Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1626: The last obstacle

"Meet the patriarch!"

After seeing Jin Mo appear, other elders saluted Jin Mo one after another, even the sixth elder and the seventh elder were no exception.

Jin Mo is now the patriarch of the Jin Jiao clan, the highest authority in name.

Obviously, Jin Mo didn't show up early or later, so he chose to come out at this time, making it clear that he was looking for Jin Ying in trouble.

Jin Mo chuckled and fell onto the platform.

"Patriarch." Jin Ying also saluted Jin Mo without putting on airs.

After all, Jin Mo is still the patriarch, and Jin Ying still has to abide by the corresponding etiquette.

It's just that she doesn't know what Jin Ying is thinking now.

The tribesmen in the audience stopped talking again, and closed their mouths tightly, wanting to see which direction the situation would develop on the stage.

If Jin Ying wins, they will naturally continue to support Jin Ying as the patriarch, but if Jin Ying loses, they don't mind treating Jin Ying as a traitor.

In this world, the winner is always king.

Jin Mo looked at Jin Ying carefully, as if he wanted to see Jin Ying thoroughly.

To be honest, today is the first time Jin Mo heard Jin Ying's name, and Jin Ying beheaded two saints in one day, which made Jin Mo feel a little frightened.

Jin Long had approached Jin Mo before, and Jin Mo also agreed to help Jin Long.

However, until Jin Long was killed by Jin Ying, Jin Mo chose to sit on the sidelines.

Jin Long had long been regarded as an abandoned son by Jin Mo to judge Jin Ying's strength.

Obviously, Jin Ying's performance exceeded Jin Mo's expectations.

However, no matter how strong Jin Ying is, she will rely on external forces, and there will always be flaws. Jin Mo believed that as long as he was a little careful, he should be able to defeat Jin Ying.

The reason why Jinlong died in Jin Ying's hands was also a careless factor. As long as Jin Mo was careful not to be corroded by Jin Ying's magical laws, he still had a high chance of winning.

Of course, Jin Mo was not ready to act on Jin Ying right away.

There is no irreconcilable conflict between him and Jin Ying, everything can be discussed.

"Jin Ying, with your current strength, you are indeed qualified to become the leader of a clan. But your age is too young. I suggest you practice for a period of time before I pass on the position of the patriarch to you. What do you think? "Jin Mo restrained his momentum as much as possible, and said with a smile while watching Jin Ying.

Jin Ying just looked at Jin Mo calmly without saying anything.

This Jin Mo was the last hurdle that prevented her from becoming a patriarch, and Jin Ying would not care about it.

"By the way, the body you mentioned is too mysterious and its origin is unknown. You temporarily handed the body to me, and I will keep it for you. This will also prevent some scheming people from coveting it."

"Your face is not red at all." Jin Ying laughed when she heard Jin Mo's words, "Through my hand to get rid of your confidant troubles, now you are standing up again and wanting to take my power. Patriarch... Are you a little too naive?"

"What are you talking about?" Jin Mo deliberately scowled, "All this is for the Jin Jiao Clan."

"The long-term internal fighting between Jinlong and Jinyan has consumed most of the strength of the clan. I have long wanted to take care of the two of them. Now you have helped me so much. I thank you for being too late. Why would you try your power? ?"

"Didn't I say that, sooner or later the patriarch will be yours."

"But... Jin Ying, the power you have now is too weird, and you are too young to be easily swallowed by that power." Jin Mo looked at Jin Ying with concern, "That body is of extraordinary origin. Don't be careless. I'm doing it for you!"

"Thank you for the kindness of the patriarch." Jin Ying bowed slightly to Jin Mo.

"If the patriarch really wants the corpse, Jin Ying has no opinion. After all, the patriarch is only one step away from the emperor rank. With the help of that senior, it would be impossible to break through to the emperor."

"At that time, my Jinjiao clan is the Emperor's Taoism, and it will only benefit Jin Ying, but..."

"But what?" Jin Mo asked quickly. What Jin Ying said was exactly what he wanted!

Even Jin Ying can gain the power to kill a saint, Jin Mo believes... as long as she gets the mysterious body in Jin Ying's mouth, she can definitely break through the final shackles!

"Jin Ying previously committed herself to marrying the Wen family for the sake of her family, but now that the Wen family has been destroyed, Jin Ying returned to the patriarch but was left out in the cold. What the family did to Jin Ying... really chilled Jin Ying."

"That's why Jin Ying eagerly wants to become the patriarch, and use the position of patriarch to soothe my wounded heart." Jin Ying pretended to be pitiful, seeing the elders around her hair standing upright.

When Jin Ying killed someone just now, she didn't look aggrieved at all.

"I have promised that you will be the next patriarch. You don't have to worry about this." Jin Mo comforted Jin Ying.

As long as he gains Jin Ying's power, Jin Mo will be able to break through to the emperor level, and he will abdicate whenever he wants to. Jin Ying can't help him.

"Is the patriarch of your family this virtue?" Zhang Ziling sneered when he heard what Jin Mo said in the tall building in the distance.

"Want to gain strength, but hold on to the slight power in my hands, it is really disappointing."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, the faces of several elders became so ugly, they didn't know how to say it.

Jin Mo's performance really disappointed them.

But... they can only watch from a distance and can't do anything.

After they sat down, they found that their whole body was bound by Zhang Ziling, unable to move at all.

After that, Zhang Ziling let them sit here quietly and watch the play, watching Jin Ying and Jin Mo seize power.

The great elders are almost certain now that Zhang Ziling is a powerful emperor!

"Senior, what do you...what do you want to do?" a supreme elder asked Zhang Ziling. With Zhang Ziling here, he is almost destined to lose.

All Jin Mo's actions now are as ridiculous as a monkey show in their eyes!

"What do I want to do?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow, "As long as you sit here obediently, I won't do anything."

"You know what I'm asking." The elder Taishang looked directly at Zhang Ziling. Of course he was not asking what Zhang Ziling wanted to do to them now.

What he wanted to know was why Zhang Ziling hated their Jin Jiao tribe.

"I think there is nothing to provoke seniors, will we have some misunderstandings?"

Hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, Zhang Ziling glanced at him deeply, and then turned his gaze to the distant high platform again.

"You guys don't want to know."

Zhang Ziling tapped his fingers on the table regularly.

"Watch the show quietly... if you want to survive."

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