Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1553: Xia Ning'er

"You guy, this girl hasn't come to you yet. I didn't expect you to come here by yourself." The yellow girl looked up and down Zhang Ziling, "Why, I feel guilty in my heart, and I want to pay the bullock cart Am I?"

The girl in yellow is also unambiguous, grabbing the reins of the petunias, reaching out and patting the black-bone bull on the back, and said: "This girl sees that you are not bad, so she reluctantly accepted it."

After all, the yellow-clothed girl whispered again: "Such a good cow, should I be able to sell a hundred black silver coins?"

Zhang Ziling looked at the yellow-clothed girl in a whisper while pulling an ox cart in amazement, and she was still in a daze.

Isn't it such a coincidence?

Zhang Ziling thought in his heart, walked over and grabbed the reins: "I didn't plan to give this bullock cart to you, besides... today's stubborn horse is not yours, right?"

"It's off, what's up with you?" The yellow girl let go of the reins, wiped her clothes with her hand, her eyes drifted, "Since you are not here to send the ox cart, then you go quickly, don't stand in the way of this girl. At the door!"

After finishing talking, the girl in yellow didn't want to pay attention to Zhang Ziling anymore, and opened the door of the wooden house in front of Zhang Ziling, ready to go in.

"Don't stay in front of someone else's house if you are okay, be careful of this girl reporting to the official!"

Zhang Ziling looked at the back of the girl in yellow clothes, suddenly thought of something, smiled slightly, and said, "Girl, it's getting late, and I don't have a place to live in this town. Can you let me stay overnight?"

"No way!" The girl in yellow didn't even look at Zhang Ziling, and closed the door.

Zhang Ziling was not annoyed by the behavior of the girl in yellow clothes, and said loudly into the house: "I think your group chasing the girl today is a big family in the city. I think they have a lot of rooms. Maybe I can go there. Just one night!"

After that, Zhang Ziling smiled, and then turned on the bullock cart, ready to leave.

"Hey, I don't know what would happen to that big family if they knew where the horse thieves lived."

However, before Zhang Ziling spurred the ox, the wooden door of the wooden house opened again. The girl in yellow stood at the door with an angry expression, staring at Zhang Ziling fiercely, and shouted, "Come in!"

After all, the girl in yellow turned and went into the house, no longer in charge of Zhang Ziling.

"Boss, are you too beasts like this? People are just a girl..." The Sky Seeker inside Zhang Ziling could not help but say, as if he couldn't stand it.

"What do you know? This is called chance." Zhang Ziling said with a light smile, tied the black-bone bull in front of the wooden house, and walked into the wooden house with his hands on his back.

The decoration in the wooden house is very simple. There is only one room. At first glance, there is no valuables. It is a place where the door is open and no thieves can visit.

Entering the room, Zhang Ziling also sat down unceremoniously, waiting for the girl in yellow to come out.

The area where the wooden house is located belongs to the slum area of ​​Qingyan City. Most of the people living here are ordinary people, and monks will not go to this place.

And the girl in yellow clothes, although she has weak spiritual power in her body, she can't even count as her innate realm. At most she has learned some boxing skills and can barely beat a thin adult.

Zhang Ziling sat in the living room for a while before the girl in yellow came out of the kitchen fully armed.

At this moment, the yellow-clothed girl is holding a cutting board in her left hand and a chopper in her right hand, with a black iron pot tied to her chest. She looks at Zhang Ziling with a guarded face, and said viciously: "I warn you, although I agree with you today Stay overnight at my house, but if you dare to do anything to me, be careful that I cut your life!"

Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing when he looked at the funny look of the girl in yellow.

Originally, the girl in yellow was dusty when she came back, but now she hugged another iron pan, and the ashes were smeared on her face. She couldn't see the original appearance of the girl in yellow.

Zhang Ziling didn't know if the girl in yellow clothes was deliberate or unintentional, but her face made herself extremely ugly.

Seeing Zhang Ziling, the girl in yellow laughed loudly, but didn't say anything, but took the kitchen knife and moved step by step to her room.

"Tonight you and you sleep on the haystack in the kitchen. Leave me early tomorrow morning, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" The girl in yellow quickly moved to the entrance of her room and gave Zhang Ziling a warning. He closed the door and locked the room tightly.

There was silence in the cabin.

"Boss, what do you think you are in comparison with such a little girl? I guess people won't be able to sleep all night today." Xuntianyi spit out in Zhang Ziling again.

"In the past few thousand years, the huge Xia Family Palace has become such a small ruined wooden house. Regardless of whether she is a descendant of the Xia family or not, two encounters can be considered destined for this girl. It is also great to make her happy. "Zhang Ziling chuckled and got up to light up the oil lamp in the room. "Furthermore, this girl was normal when she saw it during the day, but her face was deadly tonight, so she could help. "

"I will give her a good luck after leaving tomorrow morning, and it will be regarded as repaying her for staying overnight."

Soon it was night, and there were only oil lights in the wooden house. Zhang Ziling did not actually go to sleep on the kitchen haystack, but instead sat on a wooden bench.

The night in the civilian area of ​​the city was very quiet, and Zhang Ziling could clearly hear the cicadas outside the house.


With a slight noise, the door of the girl's room in yellow was pushed open a small slit, a smart eye appeared at the slit of the door, and the eyeballs turned randomly.

"Why isn't he going to bed yet?" The girl in yellow clothes lay on the door crack and saw Zhang Ziling still sitting on the bench, she couldn't help closing the door again and sitting directly on the ground.

"I'm starving to death..." The yellow-clothed girl rubbed her stomach, looked at the pot and chopping board and kitchen knife on the table with her mouth flat, with a grieving expression on her face.

In order to prevent Zhang Ziling, the yellow-clothed girl shut herself in the room without even eating dinner, and did not have time to take a shower. Up to now, the yellow-clothed girl still has dust on her face.

"Xia Ning'er, Xia Ning'er, why are you so stupid? You really put a stranger at home!" Xia Ning'er said weakly, regretful.

Now Zhang Ziling was stuck in the living room, and Xia Ning'er didn't dare to go to the kitchen to get food, and Xia Ning'er was gray now, and couldn't sleep at all. Now Xia Ning'er has suffered.

"Finally, I exchanged some money with a wild bone horse. I thought I could have a good meal, but I didn't expect to meet such an unreasonable person!" Xia Ning'er took out her purse and counted the silver coins in it. Then put it away carefully.

"No, this is not the way to go, you can't just sleep hungry like this tonight!" Xia Ning'er quickly made a decision and put his sight on the window in the room.

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