Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1497: Tianlei Zidi

Everyone in Mu Ying's line heard the reputation, and saw a real dragon rushing towards them quickly, and the dragon's body covered half of the sky, which was extremely shocking.

"True Dragon Yin?" Everyone in Mu Ying's line saw the giant dragon appear, and their faces changed greatly. The four old men who presided over the blood sacrifice formation shook their hands in shock, finally condensing the blood sacrifice formation. It began to be disordered, and Li Yun in the center of the blood sacrifice array fell on the ground, throwing up a cloud of smoke.

"Master Li Yun!" When several old men saw Li Yun hit the ground, their expressions changed, and they quickly shouted.

As Liyun is a god, if the gods find out that they let the body of the **** fall to the ground, they may not be able to keep a single head.

But they also knew that it was not the time to care about these. Mu Tiancai, who had come over aggressively, was what they should worry about most now.

Can't deal with Mu Tian, ​​nor can the gods come to punish them.

The fact that they used the Mu family to perform blood sacrifices was discovered by the Patriarch, without thinking about what they would encounter next.

Mu Tian smashed directly into the middle of the circle. The circle formed by the people of Mu Ying finally collapsed in an instant. Everyone was rushed out by Mu Tian's momentum, and rolled on the ground more than ten times before stopping. shape.

A real dragon roared at the crowd, and the sky of Mu Family Holy Land became dim, thundering and lightning flashed.

"It's really spectacular!" Zhang Ziling showed up in midair with Mu Ke and Lin Xuan, watching with interest Mu Tian, ​​who was running away below, and rescued the Mu family.

Fortunately, Mu Tian arrived in time, and no Mu family has been sacrificed in blood yet.

Mu Ke looked at the scene below incredulously, his body trembling slightly: "This, what happened to this?"

"That's my dad? What's wrong with him?" Mu Ke soon discovered Mu Renxiong who had fainted in the crowd.

Mu Ke saw Mu Renxiong's body covered in blood, and his whole person instantly panicked.

Zhang Ziling could clearly find that the emperor's technique practiced by Mu Ke's dark face began to become unstable at this moment, and the light gray spiritual power was lingering around Mu Ke.

Mu Ke's eyes turned gray.

Mu Ke's sudden change attracted Zhang Ziling's attention. Zhang Ziling held Mu Ke's hand without a trace: "Don't worry, your father is fine."

Zhang Ziling comforted softly, a gentle spiritual power quietly immersed in Mu Ke's body, soothing the restless spiritual power in Mu Ke's body.

The gray in the depths of Mu Ke's eyes faded, and the whole person returned to calm.

"Thank you." Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling with a complex expression, and said abruptly.

After hearing what Mu Ke said, Lin Xuan on the side noticed that Zhang Ziling was holding Mu Ke's hand, and a sourness appeared in her heart for no reason, as if she had overturned a jealous jar.

Even Lin Xuan herself didn't know why she had such emotions.

Zhang Ziling did not notice Lin Xuan's emotions. After pacifying Mu Ke, Zhang Ziling's attention was focused on Mu Tian below.

Mu Ying's line suddenly began blood sacrifices, but the move to fight against the water saved Zhang Ziling too much effort.

Now Zhang Ziling doesn't have to work hard to explain too much to Mu Tian, ​​and he doesn't have to spend any effort to identify who is in contact with the ancient gods.

Before Zhang Ziling had time to do it, all the people in Mu Ying's line who had connections with the ancient gods were exposed by themselves, and it was clear at a glance.

Mu Tian naturally saw clearly.

Mu Long stood in the middle of the crowd, glanced sullenly at the Liyun lying on the side, then looked at the four old men in Mu Ying's line, and the terrifying pressure crushed them.

The majesty of the saint permeated all around, pressing everyone out of breath.

"Home, Patriarch, why are you here?" An old man forced a smile on his face, looking at Mu Tian with a wry smile.

Although they already know that Mu Tian must have discovered what they are doing, they can only bite the bullet now, hoping that Mu Long can come and rescue them in time.

The cold killing power felt from Mu Tian made them feel extremely suffocated.

"Why am I here?" Mu Tian took a step towards the old man, the real dragon roared, and threw the old man to the ground with a terrifying aura, "I haven't asked you what are you doing here?"


The violent aura stirred all around, and all the monks in Mu Ying's line vomited blood, felt a huge force on their shoulders, bent their knees, and suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Patriarch is forgiving, this is a misunderstanding!"

The four old men of the real martial arts in Mu Ying's line directly yelled out and hurriedly begged Mu Tian for mercy.

Hearing the words of the four old men, Mu Weiqi smiled reversibly and hummed: "Misunderstanding? I really think I'm a fool, can't you recognize this as a blood sacrifice array?"

"Even rosemary leaves are used, and you are so cruel to the people of the same tribe. Have your hearts and lungs been eaten by dogs?"

Mu Tian roared, the monks of Mu Ying's line knelt on the ground and did not dare to speak back, letting the shrine in the body be crushed by Mu Tian's might.

Facing the saints, their only way now is to kneel down and beg for mercy, and any resistance can only bring disaster to themselves.

Even if they go together, there is no chance of winning in front of Mu Tian.

Scolding everyone, Mu Tian turned his gaze to the Liyun lying aside, now half of Liyun's body has returned to its original shape, and now he does not look like a human at all.

"This is the ancient **** in your mouth? To sacrifice your own tribe for this kind of monster is simply frantic!" Mu Tian shouted, a giant dragon looming around his body began to roar, "Today I will kill you. God, you still don’t realize it!"

"Patriarch don't!" Seeing that Mu Tian was preparing to attack Liyun, all the monks in Mu Ying's line roared, forgetting their fear of Mu Tian.

However, the more fierce the monks in Mu Ying's line roared, the more fierce Mu Tian's heart was aroused. Mu Tian's palms surged and the dragon roar roared around.

"I am going to slaughter the gods in front of everyone today!" Mu Tian roared and slammed towards Li Yun, "Kill this beast!"

Zhang Ziling looked at Liyun with interest, a smile flashed in his eyes: "You have the courage."

Several old men in Mu Ying's line were about to split their eye sockets: "Mu Tian, ​​dare you!"

"No!" The monks in Muying's line cried out, bleeding and tears in their eyes.

The ancient gods are their beliefs, and no one can bear the pain of watching others hurt the gods.

The dragon roared, and the array of people condensed was completely shattered, the whole earth began to shake violently, and all the spiritual power in the holy land of the Mu family gathered to Mu Tian.

Li Yun's clothes were shattered by violent spiritual power, and endless blood stains appeared on his body. A giant dragon slammed into Li Yun amidst Mu Tian's roar, trying to swallow Li Yun completely.

"Die to me!" Mu Tian gritted his teeth, venting all the depression and resentment he had accumulated during this period.

"A trivial ant, still wanting to blaspheme?"

When the dragon was roaring, a purple thunder from Nine Heavens blasted the dragon, and the dragon condensed by Mu Tian was blasted away in an instant.

"Who?" Mu Tian Yangtian shouted, wanting to know who stopped him.

"Hold three thousand thunders, and hold the good and evil in the world. I am the Purple Emperor of Tianlei, Tianheng."

The sound of the wild and wild came from all directions.

Endless divine power permeates the space.

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