Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1491: Someone finds fault

Mu Ke didn't expect Xingyu to avoid his own blow, and he was a little surprised.

Although Mu Ke didn't take this attack seriously, it was not an attack that the Qi Gathering Realm cultivator could avoid, and even the Ning Palace Realm cultivator struggled to avoid it.

But Xingyu just turned his head slightly to hide... Seeing Xingyu's current eyes, Mu Keke didn't believe that Xingyu escaped her attack by luck.

Moreover, Xingyu's aura that filled his body now made Mu Ke feel a big threat.

"It seems that the teacher didn't lie to me, this kid is a bit famous!" Mu Ke started to get serious, no longer careless.

If she really loses to the Qi Gathering Realm, then her reputation will be ruined.

The cultivators who watched the excitement around Xingyu also showed their hands, they put away their contempt for Xingyu, and began to watch the contest in earnest.

There are not so many geniuses in this world. Most of the monks who watch the excitement around are in the Ning Palace Realm Nirvana Realm, and they are also very old, they can naturally see the power of Mu Ke's blow.

Even if they weren't necessarily able to avoid Mu Ke's attack as easily as Xingyu.

Xingyu did what they couldn't, and it naturally attracted everyone's attention.

As Mu Ke began to pay attention to Xingyu, the information in Xingyu's mind gradually faded, and Xingyu's whole body regained consciousness.

"What am I?" Although Xingyu still clearly remembered that he had easily avoided Mu Ke's attack just now, Xingyu didn't understand how he did it just now.

"Unexpectedly, you kid is hidden, my sister was almost deceived by you!" Mu Ke himself was only sixteen or seventeen years old, but in front of Xingyu he claimed to be a sister, and looked at Xingyu with a smile.

After Xingyu showed his hand, he was also admitted by Mu Ke.

However, Mu Ke still didn't think Xingyu would be his opponent.

"In that case, sister will not show mercy next!" Mu Ke snorted softly, thinking that Xingyu was pretending to recover now, and directly patted Xingyu with a palm.

"Wait! I'm not ready yet!" Xingyu hurriedly rolled aside, not daring to fight Mu Ke.

The speed of Mu Ke's palm was not fast, but it was extremely powerful. Mu Ke's palm blasted into the air, directly causing a corner of the ring to be missing, and rubble splashed everywhere.

Seeing the power of Mu Ke's palm, Xingyu was even more frightened. He didn't dare to fight Mu Ke and frequently ran away.

For a while, there was a dramatic phenomenon of cats and mice on the martial arts stage, Xingyu fled around, never fighting Mu Ke head-on.

The audience in the martial arts stage looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

It was the first time they saw such a match.

Even Zhang Ziling, who was below, shook his head frequently and sighed constantly.

In fact, at the current level of Xingyu, as long as he wants to, he can easily exert a stronger power than just hiding from Mu Ke's attack.

However, now that Xingyu didn't know enough about himself, or perhaps he didn't have the slightest intention to fight, he simply couldn't exert his corresponding strength.

"Enough!" Soon Mu Ke became impatient, and Xingyu's avoidance gave Mu Ke a sense of suffocation that was powerful and ineffective.

"Are you a man?" Mu Ke sternly shouted, and suddenly Xingyu froze in place.

Although Xingyu wanted to refute Mu Ke very much, he couldn't help being scared in his heart, and the whole person remained silent on stage.

There was a boo in the audience, and everyone looked at Xingyu with contempt.


"I only know how to hide. Why do you go up if you know you can't beat it? Shame."

"I thought there was something special about this guy. It turned out to be really just a waste in the Qi Gathering Realm. It was all luck to escape the saint's blow just now."

The cultivators in the audience were whispering, but their voices all passed into Xingyu's ears.

Hearing those unbearable words, Xingyu lowered his head, his body trembled slightly, and his fists clenched.

No one could see, Xingyu's eyes began to glow red, and endless knowledge burst into his mind again.

The surrounding light began to twist slightly.

In fact, Zhang Ziling can also understand Xingyu’s current state. For Xingyu, the Xuanxiao Continent is a whole new world. He himself has not completely accepted the reality of his coming here. Now he has to be with so many people with a strong person. Watching the competition, Xingyu's fear in his heart is far greater than anyone.

If Xingyu is given some time to adapt, Xingyu's condition will definitely be much better than it is now.

However, Zhang Ziling had no time to wait any longer.

He needs to train one strong after another. At the end of this era, Zhang Ziling has a lot to do, so he needs a lot of emperor-level strong to help.

Therefore, Zhang Ziling must force Xingyu to adapt to the current rhythm and be able to fully stimulate the potential in his body.

Another son of Chaos, Xie Wushang, has reached the eightfold realm of the Heavenly Palace Realm at the age of seventeen, and will soon break into the True Martial Realm. Xingyu, as a true-brand son of Chaos, Xingyu, who has the same talent as Xie Wushang and even surpasses Xie Wushang. The potential of Xie Wushang is definitely not weaker than Xie Wushang.

Zhang Ziling firmly believes in this.

As long as Xingyu can realize that he can manipulate the light of one of the ten supreme laws, that Xingyu can become everyone's nightmare in an instant, and become a mountain that the younger generation cannot cross.

Even if Xingyu is in the Qi Gathering Realm, the power that Xingyu has now far exceeds that of everyone present except Zhang Ziling!

And for Xingyu to awaken, it only takes an opportunity.

Obviously, the verbal abuse from everyone around him might become an opportunity for Xingyu to awaken.

But Mu Ke didn't know Xingyu's current situation. She heard the abuse from everyone in the audience, and suddenly felt that she had said too much, and she didn't know how to comfort Xingyu when she stood on stage for a while.

To put it bluntly, Mu Ke is a little girl who is only more than ten years old, how can she know so much?

"The dignified sage of the Mu Family, a top student of the Baishi Academy, is really free to bully a Qi Gathering Realm guy here!"

Suddenly, there was a sharp laughter from the crowd below the martial arts stage, and the crowd below abruptly stepped away. A group of students in blue and white uniforms came over, headed by a young man with a folding fan on his face. A playful smile.

"Are all the people in Baishi Academy so shameless?"

Mu Ke looked at the group of students, his eyes changed slightly.

"Tianyang Academy?" Mu Ke whispered, his face suddenly sinking.

Tianyang College is ranked fifth in the wasteland, and it is also considered a prestigious school. It was ranked third once hundreds of years ago, so they always think that the Baishi Academy has robbed them of their honor. They both didn't deal with Baishi College, and the students in the two colleges sometimes had grievances.

In the past, many students of Baishi College had conflicts with students of Tianyang College when they went out to perform tasks, and many students died.

The two hospitals have such a "tradition" that students will naturally not deal with it.

Now that Tianyang College is here, Mu Ke doesn't need to think about it, they...

It's here to find fault.

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