Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1586: Unknown space

Tianshu was full of a breath that was not weak, even Zhang Ziling had to pay attention.

"God Devouring Insect? What is it that can make this Tianshu's strength soar?" Zhang Ziling muttered, Tianshu's strength is probably more than ten times higher.

The increase in Tianshu's strength was completely unreasonable, and Zhang Ziling didn't know where Tianshu's strength came from.

It is impossible for a person's strength to soar so much out of thin air!

Tianshu was originally much stronger than the average emperor, and now coupled with the increase in the strength of the god-eater, Tianshu can now be called the supreme.

Although Tianshu's strength changes made Zhang Ziling very surprised, Zhang Ziling was still very calm and looked at and said: "Even so, you should know that you are still not my opponent."

"No need, just a good fight with you is enough." Tianshu smiled at Zhang Ziling, his eyes flashing red.

"Our plan to go to the Shenzhou on Jiuyao failed, and the Lord God King knows that you have been eyeing me... Now I have become the abandoned son of the God King. Anyway, I will live soon, and I can bury you before I die. A seed is enough." Tianshu laughed, his body decomposed into countless blood lights, and he rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling quickly avoided, and those blood awns reunited into the Tianshu where Zhang Ziling just stood.

"Actually, as long as you take action, my task will be completed. The only difference is the degree of completion." Tian Shu looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile, half of his body turned into a blood mist, permeating the surroundings.

"Are you collecting my data?" Zhang Ziling raised his brows slightly, looking at Tianshu and asked.

"It seems that you are not stupid." Tianshu smiled, "So... let's fight with me!"


In this blood-colored world, a huge hideous face gathered in the sky and roared towards Zhang Ziling.

The blood wind blows away Zhang Ziling's green silk, and Zhang Ziling dances with the wind in a black robe.

Zhang Ziling remained motionless in front of that **** giant face!

"I didn't expect so many bends, just want to test my strength?" Zhang Ziling looked at the blood-colored giant face and muttered to himself, then Zhang Ziling laughed.

"With so many powerful people to collect my data, God King, you are really a big man!" Zhang Ziling laughed, and rushed towards the **** giant face in the sky. The dark devilish energy escaped from Zhang Ziling's body and turned into chains in the sky. .

"Since your protoss have shown such great sincerity, then I have to give you a good return!" Zhang Ziling banged on the blood-colored giant face, and endless spiritual power poured out from Zhang Ziling's fist, pouring out the sky. The **** face blasted away.

Zhang Ziling himself doesn't know what his realm of strength is now. He wants to measure Zhang Ziling's strength data only by the half-step supreme Tianshu, and there is a lot of talk.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling did not think that Tianshu was simply testing his own strength.

There must be a conspiracy!

In the tumbling blood cloud, Tianshu's figure slammed into the ground like a cannonball, and this blood-colored world also began to crack.

Zhang Ziling almost blasted through Tianshu's field with a punch!

Zhang Ziling paused in the air, then Zhang Ziling's legs slammed, and he stepped into the space, rushed to the back of Tianshu, and banged his fist on Tianshu's spine.


Tianshu's atomization failed, his spine broke, and he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Zhang Ziling's punch gave Tianshu a double impulse, and Tianshu's internal organs were blasted into fleshy foam under this huge impact!

Tianshu flew to the sky at a faster speed, but Zhang Ziling didn't seem to mean to spare Tianshu. The chains around him turned into devilish energy to restrain Tianshu!


The tingling pain swept through Tianshu's body, and Tianshu felt that every muscle in him was twisting.

In the Shengtianyu Shendao League, the **** king gloomily watched the scene of Zhang Ziling easily defeating Tianshu in the spiritual ball, and his fists trembled slightly.

"Trash!" The **** king snorted his sleeves, coldly humming, "I just lost at the beginning..."

Zhang Ziling was obviously demonstrating at the King of God.

"What a demon emperor! But my protoss has existed in this endless years, how can you kill you?"

The temple vibrated, and the spiritual ball in the middle of the hall suddenly lit up with dazzling light.

The Divine Devourer that resides in Tianshu's heart seems to have been infused with a certain power, and it begins to transmit in Tianshu's heart, constantly neighing.

Tianshu's heart began to beat rapidly, and his skin became extremely hot, causing Tianshu to be hot.

"Roar!" Tian Shu roared at Zhang Ziling.

The chains that bound Tianshu began to melt, and Tianshu immediately escaped!

"How many times the strength has been increased? Is there no upper limit?" Zhang Ziling could not help flashing a hint of surprise in his eyes when he saw Tianshu out of trouble.

However, before Zhang Ziling had time to vomit, Tianshu instantly walked in front of Zhang Ziling, half of his body turned into a blood mist to envelop Zhang Ziling.

"this is?"

"Thank you for breaking all my bones!" Tian Shu's face was smiling grinningly, his scarlet eyes staring straight at Zhang Ziling.

"As long as I still have power, I am an immortal existence here! This time, we have to have fun..." Tianshu grinned, and the blood-colored divine power began to penetrate Zhang Ziling's skin.

"These powers ignore the realm of cultivation. You mortal cultivators don't pay attention to cultivating physique at all, and the same is true for you! can't resist this erosion at all, Jiejie!"

When Zhang Ziling watched those divine powers invade his skin, he felt a sense of sleepiness.


At the last moment when Zhang Ziling's consciousness was still there, he faintly heard an anxious call from the heaven seeker.

Zhang Ziling's eyes were dark, and he fell asleep...

"Where is...where?"

Zhang Ziling opened his eyes and suddenly found himself in a wilderness. Looking around, there were blood-stained bones everywhere.

Some blood is still hot.

In the distance, there was a tall tower built of bones, and a figure with an invisible appearance was standing on the tall tower.

"That's it?" Zhang Ziling's eyes were full of doubts, but he still walked to the corpse tower in the distance.

The sky is gray, and there are faintly star-sized eyes staring at this land.

Zhang Ziling looked up at those eyes, frowned slightly, but Zhang Ziling did not fly up to find out, and continued to walk towards the corpse tower.

This place is really strange.

Zhang Ziling was able to determine that this was not Tianshu's illusion, nor was it an illusion.

The place Zhang Ziling came... seems to be a memory of a real existence on the Xuanxiao Continent!

"Why am I here?"

Zhang Ziling only remembered that he was corroded by Tianshu's divine power, but Zhang Ziling had not had time to remove those divine powers that invaded his body, Zhang Ziling was pulled here.

Everything around here is full of weirdness!

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