Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1493: Escalation of conflict

"What kind of sorcery did this kid use?" Qi Yuan looked at Xingyu carefully while clutching his swollen cheeks, trying to figure out what happened just now.

Even Qi Yuan himself didn't know what happened just now, or how Xingyu did it.

A little guard against Xingyu could not help but Qi Yuan didn't dare to shoot Xingyu at will now.

However, if Qi Yuan stopped, it didn't mean Xingyu would let Qi Yuan go now. Xingyu remembered what Qi Yuan and his accomplices said to Mu Ke just now.

Although Xingyu knew Mu Ke not long ago, Xingyu could see that Mu Ke was kind-hearted. Just now, Mu Ke had endured being scolded and didn't take action, just because he was afraid of hurting Xingyu.

Mu Ke has done this, if Xingyu doesn't do anything, it won't make sense.

"I told you to go down, didn't you understand it?" Xingyu was not going to save Qi Yuan a little bit of face, and directly yelled in public so that everyone in the audience could hear clearly.

"Who are you? Do you know who Senior Brother Qi Yuan is?"

"How dare you talk to Senior Brother Qi Yuan like this, it seems that you are living impatiently!"

Qi Yuan hadn't responded to Xingyu, but the students of Tianyang Academy in the martial arts stage couldn't help it first, and pointed directly at Xingyu.

Although Qi Yuan's behavior in beating himself was very strange, but Xingyu was a cultivator in the Qi Gathering Realm no matter what, they would not take it seriously.

At this moment, Qi Yuan heard the people in his college yelling, his expression was not as enjoyable as before. Xingyu's weirdness is beyond his imagination, others don't know... But Qi Yuan himself knows very well how scared he was when he was deprived of his sight and plunged into the boundless darkness!

"Damn! It should have been thought that the person who can fight with Mu Ke is definitely not a simple character, this is a carelessness!" Qi Yuan sipped to the ground, staring at Xingyu without speaking.

Now he has been put on the shelf by people from his own academy. If he escapes now, his reputation in Tianyang Academy will be completely ruined. Such a big loss is absolutely unbearable for Qi Yuan.

However, if you insist on it, not to mention how many weird methods Xingyu has, just Mu Ke, who is watching from the sidelines, is enough to involve most of Qi Yuan's energy.

Although Qi Yuan hates Mu Ke, it does not mean that Qi Yuan will despise Mu Ke's strength.

Qi Yuan was already in a dilemma.

The cultivators under the martial arts stage were all watching with the excitement of watching the excitement, but Qi Yuan's embarrassment was what they liked to hear.

This is Hongye City, not the Tianyan City occupied by the Qi family. The power of the Qi family can't reach here, so the monks of Hongye City are not afraid of Qi Yuan at all.

On the contrary, they are in awe of Mu Ke.

And Mu Ke is helping Xingyu now, so they are naturally on Xingyu's side.


Endless resentment surged in Qi Yuan's eyes, his fists clenched into fists, it was obvious... Qi Yuan had been pushed to the corner by everyone.

There is no way, Qi Yuan can only pretend to curse at Xingyu: "You fellow, you are looking for death!"

Now that Qi Yuan can't get it, he can only hope that Mu Ke will not sneak attack on the side.

However, Qi Yuan's hatred of Xingyu was true.

He didn't expect that a mere trash in the Qi Gathering Realm could actually force him to this point!

Seeing that Qi Yuan was about to attack him actively, Xingyu couldn't help but become excited.

This is the first time Xingyu has mastered his own powerful power. Qi Yuan wants to come over and set him as a target, Xingyu is naturally very happy.

The aura of the law of the avenue of light began to surge around Xingyu, and the surrounding spiritual power began to become restless.

Zhang Ziling looked at the situation on the court with interest. Xingyu now has become more and more proficient in controlling the power of the law. Zhang Ziling can even feel the resonance between the origin of the light path and Xingyu in his body.

I have to say that Xingyu is very favored by the Origin of the Avenue of Light.

