Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1530: Emperor Yinwu

"Because of me?" Mu Ke looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, with some reaction.

But soon, Mu Ke's face burned red, and the whole person couldn't even speak. He wanted to find a place to sew in.

Too shameful!

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ke's shy look, laughed out loud, and shaved Mu Ke's nose easily.

Mu Ke's emotions come and go quickly, and this is what Zhang Ziling thinks Mu Ke is cute.

"Okay girl, we still have business to do, let's go in first."

"Okay!" After resolving the happy knot, Mu Ke's mood for plastic surgery also improved, and he responded with a smile.

After seeing Mu Ke recovering, Zhang Ziling no longer stayed at the entrance of this palace, and walked straight in with Mu Ke.

This emperor Yinwu's bedroom, Zhang Ziling's heart demon came to visit.

The murals carved on the walls around this palace tell the life of Emperor Yinwu, and in the bronze coffin at the center of the palace lies the corpse of Emperor Yinwu.

The Great Emperor Yinwu was a character 300,000 years ago. He was originally a villager, but by chance, he found the cultivation method of the ancient gods, and finally became an emperor in the flesh by cultivating his physique.

However, shortly after Yinwu Great became emperor, the **** king of the ancient gods found the Yinwu Great Emperor with the gods, and wanted to make Yinwu Great surrender to the ancient gods.

In the end, the two sides fought because of the split of the negotiation. The Great Emperor Yinwu lost to the King and fled. Eventually, the Great Emperor Yinwu died in Shenzhou on Jiuyao, leaving behind his own heritage.

Zhang Ziling remembers that 300,000 years ago, there were more than a dozen great emperors in the Xuanxiao Continent. As the last emperor, the emperor Yinwu had the worst background and strength among the emperors, and the **** king did not find other emperors but instead looked for Yin. Emperor Wu, after the breakdown of negotiations with the Emperor Yinwu, beheaded Emperor Yinwu, and even erased all the information about Emperor Yinwu...

Zhang Ziling had to think that Ancient Shenting was hiding something.

Moreover, several students in the Imperial Court took such a big risk that day to enter the burial site ahead of time, and the Tiandi Court was connected to the ancient gods, which also proved from the side that the Yinwu Great Emperor might have something threatening the ancient gods court. .

At that time, Zhang Ziling's heart demon studied for a period of time in the palace of the Great Emperor Yinwu, but finally did not find any useful information.

In desperation, Zhang Ziling had to personally bring Mu Ke over, hoping to discover the secret from the Great Emperor Yinwu.

There are a lot of trap formations in Yinwu Great Emperor's bedroom, even if a cultivator in the True Martial Realm stepped on some traps, he would be killed directly, which was extremely dangerous.

However, those traps had no effect on Zhang Ziling. Zhang Ziling directly led Mu Ke on a rampage, ignoring all trap formations, and went straight to the deepest part of the bedroom.

Mu Ke followed Zhang Ziling, watching Zhang Ziling destroy those terrifying and murderous traps, the whole process was dazed.

The secret realm is a secret realm, not only because there are huge treasures in the secret realm, but also because there are countless deadly traps in the secret realm, which makes many monks intimidated.

Everyone who enters the burial ground is very careful, and every step must be calculated carefully.

But now, Mu Ke discovered that the traps in the secret realm were like toys to Zhang Ziling, without the slightest threat at all.

This time was the easiest time for Mu Ke to enter the depths of the burial site.

"Here." Zhang Ziling said to Mu Ke after entering the central hall of the bedroom.

"Is this here?" Mu Ke's head was still dizzy, and he hadn't reacted yet.

She walked all the way just now, it was too exciting.

Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Ke, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and focused his attention on the bronze coffin in the middle of the hall.

The bronze coffin was opened, and it was Zhang Ziling's heart demon.

At that time, an ancient desolate beast sprang out of the bronze coffin, but before that desolate beast had time to show its power, it was easily solved by Zhang Ziling's demons.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling and replaced by someone else, I am afraid that if the coffin is opened like Zhang Ziling's inner demon, even a saint will have to die without a whole body.

The strength of the wild beast that has guarded the emperor's body for hundreds of thousands of years can be imagined.

If someone who has practiced the "Yin Crow Scripture" opens the coffin, the phantom beast may not appear, but the appearance of the wild beast will not have much impact on Zhang Ziling's heart demon, so Zhang Ziling's heart demon will not wait. Zhang Ziling brought Mu Ke over and opened the coffin.

In the past, when Zhang Ziling traveled through the forbidden soil in the major burial sites, he basically did not hold any tokens.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling's fear of destroying what he wanted with the Great Emperor Yinwu, Zhang Ziling's heart demon would probably drag the Great Emperor Yinwu out of the bronze coffin directly.

When Zhang Ziling walked to the bronze coffin, he saw an ordinary-looking villager lying in the bronze coffin.

Emperor Yinwu.

After hundreds of thousands of years, the corpse of the Great Emperor Yinwu was still intact, with elastic skin and no signs of corruption at all.

"Emperor Cheng wore such a plain...funny guy," Zhang Ziling looked at the appearance of Emperor Yinwu and laughed.

Although Zhang Ziling and his own inner demon thoughts are in common, the images they saw did not share. This was the first time Zhang Ziling saw the Great Yinwu.

The Great Emperor Yinwu wore ordinary villagers' commoners, and looked ordinary, of the kind that would be unrecognizable among people.

The image of Emperor Yinwu makes it difficult for others to believe his identity.

There is nothing in the bronze coffin except the body of Emperor Yinwu, but the body of Emperor Yinwu is still filled with a frightening atmosphere. It can't move when pressed on the ground.

Zhang Ziling once again checked the body of the Great Emperor Yinwu with his soul, but still did not find any abnormalities.

"Girl, come here!"

Zhang Ziling was not going to waste his energy anymore, and started calling Mu Ke.

After a period of buffering, Mu Ke recovered. After she heard Zhang Ziling's call, she ran to Zhang Ziling quickly.

Zhang Ziling had deliberately condensed an invisible barrier around Mu Ke in order to help Mu Ke block the emperor of Yinwu Great Emperor.

However, Zhang Ziling found that as Mu Ke got closer to the Great Emperor Yinwu, the faster her body was working, and Mu Ke's cultivation base began to rise rapidly.

Seeing the situation at the scene, Zhang Ziling tried to remove the barrier around Mu Ke and found that Mu Ke was not affected by the pressure of the Great Yinwu.

"There is a play!"

Seeing that Mu Ke had not been affected by the emperor's prestige, Zhang Ziling was delighted, and he became more certain that only those who had practiced the "Yin Wu Sutra" could come into contact with the Yin Wu Great Emperor.

"Teacher, what do I need to do." Mu Ke came to Zhang Ziling and asked, flushing.

Because of the rapid movement of the exercises in the body, the cultivation base increased sharply, and Mu Ke's whole body began to become hot.

"Pour your spiritual power into this coffin and see what changes will happen?" Zhang Ziling said softly.

"Okay!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mu Ke no longer hesitated, and poured out all the spiritual power that he had just accumulated in his body because of the rapid original exercise.

The sudden increase in spiritual power has filled all of Mu Ke's meridians, making Mu Ke feel full and painful, and now it is pouring out just what Mu Ke wants to do.


The moment Mu Ke's spiritual power was injected into the bronze coffin, the whole hall began to vibrate violently!

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