Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1588: Human Emperor Fighting Dao Zun!

Human Sovereign stood on the corpse tower, looking at the endless corpse, and sighed.

"The variable you said? What is that?"

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and the emperor said another term that Zhang Ziling had never heard of.

"Even though the ultimate rules the universe and thousands of worlds and feeds on the great emperor, even the worlds of heaven have to obey the ultimate order, but the ultimate is not an invincible existence." The emperor patiently explained to Zhang Ziling, he I waited here for Zhang Ziling to come here to tell Zhang Ziling these things.

"In this wild universe, there are endless lives. Among such a huge number of lives, the life in the universe is like the cells in the human body. Some of them will mutate and become variables."

"Some beings are born with variables, and the variables will be out of the ultimate control, and at the same time they will ignore the rules in the universe. The cultivation base will increase at an extremely fast speed. If these variables are ultimately not dealt with, the variables will eventually It will grow into an existence that transcends the ultimate and swallows the ultimate."

"Therefore, in order to deal with the variables, the ultimate goal is to create Dao Zun, let Dao Zun look for variable life forms everywhere in the universe, and kill the growing variables."

Hearing what the Emperor said, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked, "So, you are the so-called variable?"

"Well, I am indeed, not only me... You are also. In fact, the variables are not uncommon. The universe is too big. No matter how few variables and such a large base, the number of variables is still an unimaginable number." The emperor explained to Zhang Ziling, "However, most of the variables in this world will be discovered by Heaven in the early stages of birth, and then erased by the ultimate order."

"Only a very small part of the variables will escape the monitoring of the Heavenly Dao, and then grow rapidly. At that time, the Heavenly Dao is a variable that cannot be controlled. Then the Dean Dao Zun will eventually be sent to kill the growing variables. "

"You mean that Dao Venerable came here because he finally discovered that you are a variable and you have grown up, so Dao Venerable came to wipe you out?" Zhang Ziling continued to ask.

"You can say that." The Emperor nodded, "This time the Dao Venerable is also the ancestor of the Protoss. In order to avenge the Protoss, he confuses all the monks who dare to attack the Protoss and kills each other."

"Ultimately, he does not know what the Taoist priest does in the universe. He only needs to deal with the variables. Besides... Even if the Taoist priest tramples on the major civilizations, he will not care about it at all. Dare to interfere."

Speaking of this, Human Sovereign sighed heavily and shook his head: "The strength of Dao Zun is too strong. He is far better than me. I can't stop him from doing these things. I can only watch me. Companion died here."

"The corpse tower you see is a stack of them who killed each other under the influence of Dao Venerable."

"Are you waiting for me here to tell me this?" Zhang Ziling looked at the emperor and asked. Zhang Ziling still doesn't know how he got into this memory.

And the emperor, who is using his memory to talk to himself?

Zhang Ziling was full of doubts.

"Not only to tell you this, after all, these things, with your ability, if you want to find out, you can even find out more clearly than me!" The Emperor raised his eyes to the sky, "I want to... anyway. If you are about to die, I will use my life to let your younger generation know... the power of Dao Venerable, so that you will be prepared to deal with Dao Venerable."

"After all, if you can come here, it means that you have been targeted by Dao Zun."

boom! ! !

When the emperor’s words fell, the sky was neighing, and a giant palm comparable to the sun and moon fell from the sky. The powerful pressure caused the earth to crack, and the corpse on the ground was directly under the powerful pressure. Become a fan.

Zhang Ziling squinted at the giant palm, only feeling that there was endless power in that giant palm, enough to make the Profound Sky Continent collapse!

" the power of Dao Zun?" Zhang Ziling muttered.

At this moment, several black shadows rose into the air from all directions and rushed towards the giant palm.

"Human Sovereign, let's help you stop!" The black shadows roared, their voices echoing in the sky.

"Those people... are all emperors?" Zhang Ziling squinted at the dark shadows, and muttered softly.

"An Mo, A Liu, Luo Qin, A Thirteen..." Human Sovereign looked at the black shadows that rushed out, his eyes turned red, and he muttered.

Those are all Titans who follow the Emperor to fight in the God's Court, and are also close friends of the Emperor!

"You wait for the ants, dare to stop me?"

The roaring sound rolled from above the nine heavens, and the moment the great emperors touched the giant palm, they turned to ashes!

Soul flies away!

Zhang Ziling's pupils couldn't help but shrank, Dao Zun's strength was somewhat beyond Zhang Ziling's expectations.

Those great emperors didn't stop Dao Zunju at all, the giant palms fell from the sky like broken bamboo.

The earth cracked.

Those great emperors were wiped out in ashes, and Zhang Ziling couldn't help but look at the emperor and asked, "Are you okay?"

The Emperor shook his head, and soon recovered his composure, and said to Zhang Ziling: "Junior, this is the last gift I give you. I hope you...can take a step that none of us have ever taken."

"Remember, after today, regarding Dao Zun and the ultimate, don't trust anyone...including me!"

After the human emperor said, a golden flame was ignited all over his body, and the spiritual power of the entire wilderness began to surging. The golden flames filled the mountains and plains, and the human emperor's hand condensed a golden long sword, shining with dazzling light.

The power of supreme is mighty!

The sword in the hands of the Emperor is even stronger than Zhang Ziling's Soul Eater!

"Come on!!!" Human Sovereign roared at the sky, the violent supreme power burst out from his body, and the whole person turned into a golden light and rushed towards the giant palm of the sky.

A golden light pierced the sky!

The golden flames all over the wilderness turned into tens of thousands of golden real dragons, each with the power of destroying the world, and roaring towards the nine days together.

The golden light transformed into the emperor directly shattered the world-destroying palm in the sky, and swept across the nine days with tens of thousands of golden flame dragons, and the dragon roared to the sky.

Standing at the top of the corpse tower, Zhang Ziling looked at the emperor in silence, without any movement.

With Zhang Ziling's current body, he could only see golden light shining above the nine heavens, and then he heard dull physical collisions.

Dao Zun's wild laughter and Human Sovereign's roar were intertwined, the endless wilderness began to split, and the turbulent sea water irrigated from a distance.

The Xuanxiao Continent began to split, and turned into a major Shenzhou!

Zhang Ziling also wanted to see the final result of the battle between the Emperor and Dao Zun, but the corpse tower at the foot of Zhang Ziling was swept away by the tsunami that swept away.

Zhang Ziling did not stand firmly for a while, and fell directly from the corpse tower.


Zhang Ziling looked at the turbulent vortex below, red light flashed in his eyes, trying to find a connection with his body.

The black robe surged, and the hair fluttered.

Now Zhang Ziling's body is too weak to withstand the impact of the tsunami!

However, before Zhang Ziling could retrieve his body and strength, Zhang Ziling was swallowed by the tsunami, his eyes suddenly black!

The world is quiet.

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