"Die me!" Not wanting to wait for the situation to become more and more serious, Qi Yuan suddenly attacked Xingyu, trying to take Xingyu's head off directly.

However, at the moment Qi Yuan made his move, Qi Yuan's vision was once again completely deprived of Xingyu, and Qi Yuan fell into the boundless darkness.

Out of Qi Yuan's sight, everyone in the competition stage was shocked to see Qi Yuan reaching out and grabbing the floor under Xingyu's feet, completely unable to find the target.

And because of the sudden darkness, Qi Yuan's whole body also lost balance directly, and fell a dog to eat **** in front of Xingyu.

At this time, Qi Yuan could see the surroundings again, but before Qi Yuan could react, he saw an oncoming kick.


Xingyu kicked Qi Yuan's face door. With the addition of the power of law, the bridge of Qi Yuan's nose was knocked down, and the whole person was kicked out by Xingyu and rolled off the competition stage.

"Brother Qi!" Seeing this, a group of Tianyang College students rushed to Qi Yuan and helped Qi Yuan up.

"You guy dare to insult our Senior Brother Qi so, let's go together! Revenge Senior Brother Qi!"

"Yes! Let's go together and avenge Brother Qi!"

The students of Tianyang College became more and more excited, and they threatened to go up and kill Xingyu.

"Noisy, so decent!"

Just when the students were about to be unable to restrain themselves from coming to the stage, a dull roar came from a distance, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After hearing the reputation, everyone saw a middle-aged man with short hair stepping through the air, his thin body and gloomy eyes, surrounded by a fierce momentum.

A strong coercion erupted from the short-haired middle-aged body, and suddenly the faces of all the surrounding monks changed greatly.

Heavenly Palace Realm Nine Layers!

"Teacher!" The students of Zhongtianyang Academy yelled out when they saw the short hair middle-aged.

The middle-aged man with short hair glanced coldly at the students, and yelled: "How long have I been away? You guys have caused such a big incident!"

A crowd of students did not dare to speak, and they all stood still and bowed their heads.

"Teacher, don't blame them, it's the people of the Baishi Academy who are provoking us. We can't bear it, so..." Qi Yuan, who was supported by the crowd, said with a wry smile, and poured all the dirty water on Mu without a face. Can and Xingyu.

When the surrounding monks heard Qi Yuan's words, they disdainfully curled their lips and scolded Qi Yuan as shameless, but due to the strength of the middle-aged with short hair, no one around dared to speak.

Seeing Qi Yuan's cheeks swollen, the middle-aged man with short hair couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said: "It's really useless! Even the **** of Baishi Academy can't beat those bastards, how do I usually teach you?"

"Students are incompetent, ask the teacher to punish them." Qi Yuan confessed his mistake quickly, without ambiguity.

Seeing Qi Yuan's attitude in the middle-aged man with short hair, he took a deep breath and didn't continue to struggle with Qi Yuan. He raised his eyes to Xingyu and asked, "Are you a student of Baishi Academy?"

The short-haired middle-aged man just asked about it when he discovered that Xingyu was not in the Qi Gathering Realm, and he was slightly surprised.

"Qi Gathering Realm? It's a joke that such a student can also enter Baishi Academy!" After discovering Xingyu's realm, the short-haired middle-aged man wielded a spiritual power to Xingyu without saying a word.

"Let me help you clean up the trash for the Best Academy."

Although this spiritual power was casually blasted by the middle-aged with short hair, it was enough to kill Xingyu.


However, the short-haired middle-aged man’s spiritual power did not hit Xingyu or it dissipated in the middle without warning.

The middle-aged man with short hair frowned slightly when he saw that his blow was taken away by the person in the dark, and he sternly shouted, "Who is sneaking around in the dark? Don't get out!"

"Your Excellency, you shot a sky-level waste against a gas-gathering state, isn't it..."

"Too shameless?"

Zhang Ziling stood in front of Xingyu, looking at the short-haired middle-aged man with a faint smile.

However, Zhang Ziling's eyes were filled with endless coldness.

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