Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1609: Situation of the Jinjiao

"What should I do next?" Jin Ying was fidgeting in the yard, she didn't know what she should say after Zhang Ziling came.

Jin Ying now has a very haggard face compared to the time when she was in the ancient sky, and she has also lost a bit of weight.

Since the Wen family was destroyed, Jin Ying's position in the clan has plummeted, and now she has almost reached the bottom of the Jin Jiao clan, and she is almost like the branch members.

These days, Jin Ying is suffering.

"How did the sixteen princesses of the dignified Jinjiao clan become so downhearted?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang in the yard, causing Jin Ying's body to shake, and then joy appeared in her eyes.

"Jin Ying pays homage to Lord Demon Emperor!" Without any hesitation, Jin Ying immediately knelt in the direction of the voice.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling was standing at the entrance of the yard with a faint smile on his face.

For Jin Ying now, Zhang Ziling has become her only savior.

"Get up." Zhang Ziling walked to the stone table in the center of the yard and sat down, and said softly, "You don't have to pay too much respect to me in the future."

"Master Xie Demon Emperor." Jin Ying thanked her and stood up, looking at Zhang Ziling with some anxiety.

The aura that naturally radiated from Zhang Ziling's body made Jin Ying's soul tremble.

It's...too powerful.

Although Jin Ying had always been looking forward to Zhang Ziling's coming, when Zhang Ziling came, Jin Ying's heart had bred endless fear.

You know, what she is facing is enough to make the Xuanxiao Continent fall into fear.

The one standing at the top of this world...

Devil Emperor.

Zhang Ziling came here to destroy the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands, and her Jin Ying... is just a tool to be used.

In this regard, Zhang Ziling did not evade the slightest, and Jin Ying also knew very well that she was a tool.

However, Jin Ying knew that she was able to survive completely because she still had such a little use value to Zhang Ziling.

And this use value is not irreplaceable.

In other words, Jin Ying can be dealt with by Zhang Ziling at any time.

Therefore, after Zhang Ziling's plan is completed, whether he can survive, it depends on his performance during this period of time.

Jin Ying was fully aware of her current position and set her attitude in front of Zhang Ziling, she didn't look like a princess at all.

After standing up, Jin Ying was not idle, and poured tea to Zhang Ziling herself.

In order to do a good job as a servant, Jin Ying also deliberately studied, and did not make any difference in etiquette.

"Let's talk about your situation in the Jinjiao clan. Before I can help you up to the position of the patriarch, I need to understand those people who need to be eliminated and who can be kept." Zhang Ziling sipped tea, leisurely To say.

"My methods may be a bit bloody, you have to prepare you mentally."

The three-hundred sacred land coalition should be the last barrier of the ancient gods in the Xuanxiao Continent. It is estimated that there are some ancient gods at the top of the major sacred places. Zhang Ziling needs to identify them one by one before doing it, and then massacre them all.

To move, we must use a thunderous blow to wipe out the high-levels of the Three Hundred Holy Land!

As for the remnants of the holy land, just hand it over to the saint troops created by Zhang Ziling.

With the authority of the Heavenly Dao and the origin of the Three Thousand Dao, Zhang Ziling can do anything in the Xuanxiao Continent!

Jin Ying's hands trembled slightly, and the water in the teapot spilled onto Zhang Ziling's clothes.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Jin Ying suddenly panicked, and quickly took out her handkerchief to wipe it off, but was stopped by Zhang Ziling.

"It's okay, say." Zhang Ziling said to Jin Ying lightly, not caring about these details.

Jin Ying looked at the wet place on Zhang Ziling's clothes with some hesitation, then took the handkerchief back, and said, "Master Hui Mo, now the clan is divided into three factions."

"One is the faction headed by the great elder Jinlong, the other is the faction headed by the second elder Jin Yan, and the third is the neutral faction. They will not help in any branch of the clan, but they are mostly in the clan. It's in the middle and lower levels, and there are not a few influential people." Jin Ying said softly to Zhang Ziling.

Hearing Jin Ying's words, Zhang Ziling nodded slightly, then looked at Jin Ying and asked, "What about your faction?"

Jin Ying couldn't help but darken, her expression darkened, and she said in a low voice: "The third elder of the Jinjiao clan, my father Jin Mo, died while hunting monsters some time ago. Jin Long and Jin Yan both It was because of my father’s death that we crazily cannibalized our line of forces. Under the siege of their two lines, coupled with the loss of our backbone, our line soon declined and became what it is now."

"Most of our people have joined the forces of Jinlong and Jin Yan."

"It seems that you are also a poor person." Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying a little bit. "So, in this Jinjiao clan, there is no one you care about?"

Jin Ying nodded and said, "Yeah."

"Then what position does your Patriarch play in the clan?" Zhang Ziling asked again.

"Master Hui Demon Emperor, the Patriarch has been in retreat all year round. He has not asked about the affairs of the clan for a long time. Now Jin Long and Jin Yan take care of all the affairs of the Jin Jiao Master. To bring them down means that we can control Most of the power in the clan." Jin Ying replied.

"I see..." Zhang Ziling put down his teacup and stood up, "In other words, for you to be the head of the Patriarch, you need to handle both Jin Long and Jin Yan."

"By the way, do you have any special feelings for your Patriarch?" Zhang Ziling asked suddenly.

Jin Ying was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "No, no."

"That's good. This matter is very important. Those who will hinder my steps must be cleaned up. Those strong people in your clan... will become a stumbling block for you to wait for the position of the master of the house and need to be dealt with."

When she heard Zhang Ziling's words, Jin Ying's heart suddenly shook, and she quickly knelt down to Zhang Ziling: "Everything must follow the instructions of Lord Devil Emperor!"

This is going to be true!

Zhang Ziling's few words have determined the fate of the Jin Jiao Clan, and Jin Ying is still in a daze.

"Well... That's it for now. Go down and prepare. You must first establish enough prestige in the clan." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

"What should I do?" Jin Ying was puzzled. With her current situation, it would be extremely difficult to even enter the holy land in the clan, let alone establish enough prestige in front of the clan.

For Jin Ying, it is harder to do this than to reach the sky!

"Simple." Zhang Ziling waved to Jinying and said softly, "Come here."

Jin Ying approached Zhang Ziling nervously, her heart beating faster and faster.

The closer Jin Ying was to Zhang Ziling, the more nervous she became.

Zhang Ziling put one hand around Jin Ying's waist, and his head was attached to Jin Ying's ear. Jin Ying could even feel Zhang Ziling's hot nose.

"Demon, Lord Demon..." Jin Ying became quite a bit twisted, and Zhang Ziling's powerful aura made Jin Ying very uncomfortable.

Jin Ying's face turned red at this moment.

"Prestige... can be killed."

Jin Ying's pupils shrank suddenly.

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