Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1590: Dao Zun, staring at you

Zhang Ziling looked at Tianshu calmly, with no emotion in his eyes.

Now that Tianshu's defeat is set, the ancient gods outside Qingyan City have been wiped out, and Tianshu has no capital to come back.

However, Tianshu looked at Zhang Ziling with a strange smile.

"Do you think you won?" Tianshu asked Zhang Ziling with a subtle attitude.

Zhang Ziling did not answer.

"My Lord God King sacrificed me and so many ancient gods, and let us all suffer here. Do you think it's just a test of your strength?" Tianshu smiled, his smile getting more and more weird.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tianshu calmly and remained silent.

Zhang Ziling naturally knew that things could not be that simple.

"As long as you fight against me, Lord God King will be able to collect enough data for you, and when Dao Zun arrives... it will be your death date!"

When Tianshu came here, he was determined to die. Although he used the Divine Insect and did not cause any harm to Zhang Ziling, Tianshu had already transmitted all the information about Zhang Ziling to the God King.

"So, you are testing whether I am a variable?" Zhang Ziling looked at Tianshu and asked indifferently, without showing the slightest surprise.

Zhang Ziling has already learned that the Protoss is the descendant of Dao Venerable, and they are also normal to help Dao Venerable, and Zhang Ziling is mentally prepared.

If Dao Zun was created by the ultimate from the beginning, then the power that exists in the universe to deal with the ultimate is probably also the ultimate minion, in order to wipe out all the existence that threatens the ultimate.

And the identity of Xie Wushuang who created the Shadow Palace in Xuanxiao Continent is also questionable.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling also knew Dao Venerable, Tianshu couldn't help but flashed an accident in his eyes. However, Tianshu soon recovered his composure and looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile: "I didn't expect you to also know Dao Venerable, but what about that? "

"Don't say it's Dao Venerable, even if it's Lord God King... you don't necessarily win, as long as Dao Venerable Master handles his own affairs and rushes from the depths of the universe, that is your death date!"

"And this Profound Sky Continent will return to the control of our Protoss without you and those who get in the way! At that time, you humble mortals will become our slaves again!" Tianshu roared, **** divine power Brush the earth.

Zhang Ziling quietly listened to Tianshu's roar. After waiting for Tianshu to stop, Zhang Ziling said indifferently: "Did you finish?"

Tian Shu was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Don't you feel fear?"

"Why should I feel fear?" Zhang Ziling asked back.

"Huh! Bluffing, you will know... what is the real fear after the King of God and Dao Venerable come here!" Tianshu sneered, thinking Zhang Ziling didn't understand the power of Dao Venerable.

This universe is huge, there are thousands of worlds, and there is a cultivation world no weaker than Xuanxiao Continent, but Dao Venerable... is the supreme existence above all the worlds, every move, every breath and breath can determine a civilization Destiny, even if the way of heaven is in front of Dao Venerable, he must bow down.

"You don't understand..." Tianshu said to Zhang Ziling, his skin began to age.

Although Divine Devouring Worm can increase the host's tremendous power, it is at the cost of the host's life.

The moment Tianshu used the Divine Devouring Insect, Tianshu knew he was going to die.

God Devourer is burning Tianshu's life every moment.

Tianshu looked at his aging skin and knew that the God Eater had begun to devour his soul, but Tianshu did not feel the slightest fear at the last moment of his life. He just looked at Zhang Ziling and sneered: "Devil Emperor, I believe... You will come down to accompany me soon, Jie Jie!"

When Tianshu's voice fell, the whole person had become a dead old man, his body rickety, his eyes muddy, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

The vitality in a radius of hundreds of miles has been cleaned by Tianshu, and now there is no energy for Tianshu to maintain his body's functions.

Tianshu is in this state, even if Zhang Ziling doesn't make a move, he will not live long.

The black energy in Zhang Ziling's palm gradually disappeared, and the spiritual power surging in his body returned to calm.

"My Protoss... will eventually sweep the world!"

Tian Shu's words have already turned into a pile of bones, scattered on the ground.

In the pile of bones, a blood-colored bug rushed out.

Zhang Ziling noticed the bug and directly sucked it into his hand, confining it with spiritual power.

"What kind of worm is this?" Seeing the scarlet worm struggling in the palm of Zhang Ziling's palm, the sky seeker asked.

The scarlet bug was crystal clear and looked quite strange.

"I've never seen this creature, Tianheng Liyun, do you know it?" Zhang Ziling had never seen a god-eater, and asked Tianheng and Liyun.

"Master Hui Demon Emperor, this is a divine worm. It is a divine object cultivated by the divine king himself. It can penetrate into the heart of our Protoss and at the same time **** our blood to provide us with powerful strength!" Tianheng is honest with Zhang Ziling To say.

Not to be outdone, Li Yun quickly added: "Once we use the God Eater, although we can gain powerful power in a short time, we will be sucked up by the God Eater to dry up our lives within a certain period of time, and the soul will fly away!"

After listening to the explanations of Tianheng and Liyun, Zhang Ziling also carefully observed the Divine Devouring Insect, and muttered: "It turns out that Tianshu has become so powerful because of this insect..."

"Isn't this just an ordinary bug? I can trample it to death with one foot. How can it be so exaggerated as you say?" The Sky Seeker said in Zhang Ziling's body to Tian Heng and Li Yun. The worm felt a slight threat.

"The Devourer of Gods is the ultimate weapon specially cultivated by the God King for the Protoss, and naturally there is no threat to other creatures."

"For those of you who are not protoss, this is an ordinary bug." Tianheng said.

"Then this bug is useless?" Xuntianyi asked again.

"Let's put it away first, maybe it will be useful in the future." Zhang Ziling shook his head, preparing to seal the God Devouring Insect.

"That... Lord Devil..." Suddenly, Tian Heng spoke with a squeaky tone and called Zhang Ziling.

"what's up?"

"This God Devourer, can you give it to me?"

"What are you using it for?" Zhang Ziling was a little curious.

"I have done research on all kinds of spirit insects. This is the first time I have seen the God Devouring insects alive. Lord Devil, can you give me research and study? I see if I can tinker with something new. "Tian Heng said in a low voice, not confident.

Hearing Tianheng's words, Zhang Ziling did not hesitate, and directly sent the Divine Devouring Worm to his own small world.

This Divine Devouring Worm is really useless in his hands, and it doesn't hurt to give it to Tianheng.

"Master Xie Demon Emperor!" Tian Heng was ecstatic and grateful after receiving the Divine Devouring Insect.

"It's okay, you can research at will, as long as you don't make things happen in my small world." Zhang Ziling said lightly, not caring.

"Boss, what are you doing to him, in case something goes wrong..." Xun Tianyi quietly asked Zhang Ziling.

"It's okay, I know it in my heart." Zhang Ziling was not worried, and then turned his gaze to Qingyan City, "Next, we have other things to do..."

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