Ziling, his eyes narrowed, his mouth opened, and then he asked, "Are you... a saint?"

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