Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1599: Take your soup


The deafening roar echoed throughout Qingyan City, and the terrifying sound waves swept around.

All the troops guarding the bazaar were blasted out by the powerful sound waves. The bazaar ground split, and a **** claw rushed out from the ground.

Zhang Ziling grabbed Xia Ning'er and retreated, Han Tang and Mo Yu also fled in panic.

A huge snake head obscured the sky, the tortoise trampled the entire market, and the dazzling spirit stone was exposed from the ground and scattered all over the ground.

"This is... Blood Xuanwu?"

Han Tang stared at the huge fierce beast with a height of several tens of meters, his eyes were full of shock.

He can only feel the endless power of Qi and blood from within the Xue Xuanwu body.

The entire cultivator in Qingyan City was shocked again, and everyone looked at the huge fierce beast in shock, their bodies trembling.

The coercion of this blood basalt has already crushed the coercion of all the monsters of the previous monster tide!

"Boss... the blood of this blood basalt is a bit unexpected, and it seems that the saint is about to reach completion." Xun Tianyi said excitedly in Zhang Ziling.

Although the fierce beast is violent, it is also full of treasures... If all the blood essence in this blood basalt is forced out, the energy contained in it is definitely not inferior to the emperor's loyalty!

"This guy, you can...make a big pot of soup for Xia Ning'er!" Xuntianyi said, sucking in saliva.

Xia Ning'er couldn't absorb the massive amount of blood in the blood Xuanwu alone, and Zhang Ziling would not need this energy for a long time, and the last remaining... can only be solved by the Heaven Seeker.

"Who interrupted my practice?"

A dull voice exploded in the sky, and the blood-colored pupils of Xue Xuanwu scanned the surrounding crowd with violence in his eyes.

The blood Xuanwu itself is a particularly violent beast, and this blood Xuanwu, which is cultivating in the spirit veins, has reached the critical moment of breakthrough. Suddenly, the cultivation has been interrupted by people, and the blood Xuanwu's heart has been filled with endless anger.

All the cultivators in Qingyan City could clearly feel the violence of the blood basalt, and they were under tremendous pressure.

"The ban on spirit veins has been unlocked, you did a good job." Zhang Ziling didn't put the blood basalt in his eyes at all, and praised Mo Yu.

"Thanks, Lord Devil Xie..." Mo Yu barely squeezed a smile on his face. Although the compliment of the Devil Emperor was what he expected, but in this case, Mo Yu couldn't describe his feelings.

In front of the blood Xuanwu, Mo Yu was not even as high as the toes of the blood Xuanwu.

Facing such a huge wild beast, Mo Yu was under great pressure.

After complimenting Mo Yu, Zhang Ziling said to Han Tang again: "Han Tang, go and arrange for the army to guard the spirit veins. At the same time, from now on, everyone is prohibited from entering and exiting Qingyan City. A curfew is imposed every day.

Han Tang swallowed slightly, pointing to Zhang Ziling's back and tremblingly: "Yes, but..."

Zhang Ziling and the others were in a shadow. Han Tang only saw a pair of huge blood-colored eyes staring at him, but Zhang Ziling seemed to be unaware.

After the blood Xuanwu crawled out of the spirit veins, it soon discovered the unique Zhang Ziling.

Everyone was terrified of it, only Zhang Ziling ignored it.

"Are you talking about that beast?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows, then waved his hand, "Don't worry about it, you just need to arrange it."

"Human, you are too arrogant!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling had ignored him from beginning to end, Xue Xuanwu raised his huge palm to shoot Zhang Ziling and directly pressed Zhang Ziling into the ground.


The powerful shock wave drove Han Tang and Mo Yu out, but fortunately Xia Ning'er was still under Zhang Ziling's protection, without any damage.

"Master Devil Emperor!"

Han Tang and Mo Yu were about to split their eye sockets, and they were pressed down by the huge mountain-like palms of blood basalt.

"Stupid mortal." Xue Xuanwu sneered, and then he looked at the other monks in Qingyan City, with blood bursts in his eyes.

"You dare to disturb this seat's cultivation and wake up this seat in the spirit veins, then you must be ready to become the food of this seat!" The blood basalt opened his mouth, and the cultivators in Qingyan City suddenly felt an extremely powerful The suction power came from Xue Xuanwu's mouth, swallowing them all!

Blood Xuanwu is a famous beast in ancient times, powerful and capable of devouring everything.

If the blood basalt is allowed to wreak havoc, let alone Qingyan City, I am afraid that the entire azure ancient kingdom will be completely swallowed by blood basalt!

However, not long after Xue Xuanwu opened his mouth, the entire huge body moved.

"What's the matter?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of Xue Xuanwu, and he roared loudly, his voice deafening.


Xue Xuanwu's body shook violently, and countless rubble fell from it.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Xue Xuanwu directly separated from the ground and began to fly to the sky, flying higher and higher.

Soon, the blood basalt was floating in the air, throwing Qingyan City into a shadow.

"Look! Under the soles of the fierce beast!"

The sharp-eyed monk yelled at the sole of the blood Xuanwu, and everyone quickly looked at it, only to see Zhang Ziling holding the sole of the blood Xuanwu with one hand, lifting the huge blood Xuanwu up.

"It's impossible! Humans, let go of this seat!" Xue Xuanwu soon realized that Zhang Ziling was supporting it, and began to roar.

Zhang Ziling's power almost didn't frighten the blood Xuanwu.

Although Blood Xuanwu has a huge body and can collapse mountains, it can't fly!

This is the first time it has experienced the feeling of flying, but this experience is not very good.

"Master..." Xia Ning'er stared blankly at Zhang Ziling, who was holding Blood Xuanwu in one hand, and felt that Zhang Ziling was taller.

What kind of power should this be?

"Humans, this seat must kill you! You, you hurry up and get down here!" The blood basalt roared, and the blood light even shattered the sky, but it had nothing to do with Zhang Ziling.

The blood basalt flew higher and higher, and the surrounding temperature became lower and lower.

"This height...can dispose of this beast." Zhang Ziling glanced at Qingyan City, which was the size of a mung bean below, and stopped.

The blood of this blood basalt is too huge. If it is not handled well, it is possible that the blood of the blood basalt will pour out and waste the essence of blood. The past violent blood, I am afraid that the entire Qingyan City will instantly become a dead city.

The cultivators of Qingyan City, Zhang Ziling still needed them, how could they easily die?

Let go of the blood basalt, hundreds of chains condensed in the air, tied the blood basalt and trapped in the sky.

"Human, what are you going to do? Get out of this seat quickly!" Xue Xuanwu roared at Zhang Ziling, and an extremely bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Don't howl the bastard." Zhang Ziling sat on the head of Xue Xuanwu and said softly, and the dark magic energy surged from Zhang Ziling's body.

"You, what are you going to do to this seat?" Xue Xuanwu immediately persuaded him to feel Zhang Ziling's powerful aura.

"What am I not doing..." Zhang Ziling patted the blood on Xuanwu's head and chuckled, "It's just making soup with you."

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