Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1538: Massacre?

In the Red Leaf City, outside the entrance of the burial site, heavily guarded.

"Teacher, are we out now? Don't we need to stroll around in the funeral?" Mu Ke walked out of the circle, glanced at the entrance of the funeral reluctantly, and asked Zhang Ziling.

"Although there are still a lot of things hidden in this burial ground, they are all rubbish. It's just a matter of snatching them from your children. Let me spend my energy to get them. It's a waste of time." Zhang Ziling shook his head indifferently. To say.

There are indeed many treasures of Emperor Yinwu hidden in this burial ground, and those treasures are rare treasures to all major forces.

But for Zhang Ziling, those magical medicine artifacts are all within easy reach, and Zhang Ziling has no interest at all.

"That's you...not me." Mu Ke whispered. She wanted to shop for a few treasures in the burial site, but she didn't expect Zhang Ziling to take her directly after she came out of the Emperor Yinwu's bedroom. Out of the burial ground.

Hearing Mu Ke's whispered words, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but smile, and said: "After this incident, I will personally help you refine a magic weapon to protect you. It is guaranteed to be more precious than everything in the burial ground combined."

"Really?" Mu Ke heard what Zhang Ziling said, his eyes lit up instantly, revealing a little excitement.

"Really." Zhang Ziling smiled, but then sighed again, "I originally wanted you to take the inheritance of the Great Emperor Yinwu. After all, if you have cultivated his technique and obtained his inheritance, That might be able to glimpse a trace of the emperor's way."

"But from the current point of view, although the "Yin Wu Sutra" that you cultivated is weird and powerful, the Great Emperor Yin Wu created it solely for the transfer of spiritual power. There is no future for you to practice that exercise."

"Then, what should I do now? As long as I stop practicing, the spiritual power in my body will be messed up, even if I don't want to practice..." Mu Ke was a little panicked when he heard Zhang Ziling said.

"You don't have to worry about that. Although you haven't got the Great Emperor's Inheritance, I will help you solve the problem of your internal exercises and compensate you by the way."

Speaking of this, Zhang Ziling's voice changed again, his expression was serious, and he said solemnly: "It's just that...all of this...we have to wait for the end of the Hundred Academy Conference. The top priority now is to find Emperor Yinwu."

"Okay! Let's set off now!" Mu Ke was full of energy, ready to set off.

Seeing Mu Kena's energetic look, Zhang Ziling was stunned, and stood still without moving.

"What's the matter, teacher? Don't we set off?" Mu Jian could not help but ask Zhang Ziling without moving his head.

"It's such a Mu Ke," Zhang Ziling put his hands on Mu Ke's shoulders, "Next, I'll be enough alone. You can't help the Great Emperor Yinwu, so..."

"So teacher, you want to keep me in Red Leaf City?" Mu Ke reacted and said subconsciously.

"Smart!" Zhang Ziling suddenly laughed, patted Mu Ke on the shoulder and then turned and left. At the same time, he beckoned his hands and said to Mu Ke, "Xingyu guy will take care of him first!"

"Eh, eh!" Mu Ke saw that Zhang Ziling was only a few steps away and he was 100 meters away. Mu Ke knew that he could not catch up with Zhang Ziling, so he could only stomped his feet bitterly, "Who is it!"

After Zhang Ziling left, the guards who had been guarding the teleportation formation for a long time rushed over and said to Mu Ke: "Miss Mu, Master Mu, please."

During the time when Zhang Ziling and Mu Ke entered the burial site, Mu Changqing and Mu Tian led people to block the teleportation formation according to Zhang Ziling’s instructions, guarded them heavily, and dispersed the surrounding students at the same time. Not allowed in.

Mu Ke glanced at the surrounding guards, and finally sighed, and honestly followed them away.

During the time when Mu Ke was taken to see Mu Changqing and Mu Tian, ​​Zhang Ziling had already left Hongye City and was rushing northward.

"Boss, I think the Great Emperor Yinwu seems to have arrived in the Snowy City of the Lin Family now, what should we do?"

Inside Zhang Ziling's body, the heaven seeker asked.

Ever since the Great Emperor Yinwu left the burial site, Tianxunyi has been monitoring the position of Emperor Yinwu all the time.

The heaven-seeking instrument can find all things in the heavens and the earth. The entire map of the Xuanxiao Continent is re-engraved with the heaven-seeking instrument. Any person or thing that has been marked, as long as they are still on the Xuanxiao Continent, even if they hide in the depths of the nine secluded , The sky seeker can also find them out.

"No hurry, the bait has already been thrown out, and now it's up to you to see if the fish will get the bait." Zhang Ziling didn't worry about Emperor Yinwu at all, and said lightly, "I don't think Emperor Yinwu is very courageous, the Lin family There will be no problems for now."

"By the way, Xuntian, be careful. People are also the emperor anyway. Don't be too arrogant when you follow them." Zhang Ziling couldn't help adding another sentence. The blatant tracking method of Xuntianyi made Zhang Ziling quite speechless.

"Got it!" Tianxun said impatiently.

Accompanied by the complaining of Tianxunyi, Zhang Ziling was getting closer and closer to the Great Emperor Yinwu.

Outside Extreme Snow City!

"This group of **** bastards, they haven't let go of this emperor for hundreds of thousands of years, and they still use this emperor as pawns!"

In a piece of ice and snow, the Great Emperor Yinwu, wearing a black robe, appeared outside Extreme Snow City, and continued to curse the ancient gods.

Extreme Snow City is one of the five major cities in the wasteland, and it is also the place where the Lin Family Holy Land is located. Although it freezes all the year round, the prosperity of Extreme Snow City is not less than that of Hongye City. The flow of monks is no less than one million every day!

The Lin Family, as one of the four great families in the Wasteland, is the ruler of Extreme Syracuse, controlling unimaginable resources and wealth, and is powerful.

Because the Hundred House Conference was temporarily cancelled, the Lin Family Patriarch and a group of powerful people also temporarily returned to Extreme Snow City through the teleportation array to watch the development of the situation.

Emperor Yinwu looked at Extreme Snow City with a gloomy expression. Although the surrounding wind was bitter and the clothes of Emperor Yinwu were thin, Emperor Yinwu was not affected in any way.

"This group of **** gods, it's crazy to let the emperor give Tu Guang the people in the five giant cities in the wasteland!" Emperor Yinwu scolded, "If the emperor did it, wouldn't all the forces chase after him? Kill the emperor? If two great emperors are brought, the emperor will be dead..."

"The guys want this emperor to die!"

"No! This emperor can't do this!" The Great Emperor Yin Wu hesitated again and again outside of Extreme Snow City, and finally decided not to slaughter the city, and turned around to leave.

"Niu Dazhuang, where are you going?"

Just when the Great Emperor Yinwu turned around and was about to leave, a whisper sounded in Emperor Yinwu's ear, and the Great Emperor Yinwu's expression suddenly became hideous.

"Who is looking for death?"

The Great Emperor Yinwu suddenly turned around and roared, and the terrifying emperor's might erupted from his body, changing the world.

But when the Great Emperor Yinwu saw the person standing in front of him, his whole body froze suddenly, and the horrible aura all over him came to an abrupt end.

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