Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1619: Identity exposure?

In this inner world, Jin Yan's sage power and divine power were intertwined, and the Jin Jiao City in the inner world began to gradually collapse under this power.

"Good, so powerful!" Tang Yirou stared blankly at her body covered with golden scales, her eyes became completely hollow, and her whole body seemed to be composed of spiritual power.

That powerful pressure made Tang Yirou out of breath at all!

This is far beyond the power that a high-level saint can possess.

Zhang Ziling stood in the void and looked at Jin Yan calmly, not at all surprised by the power Jin Yan showed.

Zhang Ziling had been in contact with the ancient gods a lot, and he had a relatively in-depth understanding of the methods used by the ancient gods to buy the monks from the Xuanxiao Continent.

They often plant divine power seeds in the monks' bodies. While controlling the monks, they can also bestow some divine powers on the monks.

It is also that divine power that allows the monk's power to increase exponentially, allowing the monk to gain power far beyond his limit in a short time.

It is precisely because the ancient gods can bestow power on the monks, this has caused countless monks in the Xuanxiao Continent to betray their souls and willingly be the servants of the ancient gods.

Obviously, Jin Yan had already devoted himself to the ancient gods.

"It seems that these Three Hundred Sacred Lands are really as Xie Wushuang said, they have long become the puppets of the ancient gods. When I clear them all, the ancient gods should have no hiding place." Zhang Ziling said to himself. Talking to himself, let Jin Yan keep improving his breath.

"I don't know now, whether I found the ancient god's lair first... or Dao Zun found me first."

"Give me... to die!"

Before Jin Yan's voice arrived, the whole person had appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, his fist shattered the surrounding space and slammed into Zhang Ziling suddenly.

The Jin Jiao clan was already good at strength, and Jin Ying now has the power of the ancient gods. Jin Yan's power at this moment is breaking through the sky, as if he has the potential to blast the world here.

Tang Yirou could feel the unprecedented power from Jin Yan's punch, and quickly reminded him loudly: "Senior, be careful!"

For Tang Yirou, if Zhang Ziling was killed by Jin Yan, she would not escape the fate of being beheaded. She was now completely tied to Zhang Ziling.

Now that Jin Yan looks like this, Tang Yirou doesn't expect Jin Yan to remain sensible.

Seeing Jin Yan's punch, Zhang Ziling did not move at all, as if he did not react at all.

The smile on Jin Yan's face became more and more ferocious, the golden light in his eyes flashed, and the violent aura surged in all directions like a tsunami.

The world gradually collapsed.

"Die!" Jin Yan used all his power with this punch, and he wanted to smash Zhang Ziling into meatloaf!

At the moment when it was about to die, Zhang Ziling laughed.

The smile at the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth suddenly made Jin Yan feel endless and ominous.

Jinjiao City.

Jin Ying had burned all the Jinjiao tribes present, and the city was silent.

Everyone around looked at Jin Ying in a daze, and did not expect that the strength of these sixteen princesses would become so powerful!

Among those who were about to be burned to death by Jin Ying, there were many experts in the True Martial Realm, but those experts did not have the slightest resistance in front of Jin Ying!

"Where did these sixteen princesses get their power?" In the tall building in the distance, the young master of Tianji Pavilion narrowed his eyes, drinking tea while looking at Jin Ying, as if to see through everything about Jin Ying.

"Why isn't the Devil Emperor coming out yet?"

Jin Ying had been standing in place for a while after solving a group of monks of Jin Yan's line, but Zhang Ziling and Jin Yan were still in the inner world, and what was on the Three Treasure Pavilion was a phantom.

If the illusion is longer, I am afraid everyone around will be able to see through Zhang Ziling's methods.

Jin Ying stood still and didn't know what to do, she could only keep silent for herself, so that the surrounding monks could not see the flaws.

"Young Master, the information you want to check... found it."

While the young master of the Tianji Pavilion was looking at Jin Ying, a guard of the Tianji Pavilion quietly appeared behind the young master and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Come on!" Hearing Tianjiwei's words, the young master of Tianji Pavilion was overjoyed and said quickly.

"That person first appeared in the ancient kingdom of Qingxuan, the ancient kingdom of Qingxuan." Ji Wei respectfully said to the young master that day, "According to the news from the pavilion, the Murong family of the ancient kingdom of Qingxuan was destroyed, and the 13 clans of the magic palace Dramatic changes have also taken place. The heavenly holy places Zhao Family, Wang Family, Jin Family, and Gu Family have been annihilated, and the other nine clans seem to be united, and there are faint signs that they have completely mastered the Heavenly Profound Land."

"Also, the Qingdu City, the ruins of the Demon Palace, is closed. Our cultivators who sneaked into the city from the Heavenly Secret Pavilion have not yet come out. In addition, the news of the return of the Demon Emperor came from the upper Shenzhou side of Jiu Yao and killed seven emperor-level powerhouses. ..."

"According to the known news, the authenticity of the return of the Devil Emperor is 70%, and the probability that the person who conflicts with the Young Master is the Devil Emperor... is 30%!"

Hearing what Tianjiwei said, the young master of Tianji Pavilion spouted water directly, and the tea cup in his hand fell off from his hands.

"You, what are you talking about?" Young Master Tianji Pavilion suddenly turned around and grabbed Tianjiwei by the collar, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

What Tianjiwei said was too shocking. Once it is released, it will definitely cause a super earthquake in Shengshang Shenzhou on this day!

"Pavilion Master personally estimated this!" Tian Jiwei said quickly, "Pavilion Master also said that you don't want to check it anymore, so that you won't get caught!"

"Does anyone else know about this news?" Young Master Tianji Pavilion sat in the chair again, his body trembling slightly, even his words trembling.

"Only the pavilion owner and our Tianjiwei know that this news has been located top secret by the pavilion owner!" Tianjiwei said in a deep voice, "I have also cleaned up all the surrounding eyes and ears."

The Tianji Guard is the core member of the Tianji Pavilion. There are no more than fifty in the entire Xuanxiao Continent. His strength is at least the five levels of the True Martial Realm. He is completely loyal to the Tianji Pavilion master and is the core strength of the Tianji Pavilion!

The young master of Tianji Pavilion who provoke Zhang Ziling is the only son of Tianji Pavilion master, Su Changqing.

"It's troublesome now." Su Changqing let go of Tianji Guard, got up and paced back and forth anxiously, "The relationship must be repaired!"

Anything that has a relationship with the Devil Emperor is definitely not a trivial matter!

"Unexpectedly, that guy might be the Devil Emperor, I'm really out of luck." Su Changqing thought that Zhang Ziling might be 30% of the Devil Emperor, and he also had a conflict with Zhang Ziling, and the whole person felt a little painful.

"No, you have to remedy the situation... you go down and make a statement, no matter what Jin Ying wants to do, our Tianji Pavilion will unconditionally support Jin Ying!"


As Tianjiwei left, Su Changqing stared at Jin Ying again. In that short period of time, his clothes all over his body were already wet with sweat!


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