Jin Chao's eyes became hollow, and small golden dragon scales appeared on the skin of his body. His spiritual power could no longer keep himself like a human, and eventually became a golden scale dragon.

As Jin Chao's scaly corpse fell soft to the ground, the scarlet blood stained his clothes.

The monks who were fighting in a group stopped at this moment, staring at Jin Chao who was lying on the ground in a daze.

This this……

No one reacted, Jin Chao's death was too sudden.

"God! Jin Chao is dead?"

"Jin Chao actually died! Hahaha! That **** Jin Chao finally got retribution!"

"Mei! Your revenge... someone finally avenged you!"

After a period of silence, there was a sudden uproar around the world, and countless people rushed to tell each other, ecstatic!

Jin Chao is a big malignant tumor in Jinjiao City. Whether it is a casual cultivator or a monk from other forces, he is ashamed as a tiger when he sees Jin Chao.

Many people in this city have been persecuted by Jin Chao, and they hate Jin Chao.

However, due to the power of the Jinjiao clan, those who can kill Jin Chao dare not attack Jin Chao, and those who dare to attack Jin Chao can't even get close to Jin Chao's body.

Everyone in Jin Jiao City hated Jin Chao, and now Jin Chao is dead... The whole Jin Jiao City is like New Year.

"This..." Ah Qi, who was covered in blood, didn't slow down either, not understanding how Jin Chao was killed.

"Master!" The five True Martial Realm cultivators were about to split their eye sockets, and directly let go of the people from the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, and rushed towards Jin Chao.

Ah Qi immediately returned to the carriage and asked solemnly: "President, this..."

"Watching the changes, this matter should be instructed by the senior!" The woman said solemnly, not letting the people of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce act rashly.

No matter what Zhang Ziling's status is, Jin Chao's death was enough to cause a major earthquake in Jinjiao City!

If Zhang Ziling is the ancestor of Jinying's line outside, then the Jinjiao clan will definitely have a major civil strife, and if Zhang Ziling is the foreign aid Jinying invited from other forces, it means that there is a force to take action against the Jinjiao clan. This Golden Jiaocheng may have a big reshuffle!

In either case, it will be closely related to her Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce.

"Jin Ying, you'd better give us an explanation!" After confirming Jin Chao's death, a real martial artist couldn't help but ask Jin Ying coldly.

Jin Chao was killed under their noses, and when Jin Yan pursued it, none of them could escape.

So they must now take down the culprit Jin Ying as soon as possible, and exonerate themselves!

"In spite of the safety of the family, Jin Chao dared to act on the branch president of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce. This kind of idiot who does not live and lives will kill him if he kills it!" With Zhang Ziling's support, Jin Ying was naturally very tough, and said confidently.

She is now going to deal with everyone in Jin Yan's line, Jin Chao is just the beginning.

"You are just a **** in the family, is our business your turn to take care of? Now you go and see the third elders with us, and wait for the third elders to let go!" A true martial art monk shouted to Jin Ying.

Only by arresting Jin Ying will they be able to get rid of their charges.

The real martial arts realm and Jin Chao's guards were very bright in their hearts. After speaking, they rushed to Jin Ying together to suppress Jin Ying instantly!

Jin Ying was able to bypass Jin Chao's body protector and behead Jin Chao. She must have had an incredible method, and everyone did not dare to look down upon Jin Ying.

Start first!

"court death!"

Seeing those people rushing towards her together, Jin Ying sneered, a red light flashed in her eyes, and the instant power that Zhang Ziling gave her filled her body.


The power of the Great Dao surged, Jin Ying blasted out with a punch, and powerful spiritual power poured over the five True Martial Realm powerhouses and three guards.

"not good!"

At the moment when Jin Ying's spiritual power was blasted out, the five True Martial Realm powerhouses lit up black flames, their complexions could not help changing, and they quickly turned from offense to defense.

The three guards were too late to defend, and began to roll on the ground and cry.

Jin Ying's power... beyond their imagination!

"Is this?" The woman in the carriage suddenly opened the curtain, looking at the black flames lingering around Jin Ying in shock.

"The Law of Magic Way?"


As the woman's voice fell, the few True Martial Realm powerhouses also screamed in pain, and all their skin began to turn into coke, and even their souls began to burn.

"What a strong power!" Jin Ying squeezed her fists excitedly, suddenly bursting with confidence.

Zhang Ziling always wore a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and he was not surprised that Jin Ying could do so.

With the power that Zhang Ziling bestowed on Jin Ying, even a saint... Jin Ying could use the power of the magic in her body to burn it into coke.

The saints are like this, not to mention the true martial arts monks in this area.

In the shocked eyes of the surrounding, the eight people who were entangled in the black fire were burned to ashes, with no bones left.


A Qi swallowed fiercely, the sweat on her forehead mixed with blood shed, her body trembling slightly.

The five True Martial Realm powerhouses were wiped out in an instant...

This is a real cruel man!

After solving Jin Chao’s dead men, Jin Ying did not give up this opportunity to enhance her reputation, and said loudly: “This palace is the sixteenth princess of the Jinjiao clan. Today, this palace will eliminate harm for the people. Chao Nao is here!"

"At the same time, there is no way for Jin Yan to teach children. His faction has done a lot of evil and ruined the reputation of the Jin Jiao clan. This palace swears here to clear the door for the Jin Jiao clan!"

Jin Ying's voice reverberated around, and all the monks who heard it cheered, and their impression of Jin Ying also changed greatly.

"This Jin Ying... really dare to say it!" the woman in the carriage whispered, she didn't expect that Jin Ying would actually want to do something with Jin Yan.

You know that Jin Yan is a powerhouse at the level of saints. He has very deep roots in the Jinjiao clan. There is only one person in Jinying... Even with the help of Zhang Ziling, how easy is it to clean up the door?

"President, what should we do now..." Ah Qi asked solemnly. Jin Ying said this, no matter what the final outcome will be, there will be turbulence in the city, and the business of their Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce will definitely be affected.

The woman fell silent, doing fierce ideological struggle in the carriage.

This incident is obviously an extremely important opportunity for her.

She has almost achieved her position in the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, and it is basically impossible to go further, but now there is a chance that is placed in front of her alive.


This opportunity requires her to gamble with all of her own... Once the bet is won, she can even enter the core of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce and meet the emperor.

But once the bet is lost, not only one's own future, but even one's own life must be involved!

And all her bets had to be placed on a stranger she didn't even understand.

This sounds too crazy!

The woman stared at Zhang Ziling, her nails pinched into her delicate skin because of her clenched fists.

Risks and benefits coexist!

The woman gritted her teeth, her eyes gradually becoming crazy.

As long as Zhang Ziling is what she thinks, this gamble can be won...


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