Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1582: Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Tribulation Formation, do you want to learn?

Under Mo Yu's sky thunder formation, and because Tian Heng and Li Yun had slashed the main bones of the monster beasts, the monster beasts that hit Qingyan City were in fear and began to recede gradually.

"You controlled Tianlei to smash those seven monsters." After confirming the remaining seven ancient gods, Zhang Ziling directly ordered Mo Yu to smash the seven monsters.

Although Mo Yu didn't know why Zhang Ziling wanted him to attack the seven monsters alone, Mo Yu wanted to try the power of the thunder formation. After Zhang Ziling spoke, Mo Yu couldn't wait to control the thunder formation. Tian Lei slashed at the seven monster beasts.


The thunder roared, and the destructive thunder fell from the sky, accurately smashing the seven monster beasts.

This world was plunged into a sea of ​​thunder, endless lightning surging around, many monsters were affected by the thunder and lightning of the riots in the formation, and were chopped into coke.

A strong smell of meat permeated the space, and the monks who had already returned to Qingyan City stared at the Lei Hai outside the city with shock.

" the strength of Master Mo Yu?" A group of strong men subconsciously looked to the sky, deeply remembering the man standing next to Zhang Ziling.

That endless sea of ​​thunder makes everyone feel like the end of the world!

As for Zhang Ziling, everyone has completely regarded him as a god.

Even Master Mo Yu can show such strength, and Zhang Ziling hasn't even made a move. Just summoning two subordinates is to kill the ferocious monster tide...

The powerhouses in Qingyan City simply don't think that this is something human can do!

This time the monster tide may be the worst in the history of Qingyan City, and Qingyan City may also fall into ruins.

But, just because Zhang Ziling was alone... the biggest monster wave this time was the one that the monks felt the most relaxing.

For a time, the strong people were ashamed of their previous behavior.

In the trance of people, the aura of the seven monster beasts struck by the sky thunder did not wilt, but rose more and more.

"This, this is?" Mo Yu looked at the seven-headed monster beast in shock, completely unable to believe what he saw.

How did this monster beast become more powerful?

Mo Yu didn't believe in evil, and suddenly increased the output of the Heavenly Thunder Array against the seven monsters, only to find that his attack was useless.

Mo Yu was frustrated for a while.

"Enough." Zhang Ziling said calmly.

Mo Yu thought that Zhang Ziling was very disappointed in him, and said quickly, "Senior gives me another chance. I will definitely cut the seven-headed monster beast into coke!"

"Give you ten more chances, you can't do it." Zhang Ziling glanced at Mo Yu lightly and said.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Mo Yu's heart was ashamed, and the sky thunder that blasted toward the seven monster beasts was removed.

Mo Yu didn't expect that the large killing formation he was proud of could not even be solved by seven ordinary monsters.

For a while, Mo Yu began to doubt his ability.

Seeing Mo Yu's depression, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but say: "This is not a problem of your ability. They are not monsters. If you use the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Tribulation Formation, you may be able to kill them."

"Nine or Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Tribulation Formation?" Mo Yu looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

As a formation mage who relied on the sky thunder formation to become famous, Mo Yu naturally knew what the nine days purple thunder formation was.

"Senior, that is the emperor-level killing array created by the Demon Emperor himself, and it is infinitely powerful...Even if I have an array plan, with my accomplishments in the array, I am afraid that there is no way to form the nine-day purple thunder formation. "Mo Yu shook his head and sighed, eyes full of yearning.

Now the formation of the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Tribulation Formation is in the Formation Guild, and only the Saint-level Formation Mage, who still has to make outstanding contributions to the Formation Guild, is eligible to read it.

Now there are no more than three formation mages capable of forming a nine-day Purple Thunder Tribulation Array on the Xuanxiao Continent.

"Do you want to learn?"

"It is rumored that these nine-day purple thunder tribulation formation... eh? Ex-senior?" Mo Yu was still imagining the vast power of the nine-day purple thunder tribulation formation, but then he was taken aback, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze, his brain was full. blank.

Mo Yu thought he had heard it wrong.

"These nine-day purple thunder tribulation formation is not a treasured killing formation, and you just helped me so much. I can also be regarded as giving you a chance to settle the cause and effect between us." Zhang Ziling carried his hands on his back and looked at the bottom The monster said calmly.

The ancient **** Zhang Ziling, who was mixed in the group of monsters and beasts, had all been locked, and now they were all under Zhang Ziling's control.

However, Zhang Ziling always felt that this matter was not as simple as imagined. There should be an ancient **** hidden behind the scenes.

After Zhang Ziling met the seven ancient emperor-level gods in Shenzhou on the Nine Lights, Zhang Ziling knew that the emperor-level powerhouses were not unusual for the forces of the ancient gods at all, and there were ten of the ancient gods who attacked Qingyan City. Two emperor ranks, but there is not a particularly strong character.

Zhang Ziling still doesn't want to relax his guard, in other words...

Zhang Ziling can't make a move yet, so he has to use the hands of others to deal with those ancient gods.

The advantage of the killing formation is that it can ignore the realm of the formation mage and the enemy, even a low-level monk, if he is a holy formation mage... it can also kill the saint!

It was enough for Mo Yu to use the nine-day Purple Thunder Tribulation Array against those ancient gods.

Even now, Mo Yu thought he was dreaming, and slapped himself severely, but the burning pain on his face made Mo Yu sober.

"Senior, are you joking, this nine-day robbery formation can be in the formation guild, and most people don't..."


Zhang Ziling carried one hand on his back, one hand was drawing quickly in the void, and the wisps of purple thunder surged at Zhang Ziling's fingertips, and a small array of pictures quickly appeared in the air.

Mo Yu looked dumbfounded, and his whole body was dumbfounded.

The small array drawn by Zhang Ziling is similar to the basic structure of the sky thunder array, but it is countless times more complicated than the sky thunder array!

Even if Mo Yu hadn't seen the formation of the Nine-Day Purple Thunder Tribulation Array, he could guarantee that Zhang Ziling's array... even the Nine-Day Purple Thunder Tribulation Array!

"Really, really is the Nine Heavens Purple Thunder Tribulation Formation?" Mo Yu stammered to himself.

The formation map is a precious treasure as precious as life, and Mo Yu didn't expect Zhang Ziling to draw the treasure of the formation guild in front of him.

Mo Yu instantly understood what Zhang Ziling's actions were, and quickly knelt down to Zhang Ziling, and said loudly, "Master is here, the disciple is worshipped!"

Zhang Ziling gave him an array map, he was his teacher!

"You are not yet qualified to be my apprentice." Zhang Ziling moved the constructed array to Mo Yu, "give you a quarter of an hour, and you follow this array to recreate the same large-scale killing array as before."

"Don't worry about all the materials you need, you only need to reproduce it, and I will help you correct the wrong place."

When Zhang Ziling said this, Mo Yu's body was shocked, and his eyes were full of shock.


Mo Yu swallowed slightly, and looked at Zhang Ziling with a trembling body, feeling a dry mouth and tongue.

What is this...what?

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