Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1543: He is, Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling!

The light shield covering Extreme Snow City shattered suddenly, and the powerful Emperor Yin Wu Great smashed over the entire Extreme Snow City, the world changed color, and the spiritual power rioted.

"This emperor's **** feast, open a feast!" Yin Wu Great Emperor laughed wildly around him, and the world seemed like the end of the world @

Lin Xuan struggled to stand in front of Lin Ye, her eyes filled with despair.

If that person is here at this time...

At this moment, Lin Xuan thought of Zhang Ziling inexplicably.

Under the pressure of thunderclouds in the sky, Emperor Yinwu was surrounded by terrifying gray energy, and rushed to Extreme Snow City, preparing to knock down half of the city with a punch and slaughter millions of creatures!

What Emperor Yinwu wanted to slaughter was not just an extremely snowy city, but the entire wasteland, and the ancient gods did not give him much time. After the Great Emperor Yinwu vented his depression, he wanted to slaughter the city as much as possible.

Lin Xuan watched the grinning Emperor Yinwu approaching and closed her eyes subconsciously.

Who will... save us?

Lin Xuan closed her eyes tightly, her heart was filled with despair, she understood that she and everyone in the Lin family would return to the West in the next moment, and even the entire Snow City would not be spared.

Will, the creatures are overwhelmed.

However, Lin Xuan hadn't waited for the imaginary powerful impact, and the surroundings became extremely quiet.

The restless spiritual power seemed to have subsided.

"I am... dead?" Lin Xuan opened her eyes subconsciously. When she saw the person in front of her, her pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Not only Lin Xuan, all the Lin family including Lin Ye, as well as the monks who fell into extreme despair in Extreme Snow City, all stared blankly at the scene on the wall.

Zhang Ziling appeared, blocking the punch of Emperor Yinwu with one hand.

Zhang Ziling's figure was suddenly tall in the eyes of the cultivators in the Syracuse.

"This, this..." Lin Ye's eyes widened, and he didn't expect such a change at all. He was already ready to die.

Two great emperors appeared in the snow city?

Lin Ye's brain was blank.

"Gongong!" Lin Xuan wept with joy when Zhang Ziling appeared.

Although Lin Xuan had imagined that Zhang Ziling would come out to rescue her at a critical moment, Lin Xuan never thought that this would happen!

"Enjoy?" Lin Ye was even more confused, looking at Lin Xuan in a daze, with an incredible expression on her face.

when did it happen?

Did your granddaughter know the emperor after a trip?

Lin Ye had only a mass of paste in his head at this time.

"Who are you?" The Great Emperor Yin Wu saw a stumbling block in the middle, his excited expression suddenly turned gloomy, he looked at Zhang Ziling and asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I want to kill you, do you understand? Niu Dazhuang." Zhang Ziling looked at Emperor Yinwu and smiled with a squint, his tone full of playfulness.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the Great Emperor Yinwu's expression instantly turned hideous, and his eyes became blood red.

"what did you say?"

The name "Niu Dazhuang" is the Yinwu Emperor's Nilin, and he will die if he touches it, of course...except for the ancient gods.

"What about you, Niu Dazhuang, isn't this your name?" Zhang Ziling smiled, still holding the fist of Emperor Yinwu.

Zhang Ziling had been planning to kill the Great Yinwu as early as in the palace of the Great Emperor Yinwu. The reason why he had not done anything before was only because Zhang Ziling wanted to use the Great Yinwu Emperor to catch a big fish.

Now that the big fish was caught, and the big fish was also made into bait by Zhang Ziling, the Great Emperor Yinwu naturally became useless.

It's time to kill.

"you wanna die!"

The Great Emperor Yinwu roared, and the terrifying emperor erupted from his body. This city wall instantly collapsed and the earth shattered!

Lin Ye hurriedly took Lin Xuan out, not daring to stay near Zhang Ziling.

The battle between the two great emperors is definitely not something they can bear!

"Boss, the ancient gods have already discovered your existence. They seem to have sent a few ancient gods to help!" The Heaven Seeker in Zhang Ziling's body suddenly said, and it detected that there were several powerful divine powers surging around.

