Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1470: Fall into hell

The dark magic energy overflowed from Zhang Ziling's arm and turned into silk threads to wrap the whole body of the old man.

"You, what are you doing?" Seeing that his whole body was covered with black silk threads, the old man couldn't help showing fear in his eyes and asked Zhang Ziling incoherently.

There was an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

Hearing the old man’s questioning, Zhang Ziling’s mouth raised slightly, and he said lightly: “Didn’t you mean to curse me for going to hell? I just want you to experience the taste of **** in advance.”

"You should feel honored to be able to enjoy this kind of pain." A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and the black silk thread entwining the old man began to penetrate into the old man's body.

"This kind of taste, even if other people beg me, there is no way to enjoy it." Zhang Ziling's voice rang softly in the old man's ear, causing the old man to tremble violently.

devil! Absolute devil!

"Stop...Stop, I tell you to stop!" The tingling sensation from the bones of the whole body made the old man feel an extremely ominous premonition, and he did not dare to imagine what would happen next.

"Once the journey of **** starts, how can it be said that it is over? Am I right?" Zhang Ziling looked at the old man with a chuckle, like a devil's whisper.

"Elder, elder...Look at you!" The monks in the surrounding Mu Ying line pointed at the old man caught by Zhang Ziling in horror, and kept moving back.

Hearing the words of the monks, the old man subconsciously looked at his arm, and then screamed in horror.

Numerous small blood packs began to bulge out of the old man's body, and then he felt itchy, and he wanted to scratch it.

However, the black silk thread bound him, making him unable to move at all, and could only forcibly endure the itch.

"Hurry, let me go, please! Let me go!" The old man couldn't bear the itching, and hurriedly begged Zhang Ziling for mercy. He wanted to scratch.

"That's what you said." Zhang Ziling's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were full of jokes, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, as long as you resist piercing those little blood packets, you will be able to survive, but... once you do If you break one, you will be unable to stop digging the next one, and you will end up buckling the whole body."

"At that time, your itch has deepened into your bone marrow. You can't help tearing your own flesh and scratching your bones. In the end, you can't help cracking your own bones and picking the bone marrow inside. At that time , I will use my spiritual power to keep you alive, make your soul itchy, and it will be worse than death in the end. There is no place to scratch..."

Zhang Ziling didn't conceal his words, his tone was so gloomy, and the surrounding monks were all shivering when they heard it, and they looked at Zhang Ziling with nothing but fear.

With this method, I feel cold all over just by listening.

"You, you devil...Kill me, kill me!" The old man caught by Zhang Ziling was completely frightened, and hurriedly called.

He didn't want the method of death in Zhang Ziling's mouth.

Compared to what Zhang Ziling said, just now they were in the aftermath of the battle between the two saints, it was simply heaven!

"I'm sorry, I promised to let you go just now, remember what I said, don't scratch." Zhang Ziling smiled gently at the old man, then let go of his hand and let the old man fall to the ground.

As soon as the old man was let go by Zhang Ziling, there was an itch all over his body that he couldn't bear.

Thinking of what Zhang Ziling said just now, the old man was very frightened, forcibly holding down the hand that he wanted to grab the small blood bag on his body.

"You, you devil..." The old man gritted his teeth and whispered to Zhang Ziling.

During this period, there were still monks who could not bear the aftermath of the saint's battle and died suddenly.

But now, the sudden death has become a sign of luck in everyone's eyes.

They did not have the courage to commit suicide, and they did not want to be caught by Zhang Ziling.

They died violently because they couldn't bear the pressure of the saints, but now they have become the most joyful choice for their death.

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man jokingly, and didn't worry at all whether the old man would catch those little blood bags.

Although the old man wouldn't endure that kind of pain as long as he didn't catch those little blood bags, nor would he die.

However, Zhang Ziling did not say that those little blood packs would disappear and the itchiness that the old man suffered would diminish.

The reason why **** is **** is that it will make people desperate and there is no escape!

It hasn't been long before Zhang Ziling put down the old man, and the old man has reached the limit that he can bear.

He stared at his muddy eyes, stared at the little blood bag on his arm, shaking his hands and wanted to pierce it.

He couldn't help it anymore.

"Quick, come and kill me! No matter who you are, kill me!" the old man roared, now death is his greatest gift.

He couldn't commit suicide anymore, and there were small blood bags everywhere, which would be broken with the touch.

"Elder, I'll help you!" A cultivator couldn't stand it anymore and stood up directly, trying to kill the old man and end his suffering.

However, before the monk could do anything, a black chain relentlessly passed through the monk's heart and directly killed the monk.

At this moment, all the cultivating monks around him quieted down instantly, staring blankly at the old man who fell on the ground in extreme pain, and retreated in his heart.

Although they wanted to help their elders end the pain, they cared more about their lives.

"Quick, help me, I, I can't hold it anymore!" The old man fell to the ground and screamed painfully, begging someone to come and help him end it all.

However, no one dares to come forward now.

The death of the monk just now is still vividly visible.

The battle between Mu Tian and Tianheng in the high altitude continued. The monks outside the barrier were violently killed at all times, but the surrounding atmosphere was extremely strange and terrifying.

Everyone looked at the old man who fell on the ground, completely ignoring his own life.

What Zhang Ziling said, they felt terrifying just thinking about it, and they really didn't dare to think about the fate of the elder's little blood bag.

"I, I can't help it...Zhang Ziling, I won't let you go as a ghost!" The old man finally couldn't bear the strange itch coming from his body, and started to scratch the little blood bags.

Pus and blood flowed out. Although the old man felt pain, he was very comfortable, and his entire face overflowed with a smile.

"Hahaha! You are a liar, I didn't..."

The old man realized that something was wrong before he finished speaking. The more he scratched, the more itchy he was, and even the depths of his bones were extremely itchy.

Soon, all the small blood bags were scratched by the old man, covered in blood.

The smile on the old man's face slowly solidified, and was eventually replaced by endless fear.

"No, no! I don't want it! Who killed me! Who will kill me! Save me!" The old man scratched his skin, blood splattered, and shouted in horror.

He has fallen into hell.

In the **** scene that followed, the cultivators of Mu Ying's line swear that even if they have seen so many dead people and cruel punishments, they are far less than what they have seen now.

Even the three True Martial Realm old men couldn't bear the fear in their hearts, and directly vomited out on the spot.

They have seen the real **** on earth.

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