Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1506: Lead the wolf into the room!

"Patriarch Qi wants to make a friend with me?"

Zhang Ziling looked at Qi Hong and asked, joking in his eyes.

The Qi family, which was connected to the ancient gods, was already on the death list of Zhang Ziling, and the extermination of the Qi family became inevitable.

"Of course, if your Excellency has this intention, my Qi family will naturally welcome it." Qi Hong didn't know Zhang Ziling's true thoughts, and looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile.

He believed that the strength of the Qi family was enough to make any saint jealous.

To be able to make good friends with a saint naturally needs to make good friends.

Seeing that his father had such an attitude towards Zhang Ziling, Qi Feng was already in a cold sweat, and he was extremely worried.

If Zhang Ziling really has a good relationship with the Qi family, then what he and Cao Mu did to Zhang Ziling and the people around him...

If Zhang Ziling is determined to find them trouble, I am afraid that even Qi Feng will not be able to bear it.

No one wants to be worried by a saint behind his back.

In Qi Feng's view, the best solution for him at the moment is for his father to gather a group of monks from the Qi family to suppress Zhang Ziling, no matter what the price is!

At least that, Qi Feng won't have future troubles.

However, no matter what Qi Feng thought in his mind, he could not interfere with the situation at the scene. The next development of the situation depends entirely on the attitude of Zhang Ziling and Qi Hong.

Looking at the dialogue between Zhang Ziling and Qi Hong, Qi Feng was more nervous than anyone else.

Zhang Ziling's next answer can almost affect Qi Feng's future life.

"Damn it!" Qi Feng clenched his fists, his knuckles creaked, and hated that God had given him little time. Now his strength is so low that he has the right to speak.

"It's a pity, even if Patriarch Qi wants to make such a friend with me...I don't like it." Zhang Ziling shook his head and said this sentence.

Qi Feng's eyes narrowed, a dangerous light shining in the gap, and the whole person asked, "Your Excellency means, look down on our Qi family?"

Zhang Ziling nodded and smiled: "You can say so."

"In my eyes, your family... are all **** waste."

When Qi Feng heard Zhang Ziling's words, he relaxed inexplicably, a stone in his heart fell to the ground.

"Father, this guy despised our Qi family, because he didn't put our Qi family in his eyes at all!" Qi Feng shouted loudly, with a sharp tone.

Qi Hong's face was also extremely gloomy, and the spiritual power of his body began to surging constantly, and a powerful might spread out from Qi Hong's body and crushed it towards Zhang Ziling.

"Since your Excellency despises our Qi family, today this Qi mansion... Your Excellency should not go out!"

Qi Hong stopped talking nonsense with Zhang Ziling, the power of the saint broke out, and the scenery in the entire courtyard turned into dust at this moment.

Qi Hong blasted Zhang Ziling with a punch, the space was squeezed, and Zhang Ziling could feel an extremely powerful force invading him.

Qi Hong didn't think about the consequences at all. If Zhang Ziling avoided this, Qi Hong's attack would hit Hongye City. By then, there would be millions of people killed or injured.

"So confident that I will resist your attack in order to protect Hongye City?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, watching Qi Hong mutter.

Qi Hong ignored Zhang Ziling.

Even if it was Qi Hong, as long as he shot in the Red Leaf City, the Mu family absolutely couldn't let it go, and coupled with the fact that there were many college students in the Red Leaf City of the Hundred Academy Conference, the Qi family would definitely not dare to offend so many forces at the same time.

He is not the only one in the wasteland!

Of course, no matter what Qi Hong thinks, Zhang Ziling will naturally not let Qi Hong harm Hongye City.

But before the attack hit him, Zhang Ziling suddenly felt that the surrounding space was quickly torn apart, and a magic circle suddenly lit up under his feet.

"That's it!" Zhang Ziling saw that all around him was imprisoned, Zhang Ziling instantly understood what Qi Hong wanted to do.

As Zhang Ziling's voice fell, the surrounding space was distorted, and Zhang Ziling's figure disappeared in place.

Seeing Zhang Ziling disappeared, Qi Hong was not surprised, and immediately said in a deep voice, "Everyone, follow me back to the Holy Land, and kill the evil barrier!"

Qi Hong's loud voice echoed in the Qi mansion, and a huge teleportation array lit up in the Qi mansion.

The Qi family had already had an idea about the Mu family. This Qi family had been privately built by the Qi family. The Qi family had secretly built a two-way teleportation array that could directly connect to the Qi family holy land and Hongye City.

It's just that this teleportation array can't transmit many people at the same time, so Qijiadao hasn't used it much.

Qi Hong didn't expect that they would use this teleportation formation to suppress a saint!

Fighting in the Red Leaf City is absolutely impossible. Now that the Hundred Academy Conference is held, there are many saints in the Red Leaf City. This is the place of the Mu Family. They are all at a loss when they do anything.

In the Qi Family Holy Land, with the support of the family formation, Zhang Ziling can be taken down quite easily!

"Brother Qi Feng, what's the situation?" Cao Mu saw Qi family cultivators teleporting away from the teleportation formation one after another, and asked Qi Feng curiously, not knowing where the teleportation formation led.

He didn't expect that there would be such an appearance in Qi Mansion.

Qi Feng didn't care about this, and asked Cao Muxiao: "Brother Cao Mu, do you want to let me see how our Qi family suppressed a saint?"

Hearing what Qi Feng said, Cao Mu's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly: "I take it seriously!"


"Haha! Ask the Qi family as the head of the four big families, I really want to see the style of the Qi Family Holy Land!" It is also a rare opportunity for Cao Mu to visit the Qi Family Holy Land.

"Feng'er, if the teleportation array is turned on for too long, it will attract the Mu Family's attention. It's better not to miss it again." Qi Hong said lightly to the wind, and then his body twisted slightly and disappeared in place.

"Yes." Qi Feng saluted the air, and then led Cao Mu into the teleportation formation.

Given the distance between Hongye City and Tianyan City, Qi Feng didn't need much time to cross, plus Qi Feng touched the threshold of some space avenue laws, this teleportation array didn't mean much to him.

Soon, Qi Feng appeared in the holy land of Qi's family, and Zhang Ziling was standing high above this small world, quietly waiting for Qi Feng to arrive.

The Qi family monks are already on standby at this moment, fully armed and guarded. As long as someone orders, they will launch a stormy attack on Zhang Ziling.

What Qi Feng blasted against Zhang Ziling just now was not a real attack, but directly sent Zhang Ziling into the teleportation formation, and passed Zhang Ziling to the Qi Family Holy Land.

There are a total of two saints in the Qi family, plus one emperor-level killing array and several holy-level killing arrays. Although Zhang Ziling enters the Qi Family Holy Land, many of the Qi family’s lives will be threatened, but compared to fighting in Hongye City , The risk they have to bear is much smaller.

"Your Excellency, I will ask you one last time, do you really want to be an enemy of my Qi family?" Qi Hong stood above the small world, looking at Zhang Ziling indifferently and asked, "You still have a chance to regret."

Below them, the Qi Family Holy Land, one after another giant magic arrays lit up, terrifying.

"Hahaha!" Zhang Ziling laughed loudly when he heard Qi Hong's words, and his eyes were joking when he looked at Qi Hong.

"I didn't bother to take this trip. I killed you, the Patriarch of the Qi family, and killed all the main characters. But I never thought..."

Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly burst into infinite excitement: "You idiots, unexpectedly brought me to your holy place!"

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