"It seems that this slaughter city is their ultimate goal, otherwise there will be no ancient gods coming over to make up for it." Hearing Xuntianyi's words, Zhang Ziling also knew that what Yinwu Great Emperor had to do was Xie Wushuang's prophecy. Let go of his hands and feet.


Without waiting for the Great Yin Wu to attack, Zhang Ziling kicked the Great Yin Wu out with one kick. The Great Yin Wu plunged into the ground like a cannonball, and a mushroom cloud soared into the sky.

Afterwards, a powerful shock wave came to Extreme Snow City, and many monks hurriedly hid behind the building to resist the impact.

Zhang Ziling was floating in the sky, looking calmly at Emperor Yinwu in the distance, and muttered: "After this battle, it is estimated that everyone will know that I am back. I am afraid this news will be spread to other Shangshenzhou soon. ..."

"It seems that in addition to the ancient gods, it is necessary to deal with those guys in the Three Hundred Holy Land as soon as possible, lest they escape! Although the ancient gods are swordsmen, those knives... can't be let go!" Zhang Ziling's eyes Zhong burst out cold killing intent.

"Xuan, Xuan'er, who is your benefactor?" Lin Ye asked with a trembling voice when he saw Zhang Ziling kick the Great Emperor Yinwu.

You know, Zhang Ziling kicked a great emperor!

Lin Ye had lived for so long, but he had never heard of such a powerful existence in this world.

"Grandpa, my benefactor's name is Zhang Ziling. He once rescued me." Lin Xuan kept staring at Zhang Ziling's back, her eyes full of colors.

"Zhang Ziling...There is no great emperor named Zhang Ziling on the mainland today... Wait!" Lin Ye was a little confused, and then suddenly reacted, grabbing Lin Xuan's shoulders with both hands, and asked with a trembling voice: "He ,what is his name?"

"Zhang Ziling!" Lin Xuan was stunned when she didn't expect her grandfather to react so much.

"Zhang Ziling... it was Zhang Ziling!" Lin Ye's eyes were full of excitement, his eyes were staring at Zhang Ziling, his body trembling.

There is no great emperor named Zhang Ziling in the world today... but there was one more than five thousand years ago!

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling!

"Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling! He is Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling!" Lin Ye roared out of control, his voice resounding through the entire Snow City.

Everywhere in Extreme Snow City, after hearing Lin Ye's roar, he fell into extreme silence at the same time.

In Extreme Snow City, the breathing sounds of everyone gradually becoming rapid can even be heard clearly.

Demon, Demon Emperor Zhang Ziling?

"Hey...Did you just hear what Patriarch Lin said just now?" The head of a big power in the city asked the people on the side in a dazed expression.

"I, I seem to be dreaming, has anyone come to slap me?" On a street, a commoner monk shook the person next to him.

"This, this..." The old teacher in a school looked at Zhang Ziling in the sky tremblingly, tears running, and he told the students about the legend of the Devil Emperor for a lifetime, the biggest wish in his life, Seeing the true face of the Devil Emperor.

No one thought of...

Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling, is back!


After falling into extreme silence, the entire Snowy City fell into extreme madness, in an uproar.

Demon Emperor, that is the legend of Xuanxiao Continent, that is the myth among monks!

At the time when the Devil Emperor existed, true peace existed in the Xuanxiao Continent. It was also at that time... It was the pinnacle of the academy system, and the glory of their Nine Yaoshang Shenzhou!

"Master Devil!" someone shouted.

"Master Devil!" More people shouted out afterwards, looking excited.

Countless monks knelt down towards Zhang Ziling, shouting out of control, making their voices hoarse.

"Unexpectedly, Boss, you are quite popular here..." Seeing the vibration in Extreme Snow City, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but ridicule Zhang Ziling.

"Hey!" Zhang Ziling gave a white glance, "That's why I don't like publicity."


At this moment, there was a huge explosion in the distance.

"The emperor cares about what demon emperor you are... if you provoke the emperor, you will die!!"

The roar of the Great Emperor Yinwu tears the entire sky!

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